
1. 数学描述


  1. 预处理

定义半个块的大小 h a l f p a t c h _ s i z e halfpatch\_size halfpatch_size、块的大小 p a t c h _ s i z e patch\_size patch_size和块的面积 p a t c h _ a r e a patch\_area patch_area。定义参考块导数数组 r e f _ p a t c h _ d x ref\_patch\_dx ref_patch_dx r e f _ p a t c h _ d y ref\_patch\_dy ref_patch_dy,以及一个4x4的零矩阵 H H H

  1. 计算梯度和Hessian矩阵

遍历参考块的像素,计算每个像素点的梯度值,并根据是否使用仿射补偿来设置雅可比矩阵 J J J的值。同时累加导数矩阵的乘积,得到Hessian矩阵 H H H

具体地,对于参考块中的像素 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y), 其灰度值为 I ( x , y ) I(x,y) I(x,y),则其梯度值为:

∇ I = [ I x , I y ] I x = 1 2 ( I ( x + 1 , y ) − I ( x − 1 , y ) ) I y = 1 2 ( I ( x , y + 1 ) − I ( x , y − 1 ) ) \begin{aligned} \nabla I&=[I_x,I_y] \\ I_x&=\frac{1}{2} (I(x+1,y)-I(x-1,y)) \\ I_y&=\frac{1}{2} (I(x,y+1)-I(x,y-1)) \end{aligned} IIxIy=[Ix,Iy]=21(I(x+1,y)I(x1,y))=21(I(x,y+1)I(x,y1))

如果不使用仿射补偿,则将Hessian矩阵 H H H的仿射参数块置为单位矩阵,并将残差块置为零。

如果使用仿射补偿,则雅可比矩阵 J J J的形式为:

J = ( I x 0 x 0 0 I y 0 − I ) J = \left(\begin{matrix} I_x & 0 & x & 0 \\ 0 & I_y & 0 & -I \end{matrix}\right) J=(Ix00Iyx00I)

其中, x , y x,y x,y为像素位置, I I I为像素灰度值。

  1. 迭代优化


3.1 计算像素在当前图像中的位置

u r = ⌊ u ⌋ , v r = ⌊ v ⌋ u_r=\lfloor u \rfloor, v_r=\lfloor v \rfloor ur=u,vr=v

其中, ( u , v ) (u,v) (u,v)为当前像素位置。

3.2 计算插值权重

s u b p i x _ x = u − u r s u b p i x _ y = v − v r w T L = ( 1 − s u b p i x _ x ) ( 1 − s u b p i x _ y ) w T R = s u b p i x _ x ( 1 − s u b p i x _ y ) w B L = ( 1 − s u b p i x _ x ) s u b p i x _ y w B R = s u b p i x _ x s u b p i x _ y \begin{aligned} subpix\_x&=u-u_r \\ subpix\_y&=v-v_r \\ wTL&=(1-subpix\_x)(1-subpix\_y) \\ wTR&=subpix\_x(1-subpix\_y) \\ wBL&=(1-subpix\_x)subpix\_y \\ wBR&=subpix\_xsubpix\_y \end{aligned} subpix_xsubpix_ywTLwTRwBLwBR=uur=vvr=(1subpix_x)(1subpix_y)=subpix_x(1subpix_y)=(1subpix_x)subpix_y=subpix_xsubpix_y

3.3 对搜索块区域进行插值

s e a r c h _ p i x e l = w T L × I ( u r , v r ) + w T R × I ( u r + 1 , v r ) + w B L × I ( u r , v r + 1 ) + w B R × I ( u r + 1 , v r + 1 ) search\_pixel=wTL\times I(u_r,v_r)+wTR\times I(u_r+1,v_r)+wBL\times I(u_r,v_r+1) + wBR\times I(u_r+1,v_r+1) search_pixel=wTL×I(ur,vr)+wTR×I(ur+1,vr)+wBL×I(ur,vr+1)+wBR×I(ur+1,vr+1)

3.4 计算残差

r e s = s e a r c h _ p i x e l − α × r e f _ p a t c h + m e a n _ d i f f res=search\_pixel-\alpha\times ref\_patch+mean\_diff res=search_pixelα×ref_patch+mean_diff

其中, α \alpha α为增益系数。

3.5 计算Jacobian矩阵

J = ( I x I y 1 0 0 − I ) J=\left(\begin{matrix} I_x \\ I_y \\ 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -I \end{matrix}\right) J= IxIy100I

其中, I x , I y I_x,I_y Ix,Iy为参考块中对应像素点的导数。

如果不使用仿射补偿,则将 J J J的仿射参数置为零。

3.6 更新Hessian矩阵和残差

H = H + J × J T J r e s = J T × r e s \begin{aligned} H &= H + J \times J^T \\ Jres &= J^T \times res \\ \end{aligned} HJres=H+J×JT=JT×res

3.7 求解更新量

u p d a t e = H − 1 × J r e s update=H^{-1}\times Jres update=H1×Jres

3.8 更新像素位置和几何变换参数

u ← u + u p d a t e [ 0 ] v ← v + u p d a t e [ 1 ] m e a n _ d i f f ← m e a n _ d i f f + u p d a t e [ 2 ] α ← α + u p d a t e [ 3 ] \begin{aligned} u &\leftarrow u + update[0] \\ v &\leftarrow v + update[1] \\ mean\_diff &\leftarrow mean\_diff + update[2] \\ \alpha &\leftarrow \alpha + update[3] \end{aligned} uvmean_diffαu+update[0]v+update[1]mean_diff+update[2]α+update[3]

