WWW‘23 | Apr 30-May 4,交叉新兴领域顶级会议!清华唐杰任大会主席!

 WWW,曾用名为The International Conference of World Wide Web,从2018年开始更名为The web conference。WWW为交叉,新兴,综合领域的顶级会议,CCF A类,Core Conference Ranking A*类会议,H5指数80,Impact Score 14.69。会议的目的是为全世界的互联网领域研究人员提供一个学术交流平台,共同讨论互联网的发展、相关技术的标准化以及这些技术对社会和文化的影响。每年的WWW都是学术界和工业界的焦点,尤其是几乎所有互联网大公司都会去现场招聘,分发礼品。



本届WWW的共同主席分别是来自清华大学的唐杰,UT Austin的Ying Ding,和来自data.world的Juan Sequeda。

此外,来自清华大学的Yuxiao Dong担任PHD SYMPOSIUM CHAIRS,而来自浙江大学的Huajun Chen担任SPONSOR CHAIRS。具体信息如下:




WWW今年共设置了五个Keynotes,其中第一天的Keynote来自获得图灵奖的来自 UT Austin的Bob Metcalfe,五个Keynotes具体信息如下:



演讲者:Bob Metcalfe

主要内容:The most important new fact about the human condition is that we are now suddenly connected. When I say “suddenly” I refer to the Internet’s birthday, October 29, 1969 and how two thirds of the human race, five billion people, are already on the Internet, in only 50 years. Suddenly. The Arpanet started the Internet in 1969 by networking time-shared minicomputers serving dumb character terminals. Then in 1973 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) decided to put a personal computer on every desk. Ethernet was invented on May 22, 1973 to provide local connectivity among those PCs, one on every desk, if you can imagine that.. The PARC Ethernet was formed by combining Jerrold coaxial vampire taps, Manchester on-off keying, and Alohanet randomized retransmissions. Then we wrapped it in internet protocols according to a layered reference model. Then we standardized it all: Ethernet, IP, TCP, TELNET, FTP, Mail, URL, HTML, HTTP. Ethernet evolved rapidly away from its Jerrold-Manchester-Alohanet prototype. Ethernet’s legacy is instead packets to the desktop, abundance of bandwidth, and standardization. Come hear all about it. GPT is writing my lecture now.



演讲者:David Rand


主题:Using diversity as a source of scientific innovation for the Web

演讲者:Barbara Poblete

主要内容:The Web has become a resource that allows us to make sense of social phenomena around the world. This started the moment users became content creators, and has grown with the emergence of social platforms tailored to our need to connect and share with others. Throughout my work, I've come to appreciate how social media has democratized access to real-world news and social sentiment, while also witnessing the loss of trust created by fake information. As a computer scientist from Chile in Latin America, I have worked on a range of problems that were driven by local needs. Many times, I have tried to apply state of the art solutions to well-known problems, only to find that these don't work outside of their initial evaluation dataset.


主题:Concept Regulation in the Social Sciences

演讲者:Zachary Elkins

主要内容:The sciences, notably biology and medicine, operate with highly regulated taxonomies and ontologies. The Social Sciences, on the other hand, muddle through in a proverbial tower of babel. There may be some real benefits to an undisciplined set of ideas, but also some real costs. Over the last ten years, political scientists have attempted to get their semantic act by cooperating to formalize their vocabulary. The result has been a dramatic improvement in how scholars diagnose and treat problems of democracy, as well as a set of web applications that have changed the way countries write constitutions. Nevertheless, these methods of semantic cooperation have exposed some persistent challenges of “social engineering,” ones that may have tractable web solutions.


主题:GNNs and Graph Generative models for biomedical applications.

演讲者:Michalis Vazirgiannis

主要内容:Graph generative models are recently gaining significant interest in current application domains. They are commonly used to model social networks, knowledge graphs, and protein-protein interaction networks. In this talk we will present the potential of graph generative models and our recent relevant efforts in the biomedical domain. More specifically we present a novel architecture that generates medical records as graphs with privacy guarantees. We capitalize and modify the graph Variational autoencoders (VAEs) architecture. We train the generative model with the well known MIMIC medical database and achieve generated data that are very similar to the real ones yet provide privacy guarantees. We also develop new GNNs for predicting antibiotic resistance and other protein related downstream tasks such as enzymes classifications and Gene Ontology classification. We achieve there as well promising results with potential for future application in broader biomedical related tasks. Finally we present future research directions for multi modal generative models involving graphs.









本届WWW的Research Track共收到有效投稿1900篇,录用365篇,录取率为19.2%。Industry Track共录用42篇。从录用名单来看,华人学者占据了绝对的比例!具体的录用信息如下: 

365 papers in the 11 Research Tracks 

  • Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms (71篇)

  • User Modeling and Personalization (61篇)

  • Web Mining and Content Analysis (53篇)

  • Security, Privacy, and Trust (39篇)

  • Semantics and Knowledge (25篇)

  • Web and Society (21篇)

  • Systems and Infrastructure for Web, Mobile, and WoT (28篇)

  • Search (24篇)

  • Economics, Monetization, and Online Markets (20篇)

  • Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics on the Web (new track) (16篇)

  • Crowdsourcing and Human Computation (7篇)

投稿WWW‘23的小伙伴估计发现了,WWW现在也不是什么领域都收的真正意义上的交叉学科了,WWW'23设置了Desk Reject,其中就包括主题不符的情况。当然,由于不知道官网在统计投稿数量的时候是否加入了Desk Reject的文章,所以录取率也可能不完全准确。



