Unity Graphics (Unity 图形渲染 ) 官方教程文档笔记系列之二

Unity Graphics (Unity 图形渲染 )
- Everything for Lighting and Rendering in Unity
- 主要涉及到光照与渲染方面的知识

文章中涉及到的操作都是基于 Unity2017.3版本


  • Introduction to Lighting and Rendering(2)
  • Precomputed Realtime GI (Realtime Global Illumination)
  • Rendering and Shading
  • Cameras and Effects
  • Geometry in Unity

3. The Precompute Process


In Unity, precomputed lighting is calculated in the background - either as an automatic process, or it is initiated manually. In either case, it is possible to continue working in the editor while these processes run behind-the-scenes.
When the precompute process is running, a blue progress bar will appear in the bottom right of the Editor. There are different stages which need to be completed depending on whether Baked GI or Precomputed Realtime GI is enabled. Information on the current process is shown on-top of the progress bar.


Progress bar showing the current state of Unity’s precompute.

In the example above, we can see that we are at task 5 of 11 which is, ‘Clustering’ and there are 108 jobs remaining before that task is complete and the precompute moves on to task 6. The various stages are listed below:


Precomputed Realtime GI 预计算实时GI
01 - Create Geometry 创建几何体
02 - Layout Systems 布局系统
03 - Create Systems 创建系统
04 - Create Atlas 创建图集
05 - Clustering 分类归并
06 - Visibility 可见性
07 - Light Transport 光照传输
08 - Tetrahedralize Probes 四面体探头
09 - Create ProbeSet 创建探头装配
Baked GI 烘焙GI
01 - Create Geometry 创建几何体
02 - Atlassing 图集
03 - Create Baked Systems 创建烘焙系统
04 - Baked Resources 烘焙资源
05 - Bake AO 烘焙环境光遮蔽
06 - Export Baked Texture 导出烘焙贴图
07 - Bake Visibility 烘焙可见性
08 - Bake Direct 烘焙直接光
09 - Ambient and Emissive 环境光和自发光
10 - Create Bake Systems 创建烘焙系统
11 - Bake Runtime 烘焙运行时
12 - Upsampling Visibility 增采样可见性
13 - Bake Indirect 烘焙间接光
14 - Final Gather 最终收集
15 - Bake ProbesSet 烘焙探头装配
16 - Compositing 合成
Probes 探头
01 - Ambient Probes 环境光探头
02 - Baked/Realtime Ref. Probes 烘焙/实时 参考探头

Starting a Precompute


Only static geometry is considered by Unity’s precomputed lighting solutions. To begin the lighting precompute process we need at least one GameObject marked as ‘static’ in our scene. This can either be done individually, or by shift-selecting multiple GameObjects from the hierarchy panel.
From the Inspector panel, the Static checkbox can be selected (Inspector>Static). This will set all of the GameObject’s ‘static options’, or ‘flags’, including navigation and batching, to be static, which may not be desirable. For Precomputed Realtime GI, only ‘Lightmap Static’ needs to be checked.
For more fine-grained control, individual static options can be set from the drop-down list accessible to the right of the Static checkbox in the Inspector panel. Additionally, objects can also be set to Static in the Object area of the lighting window.
If your scene is set to Auto (Lighting>Scene>Auto), Unity’s lighting precompute will now begin automatically. Otherwise it will need to be started manually as described below.

在Inspector(属性)面板,静态复选框可被勾选。这会设置游戏对象的所有静态选项/标记,包括导航、批处理等,有些可能是不希望勾选的。对于预计算实时GI,只需要 “Lightmap Static”被勾选即可。
为了更为精细的控制,可单独从属性面板【Static】右边的下拉列表中选择。另外,对象也可以从lighting窗口的Object Maps页签中设置为静态的。(Unity2017.3不可设置,只可观察)。

Auto/Manual Precompute


If ‘Auto’ is checked from the bottom of Unity’s Lighting panel (Lighting>Scene>Auto), then this precompute will begin automatically as a background process whenever changes are made to static geometry within your scene.
However, if Auto is not selected, you will need to manually start a precompute by clicking the ‘Build’ button next to it. This will begin the precompute in much the same way, while giving you control over when this process starts.
Manually initiating a precompute will cause all aspects of your scene lighting to be evaluated and (re)computed. If you wish to selectively recalculate Reflection probes by themselves, this can be done via the drop-down menu next to the Build button (Lighting>Scene>Build).


GI Cache

GI 缓存

In either Baked GI or Precomputed Realtime GI, Unity ‘caches’ (stores) data about your scene lighting in the ‘GI Cache’, and will try to reuse this data whenever possible to save time during precompute. The number and nature of the changes you have made to your scene will determine how much of this data can be reused, if at all.
This cache is stored outside of your Unity project and can be cleared using (Preference>GI Cache>Clear Cache). Clearing this means that all stages of the precompute will need to be recalculated from the beginning and this can therefore be time consuming. However in some cases, where perhaps you need to reduce disk usage, this may be helpful.

无论是烘焙GI或预计算实时GI, Unity都会缓存你的场景光照数据到“GI缓存”中,并在重计算时重复利用这个数据以节省时间。对场景修改的数据和性质将决定有多少数据可以被重复利用。
这个缓存是在你的Unity项目之外的,并可以清除(【Edit>Preference>GI Cache>Clear Cache】)。
清除 意味着预计算的所有阶段都需要从重新计算,因此需要花费大量时间。但是,在某些情况下,也许您需要减少磁盘使用,这可能是有帮助的。

4.Choosing a Rendering Path


Unity supports a number of rendering techniques, or ‘paths’. An important early decision which needs to be made when starting a project is which path to use. Unity’s default is ‘Forward Rendering”.


Forward Rendering


In Forward Rendering, each object is rendered in a ‘pass’ for each light that affects it. Therefore each object might be rendered multiple times depending upon how many lights are within range.
The advantages of this approach is that it can be very fast - meaning hardware requirements are lower than alternatives. Additionally, Forward Rendering offers us a wide range of custom ‘shading models’ and can handle transparency quickly. It also allows for the use of hardware techniques like ‘multi-sample anti-aliasing’ (MSAA) which are not available in other alternatives, such as Deferred Rendering which can have a great impact on image quality.
However, a significant disadvantage of the forward path is that we have to pay a render cost on a per-light basis. That is to say, the more lights affecting each object, the slower rendering performance will become. For some game types, with lots of lights, this may therefore be prohibitive. However if it is possible to manage light counts in your game, Forward Rendering can actually be a very fast solution.


Deferred Rendering


In ‘Deferred’ rendering, on the other hand, we defer the shading and blending of light information until after a first pass over the screen where positions, normals, and materials for each surface are rendered to a ‘geometry buffer’ (G-buffer) as a series of screen-space textures. We then composite these results together with the lighting pass. This approach has the principle advantage that the render cost of lighting is proportional to the number of pixels that the light illuminates, instead of the number of lights themselves. As a result you are no longer bound by the number of lights you wish to render on screen, and for some games this is a critical advantage.
Deferred Rendering gives highly predictable performance characteristics, but generally requires more powerful hardware. It is also not supported by certain mobile hardware.
For more information on the Deferred, Forward and the other available rendering paths, please see the documentation here.


