OpenCV每日函数 对象追踪模块 使用增强相关系数 (ECC) 最大化的图像配准

一、OpenCV 中的运动模型




        代表这些模型的 OpenCV 常量具有前缀 MOTION_ 并显示在括号内。

        平移(MOTION_TRANSLATION):可以将第一张图像平移(平移)(x,y)以获得第二张图像。我们只需要估计两个参数x和y 。

        欧几里得 ( MOTION_EUCLIDEAN ) : 第一个图像是第二个图像的旋转和移动版本。所以有三个参数 - x,y和angle。您会在图 4 中注意到,当正方形经过欧几里得变换时,大小不变,平行线保持平行,变换后直角保持不变。


        Homography ( MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY ):上面描述的所有变换都是 2D 变换。它们不考虑 3D 效果。另一方面,单应变换可以解释一些 3D 效果(但不是全部)。这个变换有 8 个参数。使用 Homography 变换的正方形可以变为任何四边形。

        在 OpenCV 中,仿射变换存储在2 x 3大小的矩阵中。平移和欧几里得变换是仿射变换的特例。在平移中,旋转、比例和剪切参数为零,而在欧几里德变换中,比例和剪切参数为零。所以平移和欧几里得变换也存储在一个2 x 3矩阵中。一旦估计了这个矩阵(我们将在下一节中看到),就可以使用函数warpAffine 将图像对齐。

        另一方面,单应性存储在3 x 3矩阵中。一旦估计了 Homography,就可以使用warpPerspective将图像对齐。


        findTransformECC函数根据 ECC 标准查找两个图像之间的几何变换(warpMatrix)。

\texttt{warpMatrix} = \arg\max_{W} \texttt{ECC}(\texttt{templateImage}(x,y),\texttt{inputImage}(x',y')),其中\begin{bmatrix} x' \\ y' \end{bmatrix} = W \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}。(该方程适用于单应性的齐次坐标)。它返回最终增强的相关系数,即模板图像和最终扭曲输入图像之间的相关系数。当一个3 × 3矩阵以motionType = 0、1或2给出,第三行被忽略。

        与 findHomography 和 estimateRigidTransform 不同,函数 findTransformECC 实现了基于强度相似性的基于区域的对齐。本质上,该函数会更新大致对齐图像的初始转换。如果缺少此信息,则将身份扭曲(统一矩阵)用作初始化。请注意,如果图像经历强烈的位移/旋转,则需要进行大致对齐图像的初始变换(例如,允许图像大致显示相同图像内容的简单欧几里德/相似性变换)。在第二个图像中使用反向扭曲来获取接近第一个图像的图像,即使用带有 warpAffine 或 warpPerspective 的标志 WARP_INVERSE_MAP。

        OpenCV 3 中引入的 ECC 图像对齐算法基于Georgios D. Evangelidis 和 Emmanouil Z. Psarakis于 2008 年发表的题为使用增强相关系数最大化的参数图像对齐的论文。他们建议使用一种称为增强相关系数 (ECC)的新相似性度量来估计运动模型的参数。使用他们的方法有两个优点。

        1、与像素强度差异的传统相似性度量不同,ECC 对对比度和亮度的光度失真是不变的。



double 	cv::findTransformECC (InputArray templateImage, InputArray inputImage, InputOutputArray warpMatrix, int motionType, TermCriteria criteria, InputArray inputMask, int gaussFiltSize)


templateImage 单通道模板图像; CV_8U 或 CV_32F 。
inputImage 单通道输入图像,应使用最终的 warpMatrix 进行变形,以提供类似于 templateImage 的图像,与 templateImage 相同类型。
warpMatrix 浮点 2×3 或 3×3 映射矩阵(扭曲)。
motionType 参数,指定运动的类型:

MOTION_TRANSLATION 设置平移运动模型; warpMatrix 是 2×3,前 2×2 部分是单位矩阵,其余两个参数是估计的。
MOTION_EUCLIDEAN 将欧几里得(刚性)变换设置为运动模型; 估计三个参数; warpMatrix 是 2×3。
MOTION_AFFINE 设置仿射运动模型(默认); 估计六个参数; warpMatrix 是 2×3。
MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY 将单应性设置为运动模型; 估计了八个参数;`warpMatrix` 为 3×3。

criteria 参数,指定ECC算法的终止标准; 标准.epsilon 定义了两次迭代之间相关系数增量的阈值(负标准.epsilon 使标准.maxcount 成为唯一的终止标准)。 默认值显示在上面的声明中。
inputMask 一个可选掩码,用于指示 inputImage 的有效值。
gaussFiltSize 表示高斯模糊滤波器大小的可选值; (默认:5)





double cv::findTransformECC(InputArray templateImage,
                            InputArray inputImage,
                            InputOutputArray warpMatrix,
                            int motionType,
                            TermCriteria criteria,
                            InputArray inputMask,
                            int gaussFiltSize)

