第十讲 g2oBA的g2o_bal_class.h

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "g2o/core/base_vertex.h"
#include "g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h"

#include "ceres/autodiff.h"

#include "tools/rotation.h"
#include "common/projection.h"

//焦距f,畸变系数k1 k2, 3个参数的平移,3个参数的旋转。一共九个量,9维,类型为Eigen::VectorXd
class VertexCameraBAL : public g2o::BaseVertex<9,Eigen::VectorXd>

    VertexCameraBAL() {}

    virtual bool read ( std::istream& /*is*/ ) { return false; }
    virtual bool write ( std::ostream& /*os*/ ) const { return false; }

    virtual void setToOriginImpl() {}

    virtual void oplusImpl ( const double* update )
        Eigen::VectorXd::ConstMapType v ( update, VertexCameraBAL::Dimension );
        _estimate += v;


class VertexPointBAL : public g2o::BaseVertex<3, Eigen::Vector3d>
    VertexPointBAL() {}

    virtual bool read ( std::istream& /*is*/ ) { return false; }
    virtual bool write ( std::ostream& /*os*/ ) const { return false; }

    virtual void setToOriginImpl() {}

    virtual void oplusImpl ( const double* update )
        Eigen::Vector3d::ConstMapType v ( update );
        _estimate += v;

// 参数为:误差维度2维,误差类型为Eigen::Vector2d,连接两个顶点:VertexCameraBAL和VertexPointBAL(也就是说误差和这两个优化变量有关)
class EdgeObservationBAL : public g2o::BaseBinaryEdge<2, Eigen::Vector2d, VertexCameraBAL, VertexPointBAL>
    EdgeObservationBAL() {}

    virtual bool read ( std::istream& /*is*/ ) { return false; }
    virtual bool write ( std::ostream& /*os*/ ) const { return false; }

    virtual void computeError() override   // The virtual function comes from the Edge base class. Must define if you use edge.
        const VertexCameraBAL* cam = static_cast<const VertexCameraBAL*> ( vertex ( 0 ) );
        const VertexPointBAL* point = static_cast<const VertexPointBAL*> ( vertex ( 1 ) );

        //将相机位姿估计值,空间点位姿估计值 传给了重载的()运算符,这个重载,将计算好的结果输出到_error.data(),完成了误差的计算
        ( *this ) ( cam->estimate().data(), point->estimate().data(), _error.data() );


    // 上面调用时,用的_error.data()承接,完成误差计算。
    template<typename T>
    bool operator() ( const T* camera, const T* point, T* residuals ) const
        T predictions[2];

        CamProjectionWithDistortion ( camera, point, predictions );

        residuals[0] = predictions[0] - T ( measurement() ( 0 ) );
        residuals[1] = predictions[1] - T ( measurement() ( 1 ) );

        return true;

    virtual void linearizeOplus() override
        // 使用数值求导
        // use numeric Jacobians
        // BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2d, VertexCameraBAL, VertexPointBAL>::linearizeOplus();
        // return;
        // 使用ceres的自动求导,不然系统将调用g2o的数值求导
        // using autodiff from ceres. Otherwise, the system will use g2o numerical diff for Jacobians

        const VertexCameraBAL* cam = static_cast<const VertexCameraBAL*> ( vertex ( 0 ) );
        const VertexPointBAL* point = static_cast<const VertexPointBAL*> ( vertex ( 1 ) );

        /*template <typename Functor, typename T,
                int N0 = 0, int N1 = 0, int N2 = 0, int N3 = 0, int N4 = 0,
                int N5 = 0, int N6 = 0, int N7 = 0, int N8 = 0, int N9 = 0>
        struct AutoDiff {
            static bool Differentiate(const Functor& functor,
                                      T const *const *parameters,
                                      int num_outputs,
                                      T *function_value,
                                      T **jacobians) {...}*/

        typedef ceres::internal::AutoDiff<EdgeObservationBAL, double, VertexCameraBAL::Dimension, VertexPointBAL::Dimension> BalAutoDiff;

        // static const int Dimension = BaseEdge<D, E>::Dimension;
        Eigen::Matrix<double, Dimension, VertexCameraBAL::Dimension, Eigen::RowMajor> dError_dCamera;
        Eigen::Matrix<double, Dimension, VertexPointBAL::Dimension, Eigen::RowMajor> dError_dPoint;

        double * parameters[] = { const_cast<double*> ( cam->estimate().data() ), const_cast<double*> ( point->estimate().data() ) };

        double * jacobians[] = { dError_dCamera.data(), dError_dPoint.data() };

        double value[Dimension];

        /*static bool Differentiate(const Functor& functor,
                                  T const *const *parameters,
                                  int num_outputs,
                                  T *function_value,
                                  T **jacobians) {...}*/
        //const Functor& functor,代价函数,这里也就是这个边类了,直接用*this
        //T const *const *parameters,参数列表,就是上面定义的有两个double指针的parameters数组,这两个指针一个指向相机参数数组,一个指向空间点数组
        //int num_outputs,输出的维度,这里就是边的维度Dimension,也就是2维
        //T *function_value,误差函数functor的输出值,用于承接functor的输出,也就是*this计算出来的误差。
        //T **jacobians,这就是最终要求的雅克比矩阵了。用于承接。
        bool diffState = BalAutoDiff::Differentiate ( *this, parameters, Dimension, value, jacobians );

        // copy over the Jacobians (convert row-major -> column-major)

        if ( diffState )
            _jacobianOplusXi = dError_dCamera;
            _jacobianOplusXj = dError_dPoint;
            assert ( 0 && "Error while differentiating" );
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