

Strong landing V net!AD Chain wants to win the bright moon in the green sky?

近期,AD Chain犹如区块链圈的一颗璀璨之星,获得了非凡的市场反响。为了进一步推动了解AD Chain的前景,加快了上线步伐,为了给用户提供一个安全、稳定和优质的交易体验。AD Chain团队表示,于本月24日上线澳洲V网交易所。澳洲v网作为全球领先的数字资产服务商,主要面向全球用户提供数字资产之间的交易,致力于成为全球数字资产的基础设施提供商。作为一个知名大、安全性高的正规交易平台,拥有海量的数字资产用户,让持有AD Chain的用户更安心!接下来我们来谈谈它的优势。

In the near future,the AD Chain is like a bright star of the block chain circle, has obtained the extraordinary market response.In order to further understand the prospects of AD Chain, speed up the online pace, to provide users with a secure, stable and high-quality trading experience.The AD Chain team said,launched on the Australian V net Exchange on the 24th of this month.As the world's leading digital asset service provider, v Australia provides transactions between digital assets to customers around the world and is committed to becoming a global digital asset infrastructure provider.As a well-known large, high security formal trading platform, with a large number of digital assets users, so that the users holding AD Chain more secure! Next, let's talk about its advantages.


Play with the world's first model of smart brain!

首个区块链+社交游戏+广告新媒体应用,在自主研发的区块链3.0公有链上运行,采用最权威的"通证经济学"的激励机制,打造独创领先的"算力系统",采用最火爆的"参与即挖矿"经济模型,项目所有收入的80%用于回购+分红",赋予AD Chain更高的价值。

First block chain+social games+advertisement new media application,run on self-developed block chain 3.0 public chain,adopt the most authoritative incentive Mechanism of "General proof Economics",creating a unique and leading "Computational Power system",adopt the most popular economic model of "mining by participation",80% of all project income goes to repurchase dividends, "giving AD Chain a higher value.

玩赚智脑AD Chain,合理引入了区块链技术,利用区块链技术,对广告商、出版商和消费者之间的短线中介进行了整合,原有的商业模式会发生改变。因为区块链是透明并且加密的,广告主可以非常方便地判断出观看广告的人是不是他们的目标用户,因为信息的完整性,也可以多维度的交叉统计进行用户画像。为一些广告公司每年可以节省数百万的额外广告开支。公司已经开始在尝试建立一个可信任的广告空间,让用户能够在广告活动监管与加密保护的广告展示跟踪中受益。

Play brain-making AD Chain,the technology of block chain is introduced reasonably,Short-term intermediaries between advertisers, publishers and consumers have been integrated using block chain technology,the old business model will change.Because the block chain is transparent and encrypted, advertisers can easily determine whether the person watching the ad is their target user,because of the integrity of the information, you can also carry out user portraits with multidimensional cross-statistics.Some advertising agencies can save millions of extra advertising dollars a year.The company has begun to try to build a trusted advertising space that allows users to benefit from advertising campaign monitoring and encrypted display tracking.

玩赚智脑旨在为全球用户提供一个互动参与就能将自身商业价值变现的平台,玩赚智脑AD Chain将是2018下半年最具潜力项目。

Gaming brain is designed to provide an interactive platform for global users to realize their business value,playing brain-making AD Chain will be the most promising project in the second half of 2018.