    Mat src = templateImage.getMat();//template image
    Mat dst = inputImage.getMat(); //input image (to be warped)
    Mat map = warpMatrix.getMat(); //warp (transformation)


    // If the user passed an un-initialized warpMatrix, initialize to identity
    if(map.empty()) {
        int rowCount = 2;
        if(motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
            rowCount = 3;

        warpMatrix.create(rowCount, 3, CV_32FC1);
        map = warpMatrix.getMat();
        map = Mat::eye(rowCount, 3, CV_32F);

    if( ! (src.type()==dst.type()))
        CV_Error( Error::StsUnmatchedFormats, "Both input images must have the same data type" );

    //accept only 1-channel images
    if( src.type() != CV_8UC1 && src.type()!= CV_32FC1)
        CV_Error( Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "Images must have 8uC1 or 32fC1 type");

    if( map.type() != CV_32FC1)
        CV_Error( Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "warpMatrix must be single-channel floating-point matrix");

    CV_Assert (map.cols == 3);
    CV_Assert (map.rows == 2 || map.rows ==3);

    CV_Assert (motionType == MOTION_AFFINE || motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY ||
        motionType == MOTION_EUCLIDEAN || motionType == MOTION_TRANSLATION);

    if (motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY){
        CV_Assert (map.rows ==3);

    CV_Assert (criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT || criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS);
    const int    numberOfIterations = (criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT) ? criteria.maxCount : 200;
    const double termination_eps    = (criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS)   ? criteria.epsilon  :  -1;

    int paramTemp = 6;//default: affine
    switch (motionType){
          paramTemp = 2;
          paramTemp = 3;
          paramTemp = 8;

    const int numberOfParameters = paramTemp;

    const int ws = src.cols;
    const int hs = src.rows;
    const int wd = dst.cols;
    const int hd = dst.rows;

    Mat Xcoord = Mat(1, ws, CV_32F);
    Mat Ycoord = Mat(hs, 1, CV_32F);
    Mat Xgrid = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);
    Mat Ygrid = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);

    float* XcoPtr = Xcoord.ptr<float>(0);
    float* YcoPtr = Ycoord.ptr<float>(0);
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<ws; j++)
        XcoPtr[j] = (float) j;
    for (j=0; j<hs; j++)
        YcoPtr[j] = (float) j;

    repeat(Xcoord, hs, 1, Xgrid);
    repeat(Ycoord, 1, ws, Ygrid);


    Mat templateZM    = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed)zero-mean version of template
    Mat templateFloat = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed) template
    Mat imageFloat    = Mat(hd, wd, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed) input image
    Mat imageWarped   = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the warped zero-mean input image
    Mat imageMask     = Mat(hs, ws, CV_8U); // to store the final mask

    Mat inputMaskMat = inputMask.getMat();
    //to use it for mask warping
    Mat preMask;
        preMask = Mat::ones(hd, wd, CV_8U);
        threshold(inputMask, preMask, 0, 1, THRESH_BINARY);

    //gaussian filtering is optional
    src.convertTo(templateFloat, templateFloat.type());
    GaussianBlur(templateFloat, templateFloat, Size(gaussFiltSize, gaussFiltSize), 0, 0);

    Mat preMaskFloat;
    preMask.convertTo(preMaskFloat, CV_32F);
    GaussianBlur(preMaskFloat, preMaskFloat, Size(gaussFiltSize, gaussFiltSize), 0, 0);
    // Change threshold.
    preMaskFloat *= (0.5/0.95);
    // Rounding conversion.
    preMaskFloat.convertTo(preMask, preMask.type());
    preMask.convertTo(preMaskFloat, preMaskFloat.type());

    dst.convertTo(imageFloat, imageFloat.type());
    GaussianBlur(imageFloat, imageFloat, Size(gaussFiltSize, gaussFiltSize), 0, 0);

    // needed matrices for gradients and warped gradients
    Mat gradientX = Mat::zeros(hd, wd, CV_32FC1);
    Mat gradientY = Mat::zeros(hd, wd, CV_32FC1);
    Mat gradientXWarped = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32FC1);
    Mat gradientYWarped = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32FC1);

