mybatis3中mapper文件中 #{...} 和 ${...}有什么不同

from :

What is the difference between #{...} and ${...}?

mybatis3中mapper文件中 #{...} 和 ${...}有什么不同.

MyBatis interprets #{...} as a parameter marker in a JDBC prepared statement. MyBatis interprets ${...} as 

mybatis3对于#{...}是JDBC prepared statement参数的占位符标志,其值会有对应typehandler针对不同类型设值.

string substitution. It is important to know the difference because parameter markers cannot be used in certain places 


in SQL statements.
For example, you cannot use a parameter marker to specify a table name.
Given the following code:


[java]  view plain  copy
  1. Map<String, Object> parms = new HashMap<String, Object>();  
  2. parms.put("table""foo");  
  3. parms.put("criteria"37);  
  4. List<Object> rows = mapper.generalSelect(parms);  
  5. <select id="generalSelect" parameterType="map">  
  6.   select * from ${table} where col1 = #{criteria}  
  7. </select>  

MyBatis will generate the following prepared statement:



[java]  view plain  copy
  1. select * from foo where col1 = ?  

Important: note that use of ${...} (string substitution) presents a risk for SQL injection attacks. Also, string substitution can be problematical for complex types like dates. For these reasons, we recommend using the #{...} form whenever possible.

