
You're the expert, I just work here.
You are the boss.~~

cutting it close 几乎来不及
The test is tomorrow morning, and we haven't even started studying yet.That's cutting it too close.

Gut feeling 肠子感觉到, 预感 直觉
I have a gut feeling she likes me, so I'm gonna ask her out.
I have a gut feeling this landlord 房东 is honest. So I think we should move in here.

hot shot 自以为是的人
ok hot shot, if you're so good at picking up women, why don't you go talk to that group of models.模特

You've got blinders 眼罩 on the wold 不知道周围发生了什么

Don't you know that today's a holiday or have you got blinders on to the world?

It's my nest egg 养老金/买车买房,准备的钱
We've been building our nest egg for years, it wouldn't be wise to waste it on a bad investment.

At my age, you gotta think ahead. 早做打算

bail on = give up
Why don't you bail on your girlfriend tonight, and 

come out with the boys instead?

out of harm's way

If you walk home alone at night. you're putting 

yourself directly in harm's way.

an act of faith对什么很有信心,勇气

Moving to Shanghai required an act of faith. I 

didn't know if I would be able to find work, but I 


show a little charity = to be generous with your 


Your business is doing very well. Why don't you show 

a little charity and donate some money to our 


You have so many gfs, can't introduce me to one of 

them? Show a little charity, man.

floor it 提速,油门踩到底

We're gonna be late for the movie, If you floor it, 

we might make it in time.

Floor it Mr. Taxi driver, I have a train to catch

He's been a step ahead every time.
I can never beat my dad at chess. He's always 

thinking a step ahead.

It seems like you've been a step ahead of me our 

entire lives, and now you're even getting married 


