

AndFix不需要重启app即可实现bug修复,AndFix是“Android hot-fix”的缩写。







import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * Created by ygdx_lk on 17/12/1.
public @interface MethodReplace {
    String clazz();
    String method();



import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Enumeration;

import dalvik.system.DexFile;

 * Created by ygdx_lk on 17/12/1.

public class DexManager {
    private static volatile DexManager instance;
    private Context context;

    public static DexManager getInstance(){
        if(instance == null){
            synchronized (DexManager.class){
                if(instance == null){
                    instance = new DexManager();
        return instance;

    private DexManager(){}

    public void setContext(Context context){
        this.context = context;

    private static final String TAG = "DexManager";
    public void loadFile(File file){
            //public static DexFile loadDex(String sourcePathName, String outputPathName, int flags)
            DexFile dexFile = DexFile.loadDex(file.getAbsolutePath(),
                    new File(context.getCacheDir(), "opt").getAbsolutePath(),
            Enumeration<String> entry = dexFile.entries();
            while (entry.hasMoreElements()){
                String className = entry.nextElement();
                Class clazz = dexFile.loadClass(className, context.getClassLoader());
                Log.i(TAG, "loadFile: className:" + className + "  clazz:" + clazz);
                if(clazz != null){
        }catch (Exception e){

    private void fixClass(Class rightClass) {
        Method[] methods = rightClass.getDeclaredMethods();
        for (Method method : methods) {
            MethodReplace replace = method.getAnnotation(MethodReplace.class);
            if(replace == null)continue;
            String wrongClazzName=replace.clazz();
            String wrongMethodName = replace.method();
                Class wrongClazz = Class.forName(wrongClazzName);
                Method wrongMethod = wrongClazz.getDeclaredMethod(wrongMethodName, method.getParameterTypes());
                //android 18以下是dalvik虚拟机 18以上是art虚拟机,需要区分处理
                if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 18){
                    Log.i(TAG, "<= 18 fixClass: wrongMethod:" + wrongMethod + "  rightMethod:" + method);
                    replaceDalvik(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT, wrongMethod, method);
                }else {
                    Log.i(TAG, "> 18 fixClass: " + wrongMethod + "   " + method);
                    replaceArt(Build.VERSION.PREVIEW_SDK_INT, wrongMethod, method);
            }catch (Exception e){

    private native void replaceDalvik(int sdk, Method wrongMethod, Method rightMethod);
    private native void replaceArt(int sdk, Method wrongMethod, Method rightMethod);



 * Created by ygdx_lk on 17/12/1.

public class Patch {
    final public static void f1(){};
    final public static void f2(){};

Calculate bug方法


 * Created by ygdx_lk on 17/12/1.

public class Calculate {
    public int calculate(){
        int i = 0;
        int j = 10;
        return j/i;



import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    // Used to load the 'native-lib' library on application startup.
    static {

    private TextView tv;
    private Button bt_cal;
    private Button bt_fix;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Example of a call to a native method
        tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
        bt_cal = (Button) findViewById(;
        bt_fix = (Button) findViewById(;

        bt_cal.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                int result = new Calculate().calculate();
                tv.setText("结果:" + result);

        bt_fix.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "out.apatch");


由于android 4.3以下是dalvik虚拟机,andorid4.4是dalvik + art虚拟机,android 5.0以上是art虚拟机。


// Created by ygdx_lk on 17/12/1.

 * Copyright (c) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
 * Copyright (c) 2015,
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * dalvik.h
 * @author : [email protected]
#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include <stdint.h>    /* C99 */

typedef uint8_t u1;
typedef uint16_t u2;
typedef uint32_t u4;
typedef uint64_t u8;
typedef int8_t s1;
typedef int16_t s2;
typedef int32_t s4;
typedef int64_t s8;

