
static int run8Point( const Mat& _m1, const Mat& _m2, Mat& _fmatrix )


    Point2d m1c(0,0), m2c(0,0);

    double t, scale1 = 0, scale2 = 0;

    const Point2f* m1 = _m1.ptr<Point2f>();

    const Point2f* m2 = _m2.ptr<Point2f>();

    CV_Assert( (_m1.cols == 1 || _m1.rows == 1) && _m1.size() == _m2.size());

    int i, count = _m1.checkVector(2);

    // compute centers and average distances for each of the two point sets

    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )


        m1c += Point2d(m1[i]);

        m2c += Point2d(m2[i]);


    // calculate the normalizing transformations for each of the point sets:

    // after the transformation each set will have the mass center at the coordinate origin

    // and the average distance from the origin will be ~sqrt(2).

    t = 1./count;

    m1c *= t;

    m2c *= t;

    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )


        scale1 += norm(Point2d(m1[i].x - m1c.x, m1[i].y - m1c.y));

        scale2 += norm(Point2d(m2[i].x - m2c.x, m2[i].y - m2c.y));


    scale1 *= t;

    scale2 *= t;

    if( scale1 < FLT_EPSILON || scale2 < FLT_EPSILON )

        return 0;

    scale1 = std::sqrt(2.)/scale1;

    scale2 = std::sqrt(2.)/scale2;

    Matx<double, 9, 9> A;

    // form a linear system Ax=0: for each selected pair of points m1 & m2,

    // the row of A(=a) represents the coefficients of equation: (m2, 1)'*F*(m1, 1) = 0

    // to save computation time, we compute (At*A) instead of A and then solve (At*A)x=0.

    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )


        double x1 = (m1[i].x - m1c.x)*scale1;

        double y1 = (m1[i].y - m1c.y)*scale1;

        double x2 = (m2[i].x - m2c.x)*scale2;

        double y2 = (m2[i].y - m2c.y)*scale2;

        Vec<double, 9> r( x2*x1, x2*y1, x2, y2*x1, y2*y1, y2, x1, y1, 1 );

        A += r*r.t();


    Vec<double, 9> W;

    Matx<double, 9, 9> V;

    eigen(A, W, V);

    for( i = 0; i < 9; i++ )


        if( fabs(W[i]) < DBL_EPSILON )



    if( i < 8 )

        return 0;

    Matx33d F0( V.val + 9*8 ); // take the last column of v as a solution of Af = 0

    // make F0 singular (of rank 2) by decomposing it with SVD,

    // zeroing the last diagonal element of W and then composing the matrices back.

    Vec3d w;

    Matx33d U;

    Matx33d Vt;

    SVD::compute( F0, w, U, Vt);

    w[2] = 0.;

    F0 = U*Matx33d::diag(w)*Vt;

    // apply the transformation that is inverse

    // to what we used to normalize the point coordinates

    Matx33d T1( scale1, 0, -scale1*m1c.x, 0, scale1, -scale1*m1c.y, 0, 0, 1 );

    Matx33d T2( scale2, 0, -scale2*m2c.x, 0, scale2, -scale2*m2c.y, 0, 0, 1 );

    F0 = T2.t()*F0*T1;

    // make F(3,3) = 1

    if( fabs(F0(2,2)) > FLT_EPSILON )

        F0 *= 1./F0(2,2);


    return 1;