    // calculate first order image derivatives
    Matx13f dx(-0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f);

    filter2D(imageFloat, gradientX, -1, dx);
    filter2D(imageFloat, gradientY, -1, dx.t());

    gradientX = gradientX.mul(preMaskFloat);
    gradientY = gradientY.mul(preMaskFloat);

    // matrices needed for solving linear equation system for maximizing ECC
    Mat jacobian                = Mat(hs, ws*numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
    Mat hessian                 = Mat(numberOfParameters, numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
    Mat hessianInv              = Mat(numberOfParameters, numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
    Mat imageProjection         = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
    Mat templateProjection      = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
    Mat imageProjectionHessian  = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
    Mat errorProjection         = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);

    Mat deltaP = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);//transformation parameter correction
    Mat error = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);//error as 2D matrix

    const int imageFlags = INTER_LINEAR  + WARP_INVERSE_MAP;
    const int maskFlags  = INTER_NEAREST + WARP_INVERSE_MAP;

    // iteratively update map_matrix
    double rho      = -1;
    double last_rho = - termination_eps;
    for (int i = 1; (i <= numberOfIterations) && (fabs(rho-last_rho)>= termination_eps); i++)

        // warp-back portion of the inputImage and gradients to the coordinate space of the templateImage
        if (motionType != MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
            warpAffine(imageFloat, imageWarped,     map, imageWarped.size(),     imageFlags);
            warpAffine(gradientX,  gradientXWarped, map, gradientXWarped.size(), imageFlags);
            warpAffine(gradientY,  gradientYWarped, map, gradientYWarped.size(), imageFlags);
            warpAffine(preMask,    imageMask,       map, imageMask.size(),       maskFlags);
            warpPerspective(imageFloat, imageWarped,     map, imageWarped.size(),     imageFlags);
            warpPerspective(gradientX,  gradientXWarped, map, gradientXWarped.size(), imageFlags);
            warpPerspective(gradientY,  gradientYWarped, map, gradientYWarped.size(), imageFlags);
            warpPerspective(preMask,    imageMask,       map, imageMask.size(),       maskFlags);

        Scalar imgMean, imgStd, tmpMean, tmpStd;
        meanStdDev(imageWarped,   imgMean, imgStd, imageMask);
        meanStdDev(templateFloat, tmpMean, tmpStd, imageMask);

        subtract(imageWarped,   imgMean, imageWarped, imageMask);//zero-mean input
        templateZM = Mat::zeros(templateZM.rows, templateZM.cols, templateZM.type());
        subtract(templateFloat, tmpMean, templateZM,  imageMask);//zero-mean template

        const double tmpNorm = std::sqrt(countNonZero(imageMask)*(tmpStd.val[0])*(tmpStd.val[0]));
        const double imgNorm = std::sqrt(countNonZero(imageMask)*(imgStd.val[0])*(imgStd.val[0]));

        // calculate jacobian of image wrt parameters
        switch (motionType){
            case MOTION_AFFINE:
                image_jacobian_affine_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, jacobian);
            case MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY:
                image_jacobian_homo_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, map, jacobian);
            case MOTION_TRANSLATION:
                image_jacobian_translation_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, jacobian);
            case MOTION_EUCLIDEAN:
                image_jacobian_euclidean_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, map, jacobian);

        // calculate Hessian and its inverse
        project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, jacobian, hessian);

        hessianInv = hessian.inv();

        const double correlation =;

        // calculate enhanced correlation coefficient (ECC)->rho
        last_rho = rho;
        rho = correlation/(imgNorm*tmpNorm);
        if (cvIsNaN(rho)) {
          CV_Error(Error::StsNoConv, "NaN encountered.");

        // project images into jacobian
        project_onto_jacobian_ECC( jacobian, imageWarped, imageProjection);
        project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, templateZM, templateProjection);

        // calculate the parameter lambda to account for illumination variation
        imageProjectionHessian = hessianInv*imageProjection;
        const double lambda_n = (imgNorm*imgNorm) -;
        const double lambda_d = correlation -;
        if (lambda_d <= 0.0)
            rho = -1;
            CV_Error(Error::StsNoConv, "The algorithm stopped before its convergence. The correlation is going to be minimized. Images may be uncorrelated or non-overlapped");

        const double lambda = (lambda_n/lambda_d);

        // estimate the update step delta_p
        error = lambda*templateZM - imageWarped;
        project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, error, errorProjection);
        deltaP = hessianInv * errorProjection;