 * access flags and masks; the "standard" ones are all <= 0x4000
 * Note: There are related declarations in vm/oo/Object.h in the ClassFlags
 * enum.
enum {
    ACC_PUBLIC = 0x00000001,       // class, field, method, ic
    ACC_PRIVATE = 0x00000002,       // field, method, ic
    ACC_PROTECTED = 0x00000004,       // field, method, ic
    ACC_STATIC = 0x00000008,       // field, method, ic
    ACC_FINAL = 0x00000010,       // class, field, method, ic
    ACC_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x00000020,       // method (only allowed on natives)
    ACC_SUPER = 0x00000020,       // class (not used in Dalvik)
    ACC_VOLATILE = 0x00000040,       // field
    ACC_BRIDGE = 0x00000040,       // method (1.5)
    ACC_TRANSIENT = 0x00000080,       // field
    ACC_VARARGS = 0x00000080,       // method (1.5)
    ACC_NATIVE = 0x00000100,       // method
    ACC_INTERFACE = 0x00000200,       // class, ic
    ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x00000400,       // class, method, ic
    ACC_STRICT = 0x00000800,       // method
    ACC_SYNTHETIC = 0x00001000,       // field, method, ic
    ACC_ANNOTATION = 0x00002000,       // class, ic (1.5)
    ACC_ENUM = 0x00004000,       // class, field, ic (1.5)
    ACC_CONSTRUCTOR = 0x00010000,       // method (Dalvik only)
    ACC_DECLARED_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x00020000,       // method (Dalvik only)
                      | ACC_SYNTHETIC | ACC_ANNOTATION | ACC_ENUM),
                            | ACC_STATIC),
                      | ACC_ENUM),

typedef struct DexProto {
    u4* dexFile; /* file the idx refers to */
    u4 protoIdx; /* index into proto_ids table of dexFile */
} DexProto;

typedef void (*DalvikBridgeFunc)(const u4* args, void* pResult,
                                 const void* method, void* self);

struct Field {
    void* clazz; /* class in which the field is declared */
    const char* name;
    const char* signature; /* e.g. "I", "[C", "Landroid/os/Debug;" */
    u4 accessFlags;

struct Method;
struct ClassObject;

typedef struct Object {
    /* ptr to class object */
    struct ClassObject* clazz;

     * 类的加载过程
     * A word containing either a "thin" lock or a "fat" monitor.  See
     * the comments in Sync.c for a description of its layout.
    u4 lock;
} Object;

struct InitiatingLoaderList {
    /* a list of initiating loader Objects; grown and initialized on demand */
    void** initiatingLoaders;
    /* count of loaders in the above list */
    int initiatingLoaderCount;

enum PrimitiveType {
    PRIM_NOT = 0, /* value is a reference type, not a primitive type */
    PRIM_VOID = 1,
    PRIM_BYTE = 3,
    PRIM_SHORT = 4,
    PRIM_CHAR = 5,
    PRIM_INT = 6,
    PRIM_LONG = 7,
    PRIM_FLOAT = 8,
    PRIM_DOUBLE = 9,
}typedef PrimitiveType;

enum ClassStatus {
    CLASS_ERROR = -1,

    CLASS_NOTREADY = 0, CLASS_IDX = 1, /* loaded, DEX idx in super or ifaces */
    CLASS_LOADED = 2, /* DEX idx values resolved */
    CLASS_RESOLVED = 3, /* part of linking */
    CLASS_VERIFYING = 4, /* in the process of being verified */
    CLASS_VERIFIED = 5, /* logically part of linking; done pre-init */
    CLASS_INITIALIZING = 6, /* class init in progress */
    CLASS_INITIALIZED = 7, /* ready to go */
}typedef ClassStatus;

typedef struct ClassObject {
    struct Object o; // emulate C++ inheritance, Collin

    /* leave space for instance data; we could access fields directly if we
     freeze the definition of java/lang/Class */
    u4 instanceData[4];

    /* UTF-8 descriptor for the class; from constant pool, or on heap
     if generated ("[C") */
    const char* descriptor;
    char* descriptorAlloc;

    /* access flags; low 16 bits are defined by VM spec */
    u4 accessFlags;

