




  • plink1.9的ped和map数据,不如:a.ped,
  • plink1.9的bed和bim和fam数据,比如:a.bim, a.bed, a.fam
  • plink2.0的bgen和sample数据,比如:a.bgen, a.sample
  • plink2.0的pgen和bim和fam数据,比如a.pgen,a.fam,a.bim
    • vcf数据,比如a.vcf



  • 1,保留参考等位基因的信息,比如vcf格式的数据,不要添加参数 --keep-allele-order。这样vcf变为plink,plink变为vcf就可以不用指定ref和alt了,切换无障碍!

  • 2,新的.pgen文件,结合SNPack-style的压缩,可以节约80%的文件大小。比如1000个Genomes,比压缩的gzip文件小70%,且不丢失任何信息。压缩文件空间更小,速度更快。

  • 3,旧版的二进制文件(bed,bim和fam)文件,plink2.0依旧支持,输出文件包括两种:–make-bpgen 和 --make-bpfile文件。可以支持plink1.9的文件格式,无论是map和ped数据,还是bed,bim和fam格式。

  • 4,分析模块,进行了优化。标准的logistic回归分析失败产生NA或者无意义的结果,–glm比plink1.9的–linear速度提升1000倍。尤其是填充的剂量效应的基因型值(比如0.2,1.8这样的非整数型数据)。PCA分析汇总,增加了参数PCA approx,当样本超过1万,这个参数可以不影响精度(影响不到1%),大大提升计算效率。样本量支持得更多,处理速度更快!

2,plink2.0 安装

plink2.0 网站:


  • Intel
  • AMD
  • 苹果M1

建议:plink1.9简写为plink,plink2.0 简写为plink2





$ plink2

PLINK v2.00a3.7LM AVX2 Intel (24 Oct 2022)
(C) 2005-2022 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang   GNU General Public License v3

  plink2 <input flag(s)...> [command flag(s)...] [other flag(s)...]
  plink2 --help [flag name(s)...]

Commands include --rm-dup list, --make-bpgen, --export, --freq, --geno-counts,
--sample-counts, --missing, --hardy, --het, --fst, --indep-pairwise, --ld,
--sample-diff, --make-king, --king-cutoff, --pmerge, --pgen-diff,
--write-samples, --write-snplist, --make-grm-list, --pca, --glm, --adjust-file,
--score, --variant-score, --genotyping-rate, --pgen-info, --validate, and

"plink2 --help | more" describes all functions.


  • A,是0-1-2编码
  • ped,是map和ped格式
  • vcf,是vcf格式
  • bgen-1.x,包括1.1, 1.2, 1.3,都是bgen格式
$ plink2 --export --help
PLINK v2.00a3.7LM AVX2 Intel (24 Oct 2022)
(C) 2005-2022 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang   GNU General Public License v3
--help present, ignoring other flags.

