

1. 概要

2. 实现

3. 运行结果

1. 概要







2. 实现

        CliffWalking-v0游戏的环境设定类似于GridWorld,所以这里采用了类似于GridWorld的状态表示方法。环境类对象创建时,用一个二维数组表示网格环境中各cell的类型,“1”表示Terminate cell;“-1”表示Cliff cells;“0”表示其它cells。如下所示:

    grid = [
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    grid[3][11] = 1 # Terminate cell
    for k in range(1,11):
        grid[3][k] = -1  # Cliff cells


    def transit_func(self, state, action):
        Prob(s',r|s,a) stored in one dict[(s',reward)].
        transition_probs = {}
        if not self.can_action_at(state):
            # Already on the terminal cell.
            return transition_probs

        opposite_direction = Action(action.value * -1)

        for a in self.actions:
            prob = 0
            if a == action:
                prob = self.move_prob
            elif a != opposite_direction:
                prob = (1 - self.move_prob) / 2

            next_state = self._move(state, a)
            if next_state.row == (self.row_length - 1) and 0 < next_state.column < (self.column_length - 1):
                reward = -100
                next_state = State(self.row_length - 1, 0) # Return to start grid when falls into cliff grid.
                reward = -1
            if (next_state,reward) not in transition_probs:
                transition_probs[(next_state,reward)] = prob
                transition_probs[(next_state,reward)] += prob

        return transition_probs

    def can_action_at(self, state):
            grid[i][j] = 1: Terminate grid
            grid[i][j] =-1: Cliff grids
            grid[i][j] = 0: Other grids
        if self.grid[state.row][state.column] == 0:
            return True
            return False

    def _move(self, state, action):
        Predict the next state upon the combination of {state, action}
        {state, action} --> next_state
        Called in transit_func()
        if not self.can_action_at(state):
            raise Exception("Can't move from here!")

        next_state = state.clone()

        # Execute an action (move).
        if action == Action.UP:
            next_state.row -= 1
        elif action == Action.DOWN:
            next_state.row += 1
        elif action == Action.LEFT:
            next_state.column -= 1
        elif action == Action.RIGHT:
            next_state.column += 1

        # Check whether a state is out of the grid.
        if not (0 <= next_state.row < self.row_length):
            next_state = state
        if not (0 <= next_state.column < self.column_length):
            next_state = state

        # Entering into cliff grids is related to the correspong penalty and 
        # reset to start grid, hence will be handled upper layer.

        return next_state

        Planner类实现一个规划基类,进一步PolicyIterationPlanner类作为Planner子类实现了基于策略迭代的规划器,其中核心就是PolicyIterationPlanner:: policy_evaluation() 和 PolicyIterationPlanner::plan()。策略迭代算法在上一篇(RL笔记:动态规划(2): 策略迭代)中已经介绍,此处不再赘述。

        PolicyIterationPlanner:: policy_evaluation()实现的是策略评估,如下所示:

    def policy_evaluation(self, gamma, threshold):
        V = {}
        for s in self.env.states:
            # Initialize each state's expected reward.
            V[s] = 0

        while True:
            delta = 0
            for s in V:
                expected_rewards = []
                for a in self.policy[s]:
                    action_prob = self.policy[s][a]
                    r = 0
                    for prob, next_state, reward in self.transitions_at(s, a):
                        r += action_prob * prob * \
                             (reward + gamma * V[next_state])
                value = sum(expected_rewards)
                delta = max(delta, abs(value - V[s]))
                V[s] = value
            if delta < threshold:

        return V


   def plan(self, gamma=0.9, threshold=0.0001):
        Implement the policy iteration algorithm
        gamma    : discount factor
        threshold: delta for policy evaluation convergency judge.
        states  = self.env.states
        actions = self.env.actions

        def take_max_action(action_value_dict):
            return max(action_value_dict, key=action_value_dict.get)

        while True:
            update_stable = True
            # Estimate expected rewards under current policy.
            V = self.policy_evaluation(gamma, threshold)

            for s in states:
                # Get an action following to the current policy.
                policy_action = take_max_action(self.policy[s])

                # Compare with other actions.
                action_rewards = {}
                for a in actions:
                    r = 0
                    for prob, next_state, reward in self.transitions_at(s, a):
                        r += prob * (reward + gamma * V[next_state])
                    action_rewards[a] = r
                best_action = take_max_action(action_rewards)
                if policy_action != best_action:
                    update_stable = False

                # Update policy (set best_action prob=1, otherwise=0 (greedy))
                for a in self.policy[s]:
                    prob = 1 if a == best_action else 0
                    self.policy[s][a] = prob

            # Turn dictionary to grid
            self.V_grid = self.dict_to_grid(V)
            self.iters = self.iters + 1
            print('PolicyIteration: iters = {0}'.format(self.iters))

            if update_stable:
                # If policy isn't updated, stop iteration

3. 运行结果





[1] Cliff Walking - Gym Documentation (gymlibrary.dev)

