Unity Graphics (Unity 图形渲染 ) 官方教程文档笔记系列之九

Unity Graphics (Unity 图形渲染 )
- Everything for Lighting and Rendering in Unity
- 主要涉及到光照与渲染方面的知识

文章中涉及到的操作都是基于 Unity2017.3版本


  • Introduction to Lighting and Rendering
  • Precomputed Realtime GI (Realtime Global Illumination)(9)
  • Rendering and Shading
  • Cameras and Effects
  • Geometry in Unity

7.Optimizing Unity’s auto unwrapping


When configuring unwrap parameters, the ideal outcome is to find a combination of values that results in the lowest number of Charts while having the least lightmap distortion. Remember that distortion is visualized as stretching of the checkerboard texture applied to objects in the Scene view when UV Charts draw mode is enabled.

The checkerboard pattern can be used to visualize lightmap texel distribution. Notice here that the checkerboard is relatively consistent across our model - meaning there is little lightmap distortion.
Stretching and warping of the checkerboard indicates that there is some inconsistency in the distribution of lightmap texels.

In this example, we will apply what we have learned about UV unwrapping to optimize precompute times on an object in our tutorial project.

• Open the LightingTutorialStart Scene included in the example project.
• Select one of the objects called HouseBig02 in the Hierarchy window.These are grouped under Environment > Structures > Houses.
• Open the Lighting window (Window > Lighting) and select the Object tab.
• Select Charting from the drop-down menu in the top left of the tab.
• Expand the Preview area at the bottom of the tab. Note how many UV shells are displayed here and the number of corresponding colored Charts.
• 打开示例项目中包含的 LightingTutorialStart 场景
• 在层次结构窗口中选择名为HouseBig02的对象。这些在Environment > Structures > Houses 分组下。
• 打开光照窗口(窗口-灯光)并选择Object选项卡。
• 从选项卡左上角的下拉菜单中选择图表。
• 在选项卡的底部展开预览区域。请注意这里显示了多少个shells,以及相应的彩色图表的数量。
Image showing the Charting preview for the HouseBig02 object with default unwrap settings. This number of Charts can be easily reduced.
图像显示了带有默认展开设置的 HouseBig02 对象的图表预览。可以很容易地减少这一图表的数量。

HouseBig02 is a fairly complex object within our Scene, which may justify the use of multiple Charts. However, we may still be able to reduce this number by modifying our unwrap settings.
在我们的场景中,HouseBig02 是一个相当复杂的对象,这可能会证明使用多个图表是合理的。但是,我们仍然可以通过修改我们的展开设置来减少此数量。
The Object unwrap settings panel

There is no one-size fits all solution for unwrapping objects. Unity’s unwrapping algorithms attempt to make sensible decisions based on appropriate defaults, but with some user guidance, we may be able to achieve a more optimal result.
- Select HouseBig02 in the Hierarchy window.
- Open the Lighting window (Window > Lighting) and select the Object tab.
- Lower the Auto UV Max Distance to its minimum value of 0.1.

- Hierarchy 窗口下选择HouseBig02
- 打开光照窗口,选择 Object 页签
- 把自动UV最大距离调低到最小于0.1
The precompute process will begin. Following a brief calculation, we can see in the Preview area of the Lighting window that number of Charts has noticeably increased. Checking the Scene view there seems to be little distortion, which is good. Unfortunately, however, this many Charts for an object of this complexity is unacceptable. Remember that more Charts means longer precompute times and reduced performance at run time.

  • If HouseBig02 is not selected in the Hierarchy window, select it.
  • Navigate to the Lighting window (Window > Lighting) and select the Object tab.
  • Set the value of Auto UV Max Distance to 10.
  • Hierarchy 窗口下选择HouseBig02
  • 打开光照窗口,选择 Object 页签
  • 把自动UV最大距离调到最10

We now have the opposite problem. The number of Charts has decreased, but at the cost of introducing unacceptable distortion to our lightmaps. We can observe this distortion in the UV Charts Scene draw mode. The distortion appears as streaking or stretching of the checkerboard overlay.