    /* VM-unique class serial number, nonzero, set very early */
    u4 serialNumber;

    /* DexFile from which we came; needed to resolve constant pool entries */
    /* (will be NULL for VM-generated, e.g. arrays and primitive classes) */
    void* pDvmDex;

    /* state of class initialization */
    ClassStatus status;

    /* if class verify fails, we must return same error on subsequent tries */
    struct ClassObject* verifyErrorClass;

    /* threadId, used to check for recursive <clinit> invocation */
    u4 initThreadId;

     * Total object size; used when allocating storage on gc heap.  (For
     * interfaces and abstract classes this will be zero.)
    size_t objectSize;

    /* arrays only: class object for base element, for instanceof/checkcast
     (for String[][][], this will be String) */
    struct ClassObject* elementClass;

    /* arrays only: number of dimensions, e.g. int[][] is 2 */
    int arrayDim;
    PrimitiveType primitiveType;

    /* superclass, or NULL if this is java.lang.Object */
    struct ClassObject* super;

    /* defining class loader, or NULL for the "bootstrap" system loader */
    struct Object* classLoader;

    struct InitiatingLoaderList initiatingLoaderList;

    /* array of interfaces this class implements directly */
    int interfaceCount;
    struct ClassObject** interfaces;

    /* static, private, and <init> methods */
    int directMethodCount;
    struct Method* directMethods;

    /* virtual methods defined in this class; invoked through vtable */
    int virtualMethodCount;
    struct Method* virtualMethods;

     * Virtual method table (vtable), for use by "invoke-virtual".  The
     * vtable from the superclass is copied in, and virtual methods from
     * our class either replace those from the super or are appended.
    int vtableCount;
    struct Method** vtable;

} ClassObject;

typedef struct Method {
    struct ClassObject *clazz;
    u4 accessFlags;
//u2 methodIndex   方法表里面的索引
    u2 methodIndex;

    u2 registersSize; /* ins + locals */
    u2 outsSize;
    u2 insSize;

    /* method name, e.g. "<init>" or "eatLunch" */
    const char* name;

     * Method prototype descriptor string (return and argument types).
     * TODO: This currently must specify the DexFile as well as the proto_ids
     * index, because generated Proxy classes don't have a DexFile.  We can
     * remove the DexFile* and reduce the size of this struct if we generate
     * a DEX for proxies.
    DexProto prototype;

    /* short-form method descriptor string */
    const char* shorty;

     * The remaining items are not used for abstract or native methods.
     * (JNI is currently hijacking "insns" as a function pointer, set
     * after the first call.  For internal-native this stays null.)

    /* the actual code */
    u2* insns;

    /* cached JNI argument and return-type hints */
    int jniArgInfo;

     * Native method ptr; could be actual function or a JNI bridge.  We
     * don't currently discriminate between DalvikBridgeFunc and
     * DalvikNativeFunc; the former takes an argument superset (i.e. two
     * extra args) which will be ignored.  If necessary we can use
     * insns==NULL to detect JNI bridge vs. internal native.
    DalvikBridgeFunc nativeFunc;

    bool inProfile;
    short debugBreakpointCount;

    bool fastJni;

     * JNI: true if this method has no reference arguments. This lets the JNI
     * bridge avoid scanning the shorty for direct pointers that need to be
     * converted to local references.
     * TODO: replace this with a list of indexes of the reference arguments.
    bool noRef;

} Method;


// Created by ygdx_lk on 17/12/1.

