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当想跟陌生人(老外)搭话 Excuse me! Could you tell me the way to …

对不起,打扰一下。 Excuse me!
(如果想帮助别人)需要我帮忙吗? May I help you?

如果你听到别人喊你,或者对你说Excuse me!

没听清,请对方再说一遍 Parden?(升调)

我可以问你一个问题吗? May I ask you a question?

到自由女神像怎么走? How can I get to the statue of Liberty?
How can I get there? I don’t know the way
Could you tell me the way to the status of Liberty?

一直向前走 go straight
通过那道门 through the gate
然后在左边 then on the left

问怎样称呼对方 How do I address you?

May I have your name?
How do I address you?

没听清,请对方再说一遍 Parden?

开车接送人,搭便车 pick sb. up/ take sb. to /give sb. a lift

车在那边 The car is over there
开车接某人 pick sb up
开车送某人 take sb to …
我们在某地见面 We meet at the …
给某人搭便车 give sb a lift

他每天早上7点半去接你 He’ll pick you up at 7:30 every morning
我(开车)送你去酒店 I’ll take you to the hotel
我们在门口见面 We’ll meet at the gate
我可以搭你的便车去车站吗? Could you give me a lift to station?

第一次见面打招呼 Nice to meet you!

(较正式场合加 Good morning/afternoon/night)
第一次见面 Nice to meet you! (回答Nice to meet you, too )
A: Nice to meet you! My name is xxx. We haven’t met before, have we?
B: No we haven’t! Nice to meet you, too. (It’s pleasure to meet you!)

已经认识的人见面(第二次以上) Hi / Hello

How are you? ( 回答: not too bad, fine)
How’s everything?(not too bad , fine)
How are things going?
Haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you?
Nice to meet you again
Long time no see.
How have you been?

问怎么回事 What’s the matter?

What’s the matter? (What’s up?)
Are you all right ?
No, we aren’t
Yes,we are

Thank you!

Never mind
It doesn’t matter
That’s all right

某样东西,比如食物,不知道用英语怎么说? What do you call that/it?

How do you call this thing?
What do you call that/it ?

(对客人说)请随意 help yourself

(用餐时)请随意 please help yourself
请随意 please make yourself at home
请随时联系我 please feel free to contact me

洗手间在哪里 Where can I wash my hands?

(比较委婉的方式)Where can I wash my hands ?
(一般的方式) Where is the restroom?

问对方好了没有,饭做好没有? Are you ready?

你好了没有? Are you ready?
你做完了没有? Are you done yet?
饭好了没有? Is the meal ready?
晚饭好了没有? Is dinner(dishes) ready?

还没好 Not yet!
快好了 Nearly ready
Almost ready
好了 It’s ready
我还在做 I’m still working on it

手机快没电了 My phone’s dying

dying 是die 的现在分词(<口>渴望,切盼; 垂死的,临终的; 快熄灭的;)
My phone’s dying 表示电量正在消失
My phone’s off 表示完全没电

(手机)欠费 run out of credit
charge if overdue
(overdue adj ,过期未付的,欠费的)

开机,开灯,开… Turn on
Switch on
Power on (开电源)
关机,关灯,关闭… Turn off
Switch off
Power off

停电,停水 electricity failure,water supply failure

停电 electricity failure, a power outage
停水 water supply failure, water outage

停电了!The power is off.
The power is gone.
There is a power outage.

来电了 electricity is on
electricity is in service again
electricity is re-supplied again

来水了 water supply is recovery
water supply is in service again

一些常用表达 When is the most convenient time for you?

看你什么时候方便 When is the most convenient time for you?
越快越好 The sooner the better
慢慢来 Take your time
放松 Take easy
由你来决定 It’s up to you

到目前为止,一切都好 So far so good
那不像他的风格 That’s not like him
保持联系 Let’s keep in touch
我没办法 I couldn’t help
出事了! Something come up!
我期待这一天 I’m looking forward to it
一点也不 Far from it
这是不可能的 It’s out of the question
没所谓 It doesn’t make any difference
我受够他了 I’m fed up with him.
他讨厌透了 He’s awful.
(东西)坏了,不动了 It doesn’t work.
It’s broken
我不能很好用英语表达我自己 I can’t express myself very well in English
别放心上 Thing nothing of it.
尚未确定,悬而未决 It’s up in the air.
小事,不足挂齿 It’s nothing. Never mind
难说 It’s hard to say
你确信吗? Are you sure?
我会想办法的 I’ll do something about it
我完全同意 I couldn’t agree more
再过几分钟就好了 I’ll be ready in a few minutes
我来这里出差 I’m here on business
我不太清楚 I’m not really sure
我要开始工作了 I should start to work
我在公交车里 I’m in the bus
我在火车上 I’m on the train
我在飞机上 I’m on the train
我刚下车/上车 I’m just get off / get on
刚刚 just a moment ago
马上(就…) in a minute,
at once,
straight away
come on
你打错电话了 I think you have the wrong number

你正在忙吗? Are you in the middle of something?
算是吧 Kind of
你正在做什么? What are you up to ?
你能不能给我一个大概的数字? Can you give me a ballpark (an approximate ) figure
今天的工作结束了 Today’s work is over


1.你吃过饭了没有? Have you had your lunch/dinner?
简化版:Did you have meal yet?
Did you have anything yet?
Did you eat meal yet?
Did you eat anything yet?

2.好久没见你了 I haven’t seen you for a long time
简化版:Long time no see (好久不见)

3.我迄今为止见过的 I’ve ever seen
这是我见过的最好的手机 This is the most phone I’ve ever seen

4.我从来没见过 I’ve never seen
从来没见过这种人 I’ve never seen a person like him/that.

5.我认识他已经很久了 I have known him for ages

6.我一直在这里等着 I’ve been waiting here
Where have you been to? I’ve been waiting here for 2 hours!

7.我一直在这里 I’ve been here/ I’ve lived here

I’ve been here for 10 years
I’ve been here since 2008

I’ve lived here for 10 years
I’ve lived here since 2008

8.我曾经去过那里 I’ve ever been there

9.我度过了艰难的一天 I’ve had a tough day

10.我已经受够了 I’ve had enough
I’ve had enough, don’t make me work overtime anymore!

11.你听见说吗? Have you heard?
The news said the stock market is crashing, have you heard?

12.我做完了 I have done it