--export <output format(s)...> [{
    01 | 12}] ['bgz'] ['id-delim='<char>]
         ['id-paste='<column set descriptor>] ['include-alt']
         ['omit-nonmale-y'] ['spaces'] ['vcf-dosage='<field>] ['ref-first']
         ['bits='<#>] ['sample-v2']
  Create a new fileset with all filters applied.  The following output
  formats are supported:
  (actually, only A, AD, Av, bcf, bgen-1.x, haps, hapslegend, ind-major-bed,
  oxford, ped, tped, and vcf are implemented for now)
  * '23': 23andMe 4-column format.  This can only be used on a single
          sample's data (--keep may be handy), and does not support
          multicharacter allele codes.
  * 'A': Sample-major additive (0/1/2) coding, suitable for loading from R.
         If you need uncounted alleles to be named in the header line, add
         the 'include-alt' modifier.
  * 'AD': Sample-major additive (0/1/2) + dominant (het=1/hom=0) coding.
          Also supports 'include-alt'.
  * 'Av': Variant-major 0/1/2.
  * 'beagle': Unphased per-autosome .dat and .map files, readable by early
              BEAGLE versions.
  * 'beagle-nomap': Single .beagle.dat file.
  * 'bgen-1.x': Oxford-format .bgen + .sample.  For v1.2/v1.3, sample
                identifiers are stored in the .bgen (with id-delim and
                id-paste settings applied), and default precision is 16-bit
                (use the 'bits' modifier to reduce this).
  * 'bimbam': Regular BIMBAM format.
  * 'bimbam-1chr': BIMBAM format, with a two-column .pos.txt file.  Does not
                   support multiple chromosomes.
  * 'fastphase': Per-chromosome fastPHASE files, with
                 .chr-<chr #>.phase.inp filename extensions.
  * 'fastphase-1chr': Single .phase.inp file.  Does not support
                      multiple chromosomes.
  * 'haps', 'hapslegend': Oxford-format .haps + .sample[ + .legend].  All
                          data must be biallelic and phased.  When the 'bgz'
                          modifier is present, the .haps file is
  * 'HV': Per-chromosome Haploview files, with .chr-<chr #>{
          filename extensions.
  * 'HV-1chr': Single Haploview .ped + .info file pair.  Does not support
               multiple chromosomes.
  * 'ind-major-bed': PLINK 1 sample-major .bed (+ .bim + .fam).
  * 'lgen': PLINK 1 long-format (.lgen + .fam + .map), loadable with --lfile.
  * 'lgen-ref': .lgen + .fam + .map + .ref, loadable with --lfile +
  * 'list': Single genotype-based list, up to 4 lines per variant.  To omit
            nonmale genotypes on the Y chromosome, add the 'omit-nonmale-y'
  * 'rlist': .rlist + .fam + .map fileset, where the .rlist file is a
              genotype-based list which omits the most common genotype for
              each variant.  Also supports 'omit-nonmale-y'.
  * 'oxford', 'oxford-v2': Oxford-format .gen + .sample.  When the 'bgz'
                           modifier is present, the .gen file is
                           block-gzipped.  'oxford' requests the original
                           .gen file format with 5 leading columns
                           (understood by older PLINK builds); 'oxford-v2'
                           requests the current 6-leading-column flavor.
  * 'ped', 'compound-genotypes': PLINK 1 sample-major (.ped + .map),
                                 loadable with --pedmap.
  * 'structure': Structure-format.
  * 'tped': PLINK 1 variant-major (.tped + .tfam), loadable with --tfile.
  * 'vcf',     : VCF (default version 4.3).  If PAR1 and PAR2 are present,
    'vcf-4.2',   they are automatically merged with chrX, with proper
    'bcf',       handling of chromosome codes and male ploidy.
    'bcf-4.2'    When the 'bgz' modifier is present, the VCF file is
                 block-gzipped.  (This always happens with BCF output.)
                 The 'id-paste' modifier controls which .psam columns are
                 used to construct sample IDs (choices are maybefid, fid,
                 iid, maybesid, and sid; default is maybefid,iid,maybesid),
                 while the 'id-delim' modifier sets the character between the
                 ID pieces (default '_').
                 Genotypes are always exported.  If you want to export a
                 sites-only VCF instead, see --make-pgen/--make-just-pvar's
                 'vcfheader' column set.
                 Dosages are not exported unless the 'vcf-dosage=' modifier
                 is present.  The following six dosage export modes are
                 'GP': genotype posterior probabilities (v4.3 only).
                 'DS': Minimac3-style dosages, omitted for hardcalls.
                 'DS-force': Minimac3-style dosages, never omit.
                 'DS-only': Same as DS-force, except GT field is omitted.
                 'HDS': Minimac3-style phased dosages, omitted for hardcalls
                        and unphased calls.  Also includes 'DS' output.
                 'HDS-force': Always report DS and HDS.
  In addition,
  * The '12' modifier causes alt1 alleles to be coded as '1' and ref alleles
    to be coded as '2', while '01' maps alt1 -> 0 and ref -> 1.
  * The 'spaces' modifier makes the output space-delimited instead of
    tab-delimited, whenever both are permitted.
  * For biallelic formats where it's unspecified whether the reference/major
    allele should appear first or second, --export defaults to second for
    compatibility with PLINK 1.9.  Use 'ref-first' to change this.
    (Note that this doesn't apply to the 'A', 'AD', and 'Av' formats; use
    --export-allele to control which alleles are counted there.)
  * 'sample-v2' exports .sample files according to the QCTOOLv2 rather than
    the original specification.  Only one ID column is exported ('id-paste'
    and 'id-delim' settings apply), parental IDs are exported if present, and
    category names are preserved rather than converted to positive integers.

--export-allele <file> : With --export A/AD/Av, count alleles named in the
                         file, instead of REF alleles.

4. plink2.0 笔记

4.1 读取plink的ped和map数据

plink2.0,没有–file这个参数了,变为了:--pedmap,也可以分开写,比如 --ped --map分别接ped和map数据。

plink2 --ped yuanshi.ped --map


plink2 --pedmap yuanshi


plink2.log  plink2.pgen  plink2.psam  plink2.pvar

  • plink2.log,log日志,不用理会
  • plink2.pgen,二进制文件,类似plink1.9的bim文件
  • plink2.psam,个体和性别信息
  • plink2.pvar,snp的信息,包括染色体、物理位置、名称、ref和alt

4.2 读取plink的bed,bim和fam数据



plink2 --bfile a1 --export bgen-1.1 --out t1


$ plink2 --bfile a1 --export bgen-1.1 --out t1
PLINK v2.00a3.7LM AVX2 Intel (24 Oct 2022)
(C) 2005-2022 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang   GNU General Public License v3
Logging to t1.log.
Options in effect:
  --bfile a1
  --export bgen-1.1
  --out t1

Start time: Thu Dec  1 18:59:10 2022
1031523 MiB RAM detected; reserving 515761 MiB for main workspace.
Using up to 96 threads (change this with --threads).
86 samples (0 females, 0 males, 86 ambiguous; 86 founders) loaded from a1.fam.
50904 variants loaded from a1.bim.
Note: No phenotype data present.
Writing t1.bgen ... done.
Writing t1.sample ... done.

4.3 读取bgen和sample格式


plink2 --bgen t1.bgen 'ref-last' --sample t1.sample --export ped --out x1

注意:bgen和sample是一对数据,读取时,要分开指定,–bgen, --sample,同时要指定‘ref-last’,即后面的是ref,前面的是alt,也可以修改。

4.4 读取vcf数据


读取vcf,导出ped和map数据:需要定义--export ped

plink2 --vcf x2.vcf --export ped --out y1



plink2 --vcf x2.vcf --make-bed --out y2


读取vcf数据,导出bgen和sample数据,需要定义--export bgen-1.1

plink2 --vcf x2.vcf --export bgen-1.1 --out y3