 * Copyright (c) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
 * Copyright (c) 2015,
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 *  art_5_1.h
 * @author : [email protected]
#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include <stdint.h>    /* C99 */
typedef unsigned char u1;
typedef unsigned short u2;
typedef unsigned int u4;
typedef signed char s1;
typedef signed short s2;
typedef signed int s4;

namespace art {
    namespace mirror {
        class Object {
            // The number of vtable entries in java.lang.Object.
            uint32_t klass_;

            uint32_t monitor_;
        class Class: public Object {
            // Interface method table size. Increasing this value reduces the chance of two interface methods
            // colliding in the interface method table but increases the size of classes that implement
            // (non-marker) interfaces.
            // defining class loader, or NULL for the "bootstrap" system loader
            uint32_t class_loader_;
            // For array classes, the component class object for instanceof/checkcast
            // (for String[][][], this will be String[][]). NULL for non-array classes.
            uint32_t component_type_;
            // DexCache of resolved constant pool entries (will be NULL for classes generated by the
            // runtime such as arrays and primitive classes).
            uint32_t dex_cache_;
            // Short cuts to dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access.
            uint32_t dex_cache_strings_;
            // static, private, and <init> methods
            uint32_t direct_methods_;
            // instance fields
            // These describe the layout of the contents of an Object.
            // Note that only the fields directly declared by this class are
            // listed in ifields; fields declared by a superclass are listed in
            // the superclass's Class.ifields.
            // All instance fields that refer to objects are guaranteed to be at
            // the beginning of the field list.  num_reference_instance_fields_
            // specifies the number of reference fields.
            uint32_t ifields_;
            // The interface table (iftable_) contains pairs of a interface class and an array of the
            // interface methods. There is one pair per interface supported by this class.  That means one
            // pair for each interface we support directly, indirectly via superclass, or indirectly via a
            // superinterface.  This will be null if neither we nor our superclass implement any interfaces.
            // Why we need this: given "class Foo implements Face", declare "Face faceObj = new Foo()".
            // Invoke faceObj.blah(), where "blah" is part of the Face interface.  We can't easily use a
            // single vtable.
            // For every interface a concrete class implements, we create an array of the concrete vtable_
            // methods for the methods in the interface.
            uint32_t iftable_;
            // Descriptor for the class such as "java.lang.Class" or "[C". Lazily initialized by ComputeName
            uint32_t name_;
            // Static fields
            uint32_t sfields_;
            // The superclass, or NULL if this is java.lang.Object, an interface or primitive type.
            uint32_t super_class_;
            // If class verify fails, we must return same error on subsequent tries.
            uint32_t verify_error_class_;
            // Virtual methods defined in this class; invoked through vtable.
            uint32_t virtual_methods_;
            // Virtual method table (vtable), for use by "invoke-virtual".  The vtable from the superclass is
            // copied in, and virtual methods from our class either replace those from the super or are
            // appended. For abstract classes, methods may be created in the vtable that aren't in
            // virtual_ methods_ for miranda methods.
            uint32_t vtable_;
            // Access flags; low 16 bits are defined by VM spec.
            uint32_t access_flags_;
            // Total size of the Class instance; used when allocating storage on gc heap.
            // See also object_size_.
            uint32_t class_size_;
            // Tid used to check for recursive <clinit> invocation.
            pid_t clinit_thread_id_;
            // ClassDef index in dex file, -1 if no class definition such as an array.
            // TODO: really 16bits
            int32_t dex_class_def_idx_;
            // Type index in dex file.
            // TODO: really 16bits
            int32_t dex_type_idx_;
            // Number of instance fields that are object refs.
            uint32_t num_reference_instance_fields_;
            // Number of static fields that are object refs,
            uint32_t num_reference_static_fields_;
            // Total object size; used when allocating storage on gc heap.
            // (For interfaces and abstract classes this will be zero.)
            // See also class_size_.
            uint32_t object_size_;
            // Primitive type value, or Primitive::kPrimNot (0); set for generated primitive classes.
            uint32_t primitive_type_;
            // Bitmap of offsets of ifields.
            uint32_t reference_instance_offsets_;
            // Bitmap of offsets of sfields.
            uint32_t reference_static_offsets_;
            // State of class initialization.
            int32_t status_;
            // TODO: ?
            // initiating class loader list
            // NOTE: for classes with low serialNumber, these are unused, and the
            // values are kept in a table in gDvm.
            // InitiatingLoaderList initiating_loader_list_;
            // The following data exist in real class objects.
            // Embedded Imtable, for class object that's not an interface, fixed size.
            // ImTableEntry embedded_imtable_[0];
            // Embedded Vtable, for class object that's not an interface, variable size.
            // VTableEntry embedded_vtable_[0];
            // Static fields, variable size.
            // uint32_t fields_[0];
            // java.lang.Class
            static void* java_lang_Class_;

        class ArtField : public Object{
            uint32_t declaring_class_;
            int32_t access_flags_;
            int32_t field_dex_idx_;
            int32_t offset_;

        class ArtMethod: public Object {
            // Field order required by test "ValidateFieldOrderOfJavaCppUnionClasses".
            // The class we are a part of. 适配andfix  不能做到这一改
            uint32_t declaring_class_;

            // Short cuts to declaring_class_->dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access. dex
            uint32_t dex_cache_resolved_methods_;
            // Short cuts to declaring_class_->dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access.
            uint32_t dex_cache_resolved_types_;
            // Access flags; low 16 bits are defined by spec.
            uint32_t access_flags_;
            /* Dex file fields. The defining dex file is available via declaring_class_->dex_cache_ */
            // Offset to the CodeItem.
            uint32_t dex_code_item_offset_;
            // Index into method_ids of the dex file associated with this method.
            uint32_t dex_method_index_;
            /* End of dex file fields. */
            // Entry within a dispatch table for this method. For static/direct methods the index is into
            // the declaringClass.directMethods, for virtual methods the vtable and for interface methods the
            // ifTable.
            uint32_t method_index_;
            // Fake padding field gets inserted here.
            // Must be the last fields in the method.
            struct PtrSizedFields {
                // Method dispatch from the interpreter invokes this pointer which may cause a bridge into
                // compiled code.java方法   ----》 虚拟机   ----》方法的入口 entry_point_from_interpreter_
                //art  解释模式  机器码
                void* entry_point_from_interpreter_;
                // Pointer to JNI function registered to this method, or a function to resolve the JNI function.
                void* entry_point_from_jni_;
                // Method dispatch from quick compiled code invokes this pointer which may cause bridging into
                // portable compiled code or the interpreter.
//                 机器码模式
                void* entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_;
            } ptr_sized_fields_;
            static void* java_lang_reflect_ArtMethod_;



// Created by ygdx_lk on 17/12/1.

 * Copyright (c) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
 * Copyright (c) 2016,
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 *  art_7_0.h
 * @author : [email protected]
#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include <stdint.h>    /* C99 */

typedef unsigned char u1;
typedef unsigned short u2;
typedef unsigned int u4;
typedef signed char s1;
typedef signed short s2;
typedef signed int s4;
namespace art1 {
    namespace mirror {
        class Object {
            static uint32_t hash_code_seed;
            uint32_t klass_;

            uint32_t monitor_;

        class Class: public Object {
            enum Status {
                kStatusRetired = -2, // Retired, should not be used. Use the newly cloned one instead.
                kStatusError = -1,
                kStatusNotReady = 0,
                kStatusIdx = 1, // Loaded, DEX idx in super_class_type_idx_ and interfaces_type_idx_.
                kStatusLoaded = 2,  // DEX idx values resolved.
                kStatusResolving = 3,  // Just cloned from temporary class object.
                kStatusResolved = 4,  // Part of linking.
                kStatusVerifying = 5,  // In the process of being verified.
                kStatusRetryVerificationAtRuntime = 6, // Compile time verification failed, retry at runtime.
                kStatusVerifyingAtRuntime = 7,  // Retrying verification at runtime.
                kStatusVerified = 8,  // Logically part of linking; done pre-init.
                kStatusInitializing = 9,  // Class init in progress.
                kStatusInitialized = 10,  // Ready to go.
                kStatusMax = 11,
            // A magic value for reference_instance_offsets_. Ignore the bits and walk the super chain when
            // this is the value.
            // [This is an unlikely "natural" value, since it would be 30 non-ref instance fields followed by
            // 2 ref instance fields.]
            // Interface method table size. Increasing this value reduces the chance of two interface methods
            // colliding in the interface method table but increases the size of classes that implement
            // (non-marker) interfaces.
            // 'Class' Object Fields
            // Order governed by java field ordering. See art::ClassLinker::LinkFields.
            uint32_t annotation_type_;

