NetApp 7-mode初始化详解(原AGGR重建)及注意事项





当前FAS2552使用7-mode Ontap,主要用作测试,产品本身已过保,用户计划将当前数据AGGR重新分配,在满足测试容量需求的前提下留出足够的热备盘


  1. 7-mode与c-mode区别
  • C-mode整个CLI无论是设计逻辑还是补全等都非常友好,具体可参考我Ontap初始化那个文章
  • C-mode与7-mode从设计上的最大区别在于支持控制器的横向扩展
  • 部分新功能,当前随着Ontap版本提升也在增加
  • 7-Mode - either single controller, or two controllers clustered for HA; think of it as “traditional” ONTAP with all bells & whistles (dedupe, compression, cloning, etc.
  • Cluster-Mode - either single controller pair, or multiple pairs connected (clustered) via back-end 10GbE network; it originates from ONTAP GX & basically the key thing is, you can have a single storage system with more than two controllers; there are some features specific for C-Mode (single namespace, Infinite Volumes, etc.), but some other features are still missed comparing to 7-Mode (e.g. SnapVault)
  1. 磁盘清零



  • 重启控制器A,进入维护模式
  • 将跟AGGR离线并删除(Aggr offline / Aggr destroy)
  • 移除所有磁盘归属信息(Remove_ownership)
  • 对控制器B进行相同操作
  • 完成后再次重启,选择4清除所有配置及磁盘信息
  • 重启后控制器会自动选择3块硬盘作为root aggr,并开始磁盘清零
  • 完成清零后进入初始化流程


  • 确认需要配置的基础管理信息,包括主机名,DNS,两个节点的管理IP等
  • 确认需要配置的业务相关信息,提前做好相关准备规划
  • 准备好License!



Please enter the new hostname [11]: XXXXX-KS-C1-A
Do you want to enable IPv6? [n]: 
Do you want to configure interface groups? [n]: 
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0a []: 
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0b []: 
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0e []: 
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0f []:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0M []: xx.xx.88.18
Please enter the netmask for Network Interface e0M []:
Please enter flow control for e0M {
    none, receive, send, full} [full]: 
Please enter the name or IP address of the IPv4 default gateway: xx.xx.88.1 
	The administration host is given root access to the filer's
	/etc files for system administration.  To allow /etc root access
	to all NFS clients enter RETURN below.
Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host: 
Please enter timezone [GMT]: 
Where is the filer located? []: KS
Enter the root directory for HTTP files [/home/http]: 
Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]: 
Do you want to run NIS client? [n]: 

	Press the return key to continue.

	The Service Processor (SP) provides remote management capabilities
	including console redirection, logging and power control.
	It also extends autosupport by sending
	additional system event alerts. Your autosupport settings are used
	for sending these alerts via email over the SP LAN interface.
Would you like to configure the SP LAN interface [y]: n
Setting the administrative (root) password for  ...
New password:
Retype new password:

System initialization has completed successfully.


XXXXX-KS-C1-A> options off
XXXXX-KS-C1-A> options disk.auto_asssign off

根据规划将所有磁盘依次assign给制定控制器,assign完成后需要对磁盘进行清零(disk zero spares)

XXXXX-KS-C1-A> disk assign 0b.SHFFG1631000094.0
XXXXX-KS-C1-A> sysconfig -r
RAID Disk       Device                  HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
---------       ------                  ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
Spare disks for block checksum
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.0    0b    0   0   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.1    0b    0   1   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.2    0b    0   2   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.5    0b    0   5   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.6    0b    0   6   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.8    0b    0   8   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.9    0b    0   9   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.10   0b    0   10  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.11   0b    0   11  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.12   0b    0   12  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.13   0b    0   13  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.14   0b    0   14  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.17   0b    0   17  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.18   0b    0   18  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.19   0b    0   19  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.21   0b    0   21  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.23   0b    0   23  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)

XXXXX-KS-C1-A> disk zero spares


XXXXX-KS-C1-A> cf status
Non-HA mode.
XXXXX-KS-C1-A> options cf.mode
cf.mode                      non_ha
XXXXX-KS-C1-A> options cf.mode ha
Mode set to HA.  Reboot node to activate HA.
XXXXX-KS-C1-A> reboot


Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0a []:
Please enter the netmask for Network Interface e0a []:
Should interface e0a take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]: y
Please enter the IPv4 address or interface name to be taken over by e0a []:
Please enter media type for e0a {
    100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: 
Please enter flow control for e0a {
    none, receive, send, full} [full]: 
Do you want e0a to support jumbo frames? [n]: 
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0b []:
Please enter the netmask for Network Interface e0b []:
Should interface e0b take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]: y
Please enter the IPv4 address or interface name to be taken over by e0b []:
Please enter media type for e0b {
    100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]: 
Please enter flow control for e0b {
    none, receive, send, full} [full]: 
Do you want e0b to support jumbo frames? [n]: 

两个节点均完成后重启,cf enable过后确认集群高可用状态正常,此时进入Web界面两个控制器能自动识别到并统一管理

XXXXX-KS-C1-A> cf status
Controller Failover disabled.
VIA Interconnect is down (link down).
XXXXX-KS-C1-A> cf enable
XXXXX-KS-C1-A> cf status
Controller Failover enabled, XXXXX-KS-C1-B is up.
VIA Interconnect is up (link up).



  1. 磁盘无法正常Remove Ownership
  • 问题描述:
    某个磁盘已经正常remove onership,但disk show -o里还能看到,再次操作remove显示该盘已移除,当对改盘做相关assign操作时出现currently owns the persistent reservation相关告警
Ownership for disk 3a.31.16 (S/N xxxxxxxxx000B34002AD) cannot be changed because system??(ID xxxxxxxx89) currently owns the persistent reservation.
  • 解决方案:

Existing device reservation due to unknown disk ownership. The reservations on the disk may not have properly removed before moving/assigning the disks to this system.


filer>storage release disks
  1. Web访问时出现500 Connection Error
  • 问题描述:
    正常初始化完成后,登录Oncommand System Manager正常添加节点,无法正常登录
  • 解决方案:
filer>options tls.enable on
filer>options httpd.admin.enable on
filer>options httpd.admin.ssl.enable on
  1. 有多个盘柜时记得修改Shelf ID!
  • 问题描述:
    当系统遇到多个Shelf ID一致的情况下启动时就会报错
Mar 08 02:53:24 [localhost:sas.shelf.conflict:warning]: At least two SAS disk shelves have the same disk shelf ID. 
Mar 08 02:53:24 [localhost:sas.shelf.conflict:warning]: At least two SAS disk shelves have the same disk shelf ID. 

原本用00,01这些数字代表的Shelf ID会自动更改为字符加序列号的方式,非常不便于排错及配置

RAID Disk       Device                  HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
---------       ------                  ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
Spare disks for block checksum
spare           0a.SHFFG1634000181.0    0a    159 0   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0a.SHFFG1634000181.2    0a    159 2   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0a.SHFFG1634000181.3    0a    159 3   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.0    0b    0   0   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.1    0b    0   1   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.2    0b    0   2   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
spare           0b.SHFFG1631000094.5    0b    0   5   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (not zeroed)
  • 解决方案:
    盘柜左侧的盖子打开后,有个小按钮可以设置Shelf ID,需要注意:

