[ABC 099] B-Stone Monument

B - Stone Monument

Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB

Score : 200 points

Problem Statement

In some village, there are 999 towers that are 1,(1+2),(1+2+3),…,(1+2+3+…+999) meters high from west to east, at intervals of 1 meter.

It had been snowing for a while before it finally stopped. For some two adjacent towers located 1 meter apart, we measured the lengths of the parts of those towers that are not covered with snow, and the results are a meters for the west tower, and b meters for the east tower.

Assuming that the depth of snow cover and the altitude are the same everywhere in the village, find the amount of the snow cover.

Assume also that the depth of the snow cover is always at least 1 meter.


  • 1≤a<b<499500(=1+2+3+…+999)
  • All values in input are integers.
  • There is no input that contradicts the assumption.






    Name: Stone Monument 
    Author: FZSZ-LinHua
    Date: 2018 06 10
    Exec time: 1ms
    Memory usage: 256KB
    Score: 200
    Algorithm: Brute-force 
# include "iostream"
# include "cstdio"

using namespace std;

int a,b,now; 

int main(){
    now=b-a;    //算出b等差数列的最后一项 
    printf("%d",(now+1)*now/2-b);     //(now+1)*now/2为b塔的原始高度(等差数列求和公式) 
    return 0; 

