第十讲 g2o_custonbundle/common/projection.h和BundleParams.h



#include "tools/rotation.h"

 * 这个头文件中只有一个内联函数:带畸变的相机投影
 * inline bool CamProjectionWithDistortion(const T* camera, const T* point, T* predictions){}
 * 整个这个函数就是P246页图10-2的代码实现。
 * @tparam T 很明显要用模板类,以包含float和double这些类型,主要是这两种,int的还没见过
 * @param camera 相机内外参,9维数组。0-2旋转向量、3-5平移向量、6-8相机内参(f,二阶径向畸变系数,四阶径向畸变系数)
 * @param point 投影空间点
 * @param predictions 投影得到的以图像中心为坐标原点下的像素坐标,取名为预测值,因为性质上这个坐标确是估计值。
 * 这里注意一下,这里不是一般意义上像素坐标,一般意义下的像素坐标是以图像左上角为原点。最后面有一些体现~
 * @return 整个投影过程成功的话,返回true。

// camera : 9 dims array with 
// [0-2] : angle-axis rotation 
// [3-5] : translateion
// [6-8] : camera parameter, [6] focal length, [7-8] second and forth order radial distortion
// point : 3D location. 
// predictions : 2D predictions with center of the image plane. 

template<typename T>
inline bool CamProjectionWithDistortion(const T* camera, const T* point, T* predictions)
    // Rodrigues' formula
    T p[3];
    AngleAxisRotatePoint(camera, point, p);//p=camrea(前三维)*point
    // camera[3,4,5] are the translation
    p[0] += camera[3]; p[1] += camera[4]; p[2] += camera[5];


    // Compute the center fo distortion
    //归一化坐标,也就是在求式10.37的Pc,这里的xp yp就是书上的uc vc。
    T xp = -p[0]/p[2];
    T yp = -p[1]/p[2];

    // Apply second and fourth order radial distortion
    // 这四步将二四阶畸变系数取出来,构造成一个畸变distortion。也就是式10.38中()中的东西
    const T& l1 = camera[7];
    const T& l2 = camera[8];
    T r2 = xp*xp + yp*yp;
    T distortion = T(1.0) + l1 * r2  + l2 * r2*r2;

    const T& focal = camera[6];
    predictions[0] = focal * distortion * xp;//(xp,yp)为归一化坐标
    predictions[1] = focal * distortion * yp;

    return true;

#endif // projection.h
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#include <string>
#include "flags/command_args.h"

using namespace std;
 * 这个结构体定义了Bundle Adjustment使用所有参数。
 * 说一下整体的结构和逻辑:
 * 结构体名称非常直观,就是BA的参数,当然成员就是一堆参数了
 * 那在最后用CommandArgs arg;这么一句,相当于创建了一个参数描述类,
 * 结构成员定义完毕,开始构造函数。
 * 构造函数中首先调用arg这个类中的.param()函数,这个函数有两个功能:
 * 1、给上面定义的每一个参数后面挂一个结构体类型的描述,name、type等等描述
 * 2、给这这些参数赋了一些值,也就是默认值了。
 * 然后构造函数又调用了arg这个类中的.parseArgs()函数。这个函数功能就是检查一下命令行中有没有用户自定义的参数值,有的话读进来将默认值覆盖。

struct BundleParams{
    BundleParams(int argc, char** argv);
    virtual ~BundleParams(){};

    string input;
    string trust_region_strategy;
    string linear_solver;
    string sparse_linear_algebra_library;
    string dense_linear_algebra_library;

    bool robustify; // loss function
    // double eta;

    int num_iterations;

    // for making noise
    int random_seed;
    double rotation_sigma;
    double translation_sigma;
    double point_sigma;

    // for point cloud file...
    string initial_ply;
    string final_ply;

    CommandArgs arg;


//这里看见,直接处理的命令行,也就是main()中的第一句:BundleParams params(argc,argv),用命令行实例化一个BundleParams
BundleParams::BundleParams(int argc, char** argv)
     * 这一堆瞅着有点蛋疼和复杂。。。
     * 慢慢看用法结构:.para()是个函数,下面用法有多种,参数列表也有很多种,明显是一个重载。
     * 点开定义去看,.param()在CommandArgs类中。
     * 从用法上看出来:(参数名称,参数,参数值,参数描述)

    arg.param("input", input, "", "file which will be processed");
    arg.param("trust_region_strategy", trust_region_strategy, "levenberg_marquardt",
              "Options are: levenberg_marquardt, dogleg.");
    arg.param("linear_solver", linear_solver, "dense_schur",                             // iterative schur and cgnr(pcg) leave behind...
              "Options are: sparse_schur, dense_schur");

    // arg.param("sparse_linear_algebra_library", sparse_linear_algebra_library, "suite_sparse", "Options are: suite_sparse and cx_sparse.");
    // arg.param("dense_linear_algebra_library", dense_linear_algebra_library, "eigen", "Options are: eigen and lapack.");

    // arg.param("ordering",ordering,"automatic","Options are: automatic, user.");
    arg.param("robustify", robustify, false, "Use a robust loss function");

    // arg.param("num_threads",num_threads,1, "Number of threads.");
    arg.param("num_iterations", num_iterations,20, "Number of iterations.");
    arg.param("rotation_sigma", rotation_sigma, 0.0, "Standard deviation of camera rotation "
    arg.param("translation_sigma", translation_sigma,0.0, "translation perturbation.");
    arg.param("point_sigma",point_sigma,0.0,"Standard deviation of the point "
    arg.param("random_seed", random_seed, 38401,"Random seed used to set the state ");
    arg.param("initial_ply", initial_ply,"initial.ply","Export the BAL file data as a PLY file.");
    arg.param("final_ply", final_ply, "final.ply", "Export the refined BAL file data as a PLY");

    arg.parseArgs(argc, argv);

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