3.9 判断是否收敛


最后更新估计的像素位置 c u r _ p x _ e s t i m a t e cur\_px\_estimate cur_px_estimate,并返回是否收敛的结果。

2. 代码描述


bool align2D(const cv::Mat& cur_img, uint8_t* ref_patch_with_border, uint8_t* ref_patch,
    const int n_iter, const bool affine_est_offset, const bool affine_est_gain,
    Keypoint& cur_px_estimate, bool no_simd, std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f>* each_step) {

#ifdef __ARM_NEON__
  if (!no_simd)
    return align2D_NEON(cur_img, ref_patch_with_border, ref_patch, n_iter, cur_px_estimate);
如果支持ARM NEON指令集并且不禁用SIMD指令,则调用align2D_NEON函数进行处理。

  if (each_step)


  const int halfpatch_size_ = 4;
  const int patch_size_ = 8;
  const int patch_area_ = 64;
  bool converged = false;


  // We optimize feature position and two affine parameters.
  // compute derivative of template and prepare inverse compositional
  float __attribute__((__aligned__(16))) ref_patch_dx[patch_area_];
  float __attribute__((__aligned__(16))) ref_patch_dy[patch_area_];
  Eigen::Matrix4f H;


  // compute gradient and hessian
  const int ref_step = patch_size_ + 2;
  float* it_dx = ref_patch_dx;
  float* it_dy = ref_patch_dy;
  for (int y = 0; y < patch_size_; ++y) {
    uint8_t* it = ref_patch_with_border + (y + 1) * ref_step + 1;
    for (int x = 0; x < patch_size_; ++x, ++it, ++it_dx, ++it_dy) {
      Eigen::Vector4f J;
      J[0] = 0.5 * (it[1] - it[-1]);
      J[1] = 0.5 * (it[ref_step] - it[-ref_step]);

      // If not using the affine compensation, force the jacobian to be zero.
      J[2] = affine_est_offset ? 1.0 : 0.0;
      J[3] = affine_est_gain ? -1.0 * it[0] : 0.0;

      *it_dx = J[0];
      *it_dy = J[1];
      H += J * J.transpose();


  // If not use affine compensation, force update to be zero by
  // * setting the affine parameter block in H to identity
  // * setting the residual block to zero (see below)
  if (!affine_est_offset) {
    H(2, 2) = 1.0;
  if (!affine_est_gain) {
    H(3, 3) = 1.0;
  Eigen::Matrix4f Hinv = H.inverse();
  float mean_diff = 0;
  float alpha = 1.0;


  // Compute pixel location in new image:
  float u = cur_px_estimate.x();
  float v = cur_px_estimate.y();

  if (each_step)
    each_step->push_back(Eigen::Vector2f(u, v));


  // termination condition
  const float min_update_squared =
      0.03 * 0.03;  // TODO I suppose this depends on the size of the image (ate)
  const int cur_step = cur_img.step.p[0];
  Eigen::Vector4f update;
  for (int iter = 0; iter < n_iter; ++iter) {
    int u_r = std::floor(u);
    int v_r = std::floor(v);
    if (u_r < halfpatch_size_ || v_r < halfpatch_size_ || u_r >= cur_img.cols - halfpatch_size_ ||
        v_r >= cur_img.rows - halfpatch_size_)

    if (std::isnan(u) || std::isnan(v))
      return false;


    // compute interpolation weights
    float subpix_x = u - u_r;
    float subpix_y = v - v_r;
    float wTL = (1.0 - subpix_x) * (1.0 - subpix_y);
    float wTR = subpix_x * (1.0 - subpix_y);
    float wBL = (1.0 - subpix_x) * subpix_y;
    float wBR = subpix_x * subpix_y;

    // loop through search_patch, interpolate
    uint8_t* it_ref = ref_patch;
    float* it_ref_dx = ref_patch_dx;
    float* it_ref_dy = ref_patch_dy;
    Eigen::Vector4f Jres;
    for (int y = 0; y < patch_size_; ++y) {
      uint8_t* it =
          (uint8_t*)cur_img.data + (v_r + y - halfpatch_size_) * cur_step + u_r - halfpatch_size_;
      for (int x = 0; x < patch_size_; ++x, ++it, ++it_ref, ++it_ref_dx, ++it_ref_dy) {
        float search_pixel =
            wTL * it[0] + wTR * it[1] + wBL * it[cur_step] + wBR * it[cur_step + 1];
        float res = search_pixel - alpha * (*it_ref) + mean_diff;
        Jres[0] -= res * (*it_ref_dx);
        Jres[1] -= res * (*it_ref_dy);

        if (affine_est_offset) {
          Jres[2] -= res;

        if (affine_est_gain) {
          Jres[3] -= (-1) * res * (*it_ref);

    if (!affine_est_offset) {
      Jres[2] = 0.0;
    if (!affine_est_gain) {
      Jres[3] = 0.0;


    update = Hinv * Jres;
    u += update[0];
    v += update[1];
    mean_diff += update[2];
    alpha += update[3];

    if (each_step)
      each_step->push_back(Eigen::Vector2f(u, v));

    if (update[0] * update[0] + update[1] * update[1] < min_update_squared) {
      converged = true;

  cur_px_estimate << u, v;

  return converged;


3. 参考文献:

  1. L. Lucchi, C. Gasser, T. Hofmann, and V. Friebel, “Efficient deformable registration of non-linearly distorted 3D point-sets,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., 2013, pp. 3059–3066.

  2. OpenCV官方文档

