DSAA之图论Euler Circuits问题(九)

1. 从实际演变的问题

A popular puzzle is to reconstruct these figures using a pen, drawing each line exactly once. The pen may not be lifted from the paper while the drawing is being performed. As an extra challenge, make the pen finish at the same point at which it started.



1. 转化成图论

We can convert this problem to a graph theory problem by assigning a vertex to each intersection. Then the edges can be assigned in the natural manner.


The first observation that can be made is that an Euler circuit, which must end on its starting vertex, is possible only if the graph is connected and each vertex has an even degree (number of edges).


2. 一种线性解决思路

  • Then the basic algorithm is to perform a depth-first search.
    • The main problem is that we might visit a portion of the graph and return to thestarting point prematurely.
      • If all the edges coming out of the start vertex have been used up, then part of the graph is untraversed. The easiest way to fix this is to find the first vertex on this path that has an untraversed edge, and perform another depth-first search. This will give another circuit, which can be spliced into the original. This is continued until all edges have been traversed.

  DSAA这里给出了一个例子,如果抽象该例子来表示这一情况如下:第一次遍历的结果为 x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 1 ,然后假设 x 2 是第一个具有未访问过的边的节点,以 x 2 为起点再次进行深搜,得到的结果为 x 2 , x 4 , x 5 , x 2 。然后将该序列加在原来的遍历序列中为 x 1 , x 2 , x 4 , x 5 , x 2 , x 3 , x 1 ,很显然得到的新序列是满足每个边只能访问一次的性质的。

3. 具体实现的思考

  将访问过的边标记下,避免下一次继续访问(在邻接表的每一个链表使用一个指针指向最后一次访问过的边)。为了使splice简单,使用链表组织访问过的路径(因为插入和删除的时间复杂度为 O ( 1 ) ),

  • To make splicing simple, the path should be maintained as a linked list.
  • To avoid repetitious scanning of adjacency lists, we must maintain, for each adjacency list, a pointer to the last edge scanned.
  • When a path is spliced in, the search for a new vertex from which to perform the next dfs must begin at the start of the splice point. This guarantees that the total work performed on the vertex search phase is O ( | E | ) during the entire life of the algorithm. With the appropriate data structures, the running time of the algorithm is O ( | E | + | V | ) .

  第二点这么做还有一个好处就是方便进行下一次的DFS搜索,总的算法复杂度在理论因为遍历所有的边(一些节点可能访问多次),所以为 O ( | E | + k | V | ) ,使用一些方法可以将常数k变成1,得到时间复杂度为 ( | E | + | V | )

4. 总结


