IceCTF - Intercepted Conversations Pt.2 WriteUp


追踪 Protocol 为 IRC 的流,可以得到一段聊天内容


大意是传输了一个 encode.pyc 文件,并用其加密了一段文字,密文如下:

于是就想办法提取出这个 pyc 文件,pyc 是 python 编译后的文件(pyc pyo 等文件格式的详解:

继续检查数据包,在筛选器中筛选 data 可以发现这个包


可以看到它的开头是 16 0d ,这是 Python 3.5 编译后的特征码 ,可以确定这就是我们要找的 encode.pyc(Python 各版本编译后的特征码可以在这查询

将提取出的 encode.pyc 文件用 uncompyle6 ( )反编译如下:

# Offsec Research CTF Team
import random, base64, string, sys
P = [27,35,50,11,8,20,44,30,6,1,5,2,33,16,36,64,3,61,54,25,12,21,26,10,57,53,38,56,58,37,43,17,42,47,4,14,7,46,34,19,23,40,63,18,45,60,13,15,22,9,62,51,32,55,29,24,41,39,49,52,48,28,31,59]
S = [68,172,225,210,148,172,72,38,208,227,0,240,193,67,122,108,252,57,174,197,83,236,16,226,133,94,104,228,135,251,150,52,85,56,174,105,215,251,111,77,44,116,128,196,43,210,214,203,109,65,157,222,93,74,209,50,11,172,247,111,80,143,70,89]
#comment these lines if not running under python2
#Get the encoded flag and do the conversions in reverse order
ans = ((base64.b64decode(sys.argv[1])).encode('utf8')).decode('utf8')
#Create a list with length of character in ans (encoded flag)
ans_list = list(ans)
#Create empty inp list
inp = ['' for i in range(len(ans))]
for j in range(0, len(ans), 64):
    for i in range(64):
        #Try every printable ascii character and if the equation is satisfied, we've found one character of the initial input
        for c in string.printable:
            if (ans_list[j + P[i] - 1] == unichr(((ord(c) + S[i]) % 256))):
                inp[j + i] = c
inp = ''.join(inp)


import base64
inp = base64.b64decode("Wmkvw680HDzDqMK6UBXChDXCtC7CosKmw7R9w7JLwr/CoT44UcKNwp7DllpPwo3DtsOID8OPTcOWwrzDpi3CtMOKw4PColrCpXUYRhXChMK9w6PDhxfDicOdwoAgwpgNw5/Cvw==").decode('utf8')
P = [
27, 35, 50, 11, 8, 20, 44, 30, 6, 1, 5, 2, 33, 16, 36, 64, 3, 61, 54, 25, 12, 21, 26, 10, 57, 53, 38, 56, 58, 37, 43, 17, 42, 47, 4, 14, 7, 46, 34, 19, 23, 40, 63, 18, 45, 60, 13, 15, 22, 9, 62, 51, 32, 55, 29, 24, 41, 39, 49, 52, 48, 28, 31, 59]
S = [68, 172, 225, 210, 148, 172, 72, 38, 208, 227, 0, 240, 193, 67, 122, 108, 252, 57, 174, 197, 83, 236, 16, 226, 133, 94, 104, 228, 135, 251, 150, 52, 85, 56, 174, 105, 215, 251, 111, 77, 44, 116, 128, 196, 43, 210, 214, 203, 109, 65, 157, 222, 93, 74, 209, 50, 11, 172, 247, 111, 80, 143, 70, 89]

ans = ['' for i in range(len(inp))]
for j in range(0, len(inp), 64):
for i in range(64):
x = ord(inp[j + P[i] - 1]) - S[i]
if x < 0:
x += 256
ans[j + i] = chr(x)

ans = ''.join(ans)

