Friends S01.01 Part A


Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with!

Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him!

Chandler:  So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?

going: 在美式口语中,going不会完整的拼读为/ˈɡoɪŋ/, 而是会略读为/ˈɡo ən/

hump/hʌmp/ n.驼峰

have a hump在这里翻译为驼背,但还有另一个词表述驼背:hunchback.

第一个其实意思是 naturally have a hump on their body,指动物身上的一部分,用在这里是为了形容能和Monica约会的人是多么                abnormal。也有衍生词humpback: a humpback whale 座头鲸

第二个是physical deformity, 就是我们平时形容人驼背的时候用的:a. He has a hunchback.  b.Have you noticed a guy with a     hunchback? c. 也是驼背人这个名词: the hunchback of Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院的那个驼背敲钟人 

hairpiece: 假发(不是 fake hair or something lol)


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Ross: Hi.

Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.

Monica: Are you okay, sweetie?

Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...

Chandler: Cookie?

 Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today.

 Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee.

small intestine: 小肠。这里发生了连读&略读:/smɔln'tɛstn/  (/smɔl/+/ɪn'tɛstɪn/)

Let me get you some coffee: 我来帮你倒些咖啡

let me get you 后接drink是很地道的帮别人倒饮品的表达。~ some drink


Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)

Ross: No, no don't! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay?

Ross: I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very happy.

Monica: No you don't.

Ross: No I don't, to hell with her, she left me!

Joey: And you never knew she was a lesbian...

Ross: No!! Okay?! Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn't know, how should I know?


这里是表示拉扯的动作,pluck at the air

也可以有作用对象:She plucked his sleeve to try to get his attention.

cleansing my aura: 

cleanse/klɛnz/ 净化,清洗: 

This food is valued for reputed healthy benefits: the ability to lower cholesteral and cleanse the liver of toxin.

aura/'ɔrə/ 气场 ,气氛,灵光:He exuded an arua of reassuring solidity. 他散发出安全可靠的气场。

blow my blessed aura to you.

fixate on: 注视,盯着一个点--> 过多的关注,这里Ross说大家keep fixating on him,是到了目不转睛地把他当成一个点盯着看 lol  

Don't fixate on things you can't do, but on things you can do.

Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon. 






