Ireland Has Voted Overwhelmingly to Ease Its Divorce Laws

Ireland Has Voted Overwhelmingly to Ease Its Divorce Laws


① The Republic of Ireland has voted to relax restrictions on divorce laws by an overwhelming majority, in the latest move to liberalize a constitution heavily influenced by the Roman Catholic Church.


② A referendum held last week saw 82.1% of voters supporting the change, which removes a clause requiring couples to have been separated for four of the previous five years in order to get a divorce.


③ A new timeframe will be decided on by the Oireachtas, or the Irish parliament. The government has previously expressed the view that a two-year separation is enough.


④ The country’s Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan, tweeted that the results represent “very positive news” and that he will move quickly with the legislation to “reduce upset and trauma on couples and children” trapped in failed marriages.

爱尔兰司法和平等部门部长Charlie Flanagan发推特称,这次公投结果代表着“非常积极的消息”,而且他将运用这一新规快速做出行动,为深陷婚姻失败泥沼的“夫妻和儿童免去烦恼,抚平伤痛”。

⑤ While Ireland’s main political parties are in favor of easing regulations that would make filing for a divorce easier, Catholic pressure groups have maintained their opposition, stating that separation causes disruption to children’s lives and that the government should instead invest resources into “what makes marriages work.”


⑥ Divorce was legalized relatively recently in the predominantly Catholic country — in 1995 — after a vote passed by a margin of less than one percent. But the country is seeing signs of moving towards more liberal policies.



