RFID课程要点总结_1 Introduction

1. Introduction

Comparison of different automatic identification technologies

首先明确一下比较对象。human identification(cost too high)是人力识别就不用说了。

fingerprint identification:

  • stability 稳定,精确度高;
  • high speed, 快速匹配;
  • security issues: 容易被复制。

face recognition:

  • easy to be influenced by surroundings, hair, age…

speech recognition:

  • easy to use and accept by user;
  • not involve privacy;
  • due to international standards, is hard to promoting

1d barcode:

  • limit storage capacity, 点线组合少;
  • need to combine with database;
  • barcode size is large;
  • poor fault tolerance, 本来就需要摄像头可见,如果被污损遮挡很容易就无法识别;

2d barcode recognition:

  • larger storage capacity;
  • high information density;
  • powerful fault tolerance;
  • support for encryption 容量大了就支持更多编码解码等安全措施了。


  • low cost;
  • low power consumption;
  • high accuracy;
  • non-contract, fast speed; 不用接触(哪怕是visual,薄纱条码)
  • certain computing and storage capabilities;


The main features of RFID

  • Non-contact automatic and rapid identification 快速薄纱复杂的人脸和声音,无接触薄纱条码和指纹

  • Permanently store a certain amount of data 永久存储一定量数据

  • Simple logical processing 其包含的简单逻辑电路允许做一定的逻辑处理,比如安全协议、算法

  • Reflection signal strength is affected by the distance and other factors significantly 信号受到距离,读写器功率,其他信号,其他标签的干扰

  • Low cost, can be deployed at a large scale

Constraints of RFID technology


Core technologies of RFID

Anti-collision mechanism:rfid并不支持传统的cmsa/ca无线通信协议,需要采取一些措施防碰撞(reader-reader, tag-reader, tag-tag)

Efficient information storage, retrieval and mining: 尽量节能的信息存储,检索,挖掘

Make full use of the attenuation laws of backscatter signal to assist in positioning and mobile behavior sensing: 我们知道rfid信号会随着距离衰减。反之我们也可以利用这一点来定位物体位置和移动行为感知。

Security certification and privacy protection: 如何利用逻辑门电路校验安全性。

The advantage of RFID in IoT, and the development trend

充电方式:Backscatter, small node and indefinitely time of endurance. but rely on reader, one to many centralized communication 利用无线电 ratio signal 充电的方式

ptp communication: 建立 channel awareness technologies 使得支持被动点对点通信来建立分布式系统

Combine with Sensors: 开发更多应用方式。

RFID and IoT:

  • embed intelligence in the physical object, so that simple physical objects can also “say”.
  • allows a physical object to be uniquely identified in a way similar to the “IP address” of a computing node in the Internet.
  • provides a low-cost communication way to achieve effective communication between nodes.
  • makes the physical objects in a passive environment achieve “passive intelligence“, providing fundamental guarantee for the “thing-thing connection”

