作文:The Harm of Divorce

  The increasing divorce rate has drawn more and more attention from all walks of life nowadays. Whether it is because of family violence, severe family conflicts or other various reasons, the rising divorce rate has brought great anxiety, disturbance and bad effects on the society.
  It is not uncommon that for Chinese people divorce is just a beginning of a tough road. It is not just two people split up and move on to new life. They need to embrace enough courage and patience to minimize the bad effects not only to themselves, but also to their heart-broken kids and other family members.
  For the wife and husband, they will suffer the stress and emotional fluctuation([,flʌktʃʊ'eɪʃ(ə)n; -tjʊ-]起伏,波动) after divorce. They need to confront their marriage failure and learn to recover from it. On the other hand ,they also need to handle the financial businesses between them, which is very tricky and troublesome. More importantly, they are not sure whether they will have a better life after divorce or how long it will take them to lead a satisfactory life they want. 
  Kids play an important roles when considering divorce. Kids are the last person who want to have a divorced parents. It is normal that kids are more likely to have more problems when growing up. Some may have obvious character problems like autism(['ɔːtɪz(ə)m]自闭症), isolation(孤立) and rebellion([rɪ'beljən]逆反,不服从), which exert a severe bad effect for their future life. Normally, parents need to spend more time and efforts to ensure a happy and positive life for them. 
  Take a long and deep consideration and be responsible for yourself and the people you care when you think of divorce. 

