【Swift 60秒】78 - Deinitializers

0x00 Lesson

The fourth difference between classes and structs is that classes can have deinitializers code that gets run when an instance of a class is destroyed.

To demonstrate this, here’s a Person class with a name property, a simple initializer, and a printGreeting() method that prints a message:

class Person {
	var name = "John Doe"
	init() {
		print("\(name) is alive!")
	func printGreeting() {
		print("Hello, I'm \(name)")

We’re going to create a few instances of the Person class inside a loop, because each time the loop goes around a new person will be created then destroyed:

for _ in 1...3 {
	let person = Person()

And now for the deinitializer. This will be called when the Person instance is being destroyed:

deinit {
	print("\(name) is no more!")

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