Selecting an Auto UV Max Distance which is too high can result in distortion of our lightmap UVs.

We know that Unity’s unwrapping algorithm attempts to minimise the number of Charts by merging UV shells together. The Auto UV Max Distance setting specifies the maximum distance, in worldspace, permitted between UV shells when they are considered for merging. If the shells are further apart than this value, they will not be combined.
When we decreased our Auto UV Max Distance, fewer UV shells were eligible for merging. This meant that more individual Charts remained at the end of the process. When we increased our Auto UV Max Distance, UV shells that were very far apart in worldspace were then able to be merged. This resulted in fewer Charts, but this aggressive merging also caused warped lightmap UVs and therefore more distortion in our lightmap output.
Note that with large objects it can sometimes be necessary to increase the Auto UV Max Distance in order to accommodate the size of faces within the mesh. Conversely, with smaller objects decreasing the Auto UV Max Distance might yield better results.
我们知道,Unity的展开算法试图通过合并UV shell来最小化图表的数量。自动UV最大距离设置指定了在世界空间中,当被考虑合并时在UV shell之间允许的最大距离。如果这些shells 比这个值更大,它们就不会被合并。
当我们减少我们的自动UV最大距离时,更少的UV可以合并。这意味着在这个过程的最后,会有更多的单独的图表。当我们增加我们的自动UV最大距离时,在世界空间中相距很远的UV shells 就能被合并。这导致了更少的图表,但是这种侵略性的合并也导致了扭曲的光照映射UVs,因此在我们的光照图输出中会有更多的失真。

With the example of our object, HouseBig02, an Auto UV Max Distance value of 0.8 gives a good compromise between Chart count and distortion.
- If HouseBig02 is not selected in the Hierarchy window, select it.
- Navigate to the Lighting window (Window > Lighting) and select the Object tab.
- Set the value of Auto UV Max Distance to 0.8.
- Hierarchy 窗口下选择HouseBig02
- 打开光照窗口,选择 Object 页签
- 把自动UV最大距离调到最0.8
Using a Auto UV Max Distance of 0.8 gives a good result with our example object. However, we can still improve this further.

Now we will look at the Auto UV Max Angle parameter. Like Auto UV Max Distance, this value affects the UV merging step of Unity’s unwrapping algorithms. In addition to being tested for distance before UV shells are combined, the unwrapper also tests the angle between adjacent mesh faces. Only edges with an angle below this value will be considered for merging.
A smaller Auto UV Max Angle means that fewer edges will pass the test. As a result, fewer UV shells will be merged and the number of Charts will increase. Conversely, a larger Auto UV Max Angle means that the merging algorithm will be more tolerant of angles between faces. More UV shells are likely to be merged, the result of which will likely be fewer UV shells and therefore fewer Charts. As with the Auto UV Max Distance, if unsuitable edges are combined due to overly wide tolerances, distortion may occur in the final lightmaps UVs.
现在我们来看一下自动UV最大角度参数。就像自动UV最大距离一样,这个值会影响Unity的展开算法的UV合并步骤。除了在UV shells合并之前进行远距离测试外,展开器还测试相邻网格面之间的夹角。只有边沿的角小于这个值才会考虑合并。
更小的自动UV最大角度意味着更少的边会通过测试。因此,将会有更少的UV shells被合并,图表的数量将会增加。相反,一个较大的自动UV最大角度意味着合并算法将更能容忍面与面之间的角度。更多的UV shells可能会被合并,其结果可能是更少的UV shells,因此更少的图表。与自动UV最大距离一样,如果不合适的边由于过大的容差而组合在一起,则在最终的光照映射UVs中可能出现失真。

  • If HouseBig02 is not selected in the Hierarchy window, select it.
  • Navigate to the Lighting window (Window > Lighting) and select the Object tab.
  • Set the value of Auto UV Max Angle to 0.

