
1. 回顾

  Kruskal算法需要使用并查集,所以记录该篇前需要回顾DSAA之THE DISJOINT SET ADT(一)DSAA之THE DISJOINT SET ADT(二)。不相交集合的概念和实现都是比较简单。

2. Kruskal’s Algorithm   

  • A second greedy strategy is continually to select the edges in order of smallest weight and accept an edge if it does not cause a cycle.我们假定连通为一个等价关系,那么两个点不连通就一定不成环。在这里是指当两个点不存在连通这个关系时,选择这两个点所形成的边。如果这两个点已经连通了,那么添加这条边一定形成环
  • Formally, Kruskal’s algorithm maintains a forest – a collection of trees.
  • Initially, there are |V| single-node trees. Adding an edge merges two trees into one. When the algorithm terminates, there is only one tree, and this is the minimum spanning tree.
  • The algorithm terminates when enough edges are accepted. It turns out to be simple to decide whether edge (u,v) should be accepted or rejected.
  • The edges could be sorted to facilitate the selection, but building a heap in linear time is a much better idea. Then delete_mins give the edges to be tested in order. Typically, only a small fraction of the edges needs to be tested before the algorithm can terminate, although it is always possible that all the edges must be tried. 这里还是需要稍微想下,最小生成树的边为V-1,而无向图连通图的|E|>=|V|,所以算法可能遍历所有的边而终止。

  总结下上面的内容:首先Kruskal每次选择一条权值最小的边加到树中,如果该边的两个节点已经属于同一个树(集合),那么直接舍弃该边。否则,将该边的两个顶点合并(相当于两个子树合并成一个树)。经过 | V | 1 次的合并(当然不代表delete_min了这么多次),最终S(不相交集合)只有一个树,该树就是最小生成树。

3. 伪代码实现


void kruskal( graph G ){
    unsigned int edges_accepted;
    vertex u, v;
    set_type u_set, v_set;
    edge e;
    initialize( S );
    read_graph_into_heap_array( G, H );
    build_heap( H );
    edges_accepted = 0;
    while( edges_accepted < NUM_VERTEX-1 ){
        e = delete_min( H ); /* e = (u, v) */
        u_set = find( u, S );
        v_set = find( v, S );
        if( u_set != v_set ){
         /* accept the edge */
            set_union( S, u_set, v_set );

4. 时间复杂度

The worst-case running time of this algorithm is O ( | E | l o g | E | ) , which is dominated by the heap operations. Notice that since | E | = O ( | V | 2 ) , this running time is actually O ( | E | l o g | V | ) .

  虽然书中没有解释为啥,但是我们可以自己推一下:假设使用的不相交集合的merge时间复杂度为 O ( 1 ) find(不考虑路径压缩)时间复杂度为 O ( l o g n ) delete_min的时间复杂度为 O ( 1 )
  kruskal算法的最坏时间复杂度为 O ( | V | + | E | 2 l o g | V | ) = O ( | E | l o g | V | ) ,   | E | >= | V | 。笔者在图论上一直使用伪代码,其实比较虚的。之后不会着急记录DFS算法,将稍微讨论下图的表示实现,及完整的kruskal算法的实现(因为其包含不相交集合和图)。等到DFS记录完之后,选择几个leetcode题来看下有些特殊的图可以用更加简洁的方式表示。

