APScheduler 浅析


APScheduler是python下的任务调度框架,全程为Advanced Python Scheduler,是一款轻量级的Python任务调度框架。它允许你像Linux下的Crontab那样安排定期执行的任务,并且支持Python函数或任意可调用的对象。


(ENV1) [eason@localhost]$ pip install apscheduler
Collecting apscheduler
  Downloading APScheduler-3.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (57kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 61kB 81kB/s Collecting pytz (from apscheduler) Downloading pytz-2016.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl (483kB) 100% |████████████████████████████████| 491kB 52kB/s Collecting funcsigs; python_version == "2.7" (from apscheduler) Downloading funcsigs-1.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.4.0 in /home/eason/ENV1/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from apscheduler) Collecting tzlocal>=1.2 (from apscheduler) Downloading tzlocal-1.3.tar.gz Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=0.7 in /home/eason/ENV1/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from apscheduler) Collecting futures; python_version == "2.7" (from apscheduler) Downloading futures-3.0.5-py2-none-any.whl Building wheels for collected packages: tzlocal Running setup.py bdist_wheel for tzlocal ... done Stored in directory: /home/eason/.cache/pip/wheels/80/19/a8/635ad9f4ad8a63b49d073c55cbca31fb5898ce2560ed145a69 Successfully built tzlocal Installing collected packages: pytz, funcsigs, tzlocal, futures, apscheduler Successfully installed apscheduler-3.3.0 funcsigs-1.0.2 futures-3.0.5 pytz-2016.10 tzlocal-1.3 (ENV1) [eason@localhost]$


APScheduler 有四种组件:

  • triggers
  • job stores
  • executors
  • schedulers


job stores(作业存储器)存储被调度的作业,默认的作业存储器只是简单地把作业保存在内存中,其他的作业存储器则是将作业保存在数据库中。当作业被保存到一个持久化的作业存储器中的时候,该作业的数据会被序列化,并在加载时被反序列化。作业存储器不能共享调度器。


schedulers(调度器)配置作业存储器和执行器可以在调度器中完成,例如添加、修改和移除作业。根据不同的应用场景可以选用不同的调度器,可选的有BlockingScheduler,BackgroundScheduler,AsyncIOScheduler,GeventScheduler,TornadoScheduler,TwistedScheduler,QtScheduler 7种。


  • BlockingScheduler : 当调度器是你应用中唯一要运行的东西时
  • BackgroundScheduler : 当你没有运行任何其他框架并希望调度器在你应用的后台执行时使用。
  • AsyncIOScheduler : 当你的程序使用了asyncio(一个异步框架)的时候使用。
  • GeventScheduler : 当你的程序使用了gevent(高性能的Python并发框架)的时候使用。
  • TornadoScheduler : 当你的程序基于Tornado(一个web框架)的时候使用。
  • TwistedScheduler : 当你的程序使用了Twisted(一个异步框架)的时候使用
  • QtScheduler : 如果你的应用是一个Qt应用的时候可以使用。


如果你的应用在每次启动的时候都会重新创建作业,那么使用默认的作业存储器(MemoryJobStore)即可,但是如果你需要在调度器重启或者应用程序奔溃的情况下任然保留作业,你应该根据你的应用环境来选择具体的作业存储器。例如:使用Mongo或者SQLAlchemy JobStore (用于支持大多数RDBMS)





  • date 一次性指定日期
  • interval 在某个时间范围内间隔多长时间执行一次
  • cron 和Linux crontab格式兼容,最为强大

date 最基本的一种调度,作业只会执行一次。它的参数如下:

  1. run_date (datetime|str) – 作业的运行日期或时间
  2. timezone (datetime.tzinfo|str) – 指定时区


# 2016-12-12运行一次job_function
sched.add_job(job_function, 'date', run_date=date(2016, 12, 12), args=['text']) # 2016-12-12 12:00:00运行一次job_function sched.add_job(job_function, 'date', run_date=datetime(2016, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0), args=['text'])

interval 间隔调度,参数如下:

  1. weeks (int) – 间隔几周
  2. days (int) – 间隔几天
  3. hours (int) – 间隔几小时
  4. minutes (int) – 间隔几分钟
  5. seconds (int) – 间隔多少秒
  6. start_date (datetime|str) – 开始日期
  7. end_date (datetime|str) – 结束日期
  8. timezone (datetime.tzinfo|str) – 时区