    • Hierarchy 窗口下选择HouseBig02
    • 打开光照窗口,选择 Object 页签
    • 把自动UV最大角度调到最0

When we look at the Preview area of the Lighting window, we can see that the number of Charts created is unacceptably high. This is because we are only allowing a deviation of 0 degrees or less between faces before they are considered for merging. This almost certainly means that no UV shells will pass the test and therefore many Charts will remain following this merging process.
当我们查看光照窗口的预览区域时,我们可以看到创建的图表的数量是不可接受的高。这是因为在考虑合并条件是,我们只允许在不同的面之间有0度或更低的偏差。这几乎肯定意味着,没有UV shells会通过测试,因此许多图表将在这个合并过程中继续存在。
Without some tolerance, a low Auto UV Max Angle will result in an excessive number of Charts.

Next we will try increasing the Auto UV Max angle.
- If HouseBig02 is not selected in the Hierarchy window, select it.
- Navigate to the Lighting window (Window > Lighting) and select the Object tab.
- Slowly increase the value of Auto UV Max Angle, observing effects of each change in the Preview area of the Lighting window.
- 如果不在Hierarchy 窗口中选中HouseBig02 ,请选择它。
- 导航到Lighting 窗口(Window > Lighting)并选择Object选项卡。
- 慢慢增加自动UV最大角度的值,观察每个变化在Lighting 窗口的预览区域的效果。

We can see that the number of Charts decreases as the value goes up. This is because the angle permitted between mesh faces considered for merging is more tolerant. More UV shells pass the test and will be merged. Consequently, the number of lightmap UV shells is reduced and the number of corresponding Charts decreases.
我们可以看到,随着值的增加,图表的数量会减少。这是因为在考虑合并的网格面之间允许的角度更加宽容。更多的UV shells通过测试,并将被合并。因此,光照图UV shells的数量减少了,相应的图表数量也减少了。
Increasing the Auto UV Max Angle can help reduce Charts - particularly on objects with rounded surfaces.
增加自动 UV最大角度可以帮助减少图表——特别是在有圆形表面的物体上。

An Auto UV Max Angle of 93 yields good results with our example object, HouseBig02.
- If HouseBig02 is not selected in the Hierarchy window, select it.
- Navigate to the Lighting window (Window > Lighting) and select the
Object tab.
- Set the value of Auto UV Max Angle to 93
自动 UV最大角度设为 93,与我们的示例对象HouseBig02有良好的结果。
- 如果在Hierarchy 窗口中没有选择HouseBig02 ,请选择它。
- 导航到Lighting 窗口(Window > Lighting)并选择 对象选项卡。
- 将自动UV最大角的值设置为93

Notice how the number of Charts is reduced in the Preview area of the Lighting window following a brief precompute.
The Charting preview for HouseBig02 following some optimisation of its unwrap settings.
在对其展开的设置进行一些优化之后,HouseBig02 的图表预览

At this stage, our optimized unwrap settings can be taken back into the working Scene.
- If HouseBig02 is not selected in the Hierarchy window, select it.
- In the Inspector panel, locate the MeshRenderer component and click the cog icon in the top right of its display.
- Click Copy Component.
- Open the LightingTutorialStart Scene.
- Find all the objects in the Hierarchy named HouseBig02.
- Hold down Ctrl (Cmd on the Mac) and click each of the HouseBig02 GameObjects in the Hierarchy window to select them all.
- Navigate to the Lighting window (Window > Lighting) and select the Object tab.
- Select the the cog icon in the top right.
- Choose Paste Component Values to apply the settings you previously copied.
- 如果在Hierarchy 窗口中没有选择HouseBig02 ,请选择它。
- 在Inspector 面板中,定位MeshRenderer组件,并单击其显示在右上方的齿轮图标。
- 点击复制组件。
- 打开LightingTutorialStart场景。
- 在Hierarchy中找出名字为HouseBig02的所有对象。
- 按住Ctrl(Mac上的Cmd),然后点击Hierarchy 窗口中的每个HouseBig02 游戏对象 来选择它们。
- 导航到Lighting 窗口((Window > Lighting)并选择Object选项卡。
- 选择右上方的齿轮图标。
- 选择Paste 组件值来应用您之前复制的设置。
Copy Component is an easy way to take your unwrap settings back to the main Scene.

The modest savings these settings give us can add up to much more significant optimisations when applied across a Scene of several hundred objects.

