【Swift 60秒】66 - Properties and methods of arrays

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Arrays are also structs, which means they too have their own methods and properties we can use to query and manipulate the array.

Here’s a simple array to get us started:

var toys = ["Woody"]

You can read the number of items in an array using its count property:


If you want to add a new item, use the append() method like this:


You can locate any item inside an array using its firstlndex() method, like this:

toys.firstIndex(of: "Buzz")

That will return 1 because arrays count from 0.

Just like with strings, you can have Swift sort the items of the array alphabetically:


Finally, if you want to remove an item, use the remove() method like this:

toys.remove(at: 0)

Arrays have lots more properties and methods - try typing toys. to bring up Xcode’s code completion options.

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