# 每两个小时调一下job_function
sched.add_job(job_function, 'interval', hours=2)


  1. year (int|str) – 年,4位数字
  2. month (int|str) – 月 (范围1-12)
  3. day (int|str) – 日 (范围1-31)
  4. week (int|str) – 周 (范围1-53)
  5. day_of_week (int|str) – 周内第几天或者星期几 (范围0-6 或者 mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun)
  6. hour (int|str) – 时 (范围0-23)
  7. minute (int|str) – 分 (范围0-59)
  8. second (int|str) – 秒 (范围0-59)
  9. start_date (datetime|str) – 最早开始日期(包含)
  10. end_date (datetime|str) – 最晚结束时间(包含)
  11. timezone (datetime.tzinfo|str) – 指定时区


表达式 参数 描述
* any Fire on every value
*/a any Fire every a values, starting from the minimum
a-b any Fire on any value within the a-b range (a must be smaller than b)
a-b/c any Fire every c values within the a-b range
xth y day Fire on the x -th occurrence of weekday y within the month
last x day Fire on the last occurrence of weekday x within the month
last day Fire on the last day within the month
x,y,z any Fire on any matching expression; can combine any number of any of the above expressions


# job_function将会在6,7,8,11,12月的第3个周五的1,2,3点运行
sched.add_job(job_function, 'cron', month='6-8,11-12', day='3rd fri', hour='0-3') # 截止到2016-12-30 00:00:00,每周一到周五早上五点半运行job_function sched.add_job(job_function, 'cron', day_of_week='mon-fri', hour=5, minute=30, end_date='2016-12-31')




from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
import datetime

def my_job1(): print 'my_job1 is running, Now is %s' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def my_job2(): print 'my_job2 is running, Now is %s' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") sched = BlockingScheduler() # 每隔5秒运行一次my_job1 sched.add_job(my_job1, 'interval', seconds=5,id='my_job1') # 每隔5秒运行一次my_job2 sched.add_job(my_job2,'cron',second='*/5',id='my_job2') sched.start()


$my_job2 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 14:41:10 $my_job1 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 14:41:12 $my_job2 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 14:41:15 $my_job1 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 14:41:17 $my_job2 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 14:41:20 $my_job1 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 14:41:22 $my_job2 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 14:41:25 $my_job1 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 14:41:27


from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
import datetime

sched = BlockingScheduler()
@sched.scheduled_job('interval',seconds=5,id='my_job1') def my_job1(): print 'my_job1 is running, Now is %s' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #每隔5秒运行一次my_job2 @sched.scheduled_job('cron',second='*/5',id='my_job2') def my_job2(): print 'my_job2 is running, Now is %s' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") sched.start()


$my_job2 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 15:09:00 $my_job1 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 15:09:03 $my_job2 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 15:09:05 $my_job1 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 15:09:08 $my_job2 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 15:09:10 $my_job1 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 15:09:13 $my_job2 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 15:09:15 $my_job1 is running, Now is 2016-12-13 15:09:18


from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import logging sched = BlockingScheduler() def my_job(): print 'my_job is running, Now is %s' % datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #使用sqlalchemy作业存储器 url='mysql+mysqldb://root:123456@localhost:3306/scrapy?charset=utf8' sched.add_jobstore('sqlalchemy',url=url) #添加作业 sched.add_job(my_job,'interval',id='myjob',seconds=5) log = logging.getLogger('apscheduler.executors.default') log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # DEBUG #设定日志格式 fmt = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s') h = logging.StreamHandler() h.setFormatter(fmt) log.addHandler(h) sched.start()


$ python scheduler.py 
INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Running job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:26:45 CST)" (scheduled at 2016-12-13 21:26:45.067157+08:00) my_job is running, Now is 2016-12-13 21:26:45 INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:26:50 CST)" executed successfully INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Running job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:26:50 CST)" (scheduled at 2016-12-13 21:26:50.067157+08:00) my_job is running, Now is 2016-12-13 21:26:50 INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:26:50 CST)" executed successfully INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Running job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:26:55 CST)" (scheduled at 2016-12-13 21:26:55.067157+08:00) my_job is running, Now is 2016-12-13 21:26:55 INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:26:55 CST)" executed successfully INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Running job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:27:00 CST)" (scheduled at 2016-12-13 21:27:00.067157+08:00) my_job is running, Now is 2016-12-13 21:27:00 INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:27:05 CST)" executed successfully INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Running job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:27:05 CST)" (scheduled at 2016-12-13 21:27:05.067157+08:00) my_job is running, Now is 2016-12-13 21:27:05 INFO:apscheduler.executors.default:Job "my_job (trigger: interval[0:00:05], next run at: 2016-12-13 21:27:05 CST)" executed successfully