Unwrap settings: per-instance or per-Prefab?


Unwrap settings can be stored in a Prefab by applying them to any Static MeshRenderer component that lives within that Prefab’s hierarchy. Alternatively, unwrap settings can also be applied to individual GameObjects within the Scene. Unwrap settings applied to an instance of a Prefab in a Scene will override the settings stored within the Prefab. This way of working offers us some useful approaches to setting up Scene lighting.
展开的设置可以存储在一个预制体中,将它们应用到任何静态的MeshRenderer组件中,这些组件位于Prefab的hierarchy结构中。另外,展开的设置也可以应用于场景中的单个GameObjects 。在场景中应用于一个预制体的实例的展开设置将覆盖存储在预制件中的设置。这种工作方式为我们提供了一些为设置场景光照有用的方法。

It is often useful to configure a default unwrapping and lighting setup for your Prefabs. If the Prefabs are to be instantiated numerous times, it can save effort to have the unwrapping for that object preconfigured rather than having to specify this repeatedly throughout the Scene.

On the other hand, it is frequently desirable to configure lighting settings based on the context in which an object is used within the overall Scene. For example, if an instance of a Prefab will be seen up close within the playable area then it makes sense to use higher fidelity setting on that instance. If the instance of the Prefab is far away, then it would not make sense to use our lighting budget maintaining the same settings. Here, we would likely want to lower the quality of our lightmaps and use more aggressive stitching parameters in our unwrap.

The ability to configure default settings that suitable for most use cases and then override these settings in special cases can be very useful. In the case of this lighting tutorial, we will be applying our settings per-instance, in the Scene.

Applying unwrap settings throughout the Scene


It is time to start applying what we have learned about Unity’s automatic unwrapping algorithm to the remaining Static geometry within the LightingTutorialStart Scene. Working systematically, it should not take long to set up the Scene for significantly improved precompute times.

  • Open the LightingTutorialStart Scene included in the example project.
  • In the Hierarchy window, select the top GameObject found under Environment > Structures.
  • Copy the GameObject to an empty Scene.
  • 打开示例项目中包含的LightingTutorialStart场景。
  • 在Hierarchy 结构窗口中,选择在Environment>Structures 结构下找到顶部的游戏对象。
  • 把游戏对象复制到一个空的场景中。

At this point we should apply what we have learned about the unwrap parameters and feel free to experiment with different values. Remember to use the UV Charts Scene draw mode in combination with the Charting mode of the Preview area of the Lighting window. This will enable us to find the right balance between lightmap distortion and the number of Charts required.

The LightingTutorialOptimal Scene can be used as a reference in cases where we are unsure. Note that in some cases it may even be unnecessary to change the default unwrap values at all. The default values may actually provide the best outcome.
在我们不确定的情况下,LightingTutorialOptimal 场景可以作为参考。注意,在某些情况下,甚至没有必要更改默认的展开值。默认值实际上可能提供最好的结果。

  • Experiment with different values for the unwrap parameters until a
    balance is reached between number of Charts and lightmap distortion.


  • Copy the settings, return to the LightingTutorialStart Scene and
    paste them into all other instances of the same GameObject.
    Multi-selecting all the corresponding objects in the hierarchy will
    enable you to use Paste Component Values to quickly apply the
    settings across multiple objects.


  • Repeat this process for every uniquely named GameObject in the
    Hierarchy view.
    在Hierarchy 视图中为每一个唯一命名的GameObject重复这个过程。

Once all of the GameObjects under the Structures group have been optimized, move onto the remaining Static geometry under the Rocks group. Working methodically in this way, it should take no longer than a few minutes to set the unwrap values for all of the Static geometry within your Scene. The outcome of this manual preparation will be faster iteration when lighting the Scene and better performance at run time.

一旦Structures 组下的所有游戏对象都经过了优化,就移到Rocks 组下面的静态几何图形中。以这种方式有条不紊地工作,不需要花费几分钟的时间来设置场景中所有静态几何体的展开值。这个手动准备的结果将是在光照时更快速的迭代,在运行时更好的性能。