        // update warping matrix
        update_warping_matrix_ECC( map, deltaP, motionType);


    // return final correlation coefficient
    return rho;

double cv::findTransformECC(InputArray templateImage, InputArray inputImage,
    InputOutputArray warpMatrix, int motionType,
    TermCriteria criteria,
    InputArray inputMask)
    // Use default value of 5 for gaussFiltSize to maintain backward compatibility.
    return findTransformECC(templateImage, inputImage, warpMatrix, motionType, criteria, inputMask, 5);


        在OpenCV中,ECC 图像对齐的运动模型使用函数findTransformECC进行估计。以下是使用 findTransformECC 的步骤





        使用 findTransformECC 估计变换矩阵。






// Read the images to be aligned
	Mat im1 = imread("images\\image1.jpg");
	Mat im2 = imread("images\\image2.jpg");

	// Convert images to gray scale;
	Mat im1_gray, im2_gray;
	cvtColor(im1, im1_gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
	cvtColor(im2, im2_gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

	// Define the motion model
	const int warp_mode = MOTION_EUCLIDEAN;

	// Set a 2x3 or 3x3 warp matrix depending on the motion model.
	Mat warp_matrix;

	// Initialize the matrix to identity
	if (warp_mode == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
		warp_matrix = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);
		warp_matrix = Mat::eye(2, 3, CV_32F);

	// Specify the number of iterations.
	int number_of_iterations = 5000;

	// Specify the threshold of the increment
	// in the correlation coefficient between two iterations
	double termination_eps = 1e-10;

	// Define termination criteria
	TermCriteria criteria(TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, number_of_iterations, termination_eps);

	// Run the ECC algorithm. The results are stored in warp_matrix.

	// Storage for warped image.
	Mat im2_aligned;

	if (warp_mode != MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
		// Use warpAffine for Translation, Euclidean and Affine
		warpAffine(im2, im2_aligned, warp_matrix, im1.size(), INTER_LINEAR + WARP_INVERSE_MAP);
		// Use warpPerspective for Homography
		warpPerspective(im2, im2_aligned, warp_matrix, im1.size(), INTER_LINEAR + WARP_INVERSE_MAP);

	cv::imwrite("Aligned.jpg", im2_aligned);



//读取 8 位彩色图像。这是三个通道垂直连接的图像。
	Mat im = imread("images\\emir.jpg", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

	// Find the width and height of the color image
	Size sz = im.size();
	int height = sz.height / 3;
	int width = sz.width;

	// Extract the three channels from the gray scale image
	channels.push_back(im(Rect(0, 0, width, height)));
	channels.push_back(im(Rect(0, height, width, height)));
	channels.push_back(im(Rect(0, 2 * height, width, height)));

	// Merge the three channels into one color image
	Mat im_color;
	merge(channels, im_color);

	// Set space for aligned image.
	vector<Mat> aligned_channels;
	aligned_channels.push_back(Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1));
	aligned_channels.push_back(Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1));

	// The blue and green channels will be aligned to the red channel.
	// So copy the red channel

	// Define motion model
	const int warp_mode = MOTION_AFFINE;

	// Set space for warp matrix.
	Mat warp_matrix;

	// Set the warp matrix to identity.
	if (warp_mode == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
		warp_matrix = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);
		warp_matrix = Mat::eye(2, 3, CV_32F);

	// Set the stopping criteria for the algorithm.
	int number_of_iterations = 5000;
	double termination_eps = 1e-10;

	TermCriteria criteria(TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS,
		number_of_iterations, termination_eps);

	// Warp the blue and green channels to the red channel
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

		double cc = findTransformECC(

		cout << "warp_matrix : " << warp_matrix << endl;
		cout << "CC " << cc << endl;
		if (cc == -1)
			cerr << "The execution was interrupted. The correlation value is going to be minimized." << endl;
			cerr << "Check the warp initialization and/or the size of images." << endl << flush;

		if (warp_mode == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
			// Use Perspective warp when the transformation is a Homography
			warpPerspective(channels[i], aligned_channels[i], warp_matrix, aligned_channels[0].size(), INTER_LINEAR + WARP_INVERSE_MAP);
			// Use Affine warp when the transformation is not a Homography
			warpAffine(channels[i], aligned_channels[i], warp_matrix, aligned_channels[0].size(), INTER_LINEAR + WARP_INVERSE_MAP);


	// Merge the three channels
	Mat im_aligned;
	merge(aligned_channels, im_aligned);

	// Show final output
	imshow("Color Image", im_color);
	imshow("Aligned Image", im_aligned);