            // Defining class loader, or null for the "bootstrap" system loader.
            uint32_t class_loader_1;
            // For array classes, the component class object for instanceof/checkcast
            // (for String[][][], this will be String[][]). null for non-array classes.
            uint32_t component_type_;
            // DexCache of resolved constant pool entries (will be null for classes generated by the
            // runtime such as arrays and primitive classes).
            uint32_t dex_cache_;
            // The interface table (iftable_) contains pairs of a interface class and an array of the
            // interface methods. There is one pair per interface supported by this class.  That means one
            // pair for each interface we support directly, indirectly via superclass, or indirectly via a
            // superinterface.  This will be null if neither we nor our superclass implement any interfaces.
            // Why we need this: given "class Foo implements Face", declare "Face faceObj = new Foo()".
            // Invoke faceObj.blah(), where "blah" is part of the Face interface.  We can't easily use a
            // single vtable.
            // For every interface a concrete class implements, we create an array of the concrete vtable_
            // methods for the methods in the interface.
            uint32_t iftable_;
            // Descriptor for the class such as "java.lang.Class" or "[C". Lazily initialized by ComputeName
            uint32_t name_;
            // The superclass, or null if this is java.lang.Object or a primitive type.
            // Note that interfaces have java.lang.Object as their
            // superclass. This doesn't match the expectations in JNI
            // GetSuperClass or java.lang.Class.getSuperClass() which need to
            // check for interfaces and return null.
            uint32_t super_class_;

            // If class verify fails, we must return same error on subsequent tries. We may store either
            // the class of the error, or an actual instance of Throwable here.
            uint32_t verify_error_;
            // Virtual method table (vtable), for use by "invoke-virtual".  The vtable from the superclass is
            // copied in, and virtual methods from our class either replace those from the super or are
            // appended. For abstract classes, methods may be created in the vtable that aren't in
            // virtual_ methods_ for miranda methods.
            uint32_t vtable_;
            // Access flags; low 16 bits are defined by VM spec.
            // Note: Shuffled back.
            uint32_t access_flags_;
            // Short cuts to dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access.
            uint64_t dex_cache_strings_;

            // instance fields
            // These describe the layout of the contents of an Object.
            // Note that only the fields directly declared by this class are
            // listed in ifields; fields declared by a superclass are listed in
            // the superclass's Class.ifields.
            // ArtFields are allocated as a length prefixed ArtField array, and not an array of pointers to
            // ArtFields.
            uint64_t ifields_;
            // Pointer to an ArtMethod length-prefixed array. All the methods where this class is the place
            // where they are logically defined. This includes all private, static, final and virtual methods
            // as well as inherited default methods and miranda methods.
            // The slice methods_ [0, virtual_methods_offset_) are the direct (static, private, init) methods
            // declared by this class.
            // The slice methods_ [virtual_methods_offset_, copied_methods_offset_) are the virtual methods
            // declared by this class.
            // The slice methods_ [copied_methods_offset_, |methods_|) are the methods that are copied from
            // interfaces such as miranda or default methods. These are copied for resolution purposes as this
            // class is where they are (logically) declared as far as the virtual dispatch is concerned.
            // Note that this field is used by the native debugger as the unique identifier for the type.
            uint64_t methods_;

            // Static fields length-prefixed array.
            uint64_t sfields_;

            // Class flags to help speed up visiting object references.
            uint32_t class_flags_;

            // Total size of the Class instance; used when allocating storage on gc heap.
            // See also object_size_.
            uint32_t class_size_;
            // Tid used to check for recursive <clinit> invocation.
            pid_t clinit_thread_id_;
            // ClassDef index in dex file, -1 if no class definition such as an array.
            // TODO: really 16bits
            int32_t dex_class_def_idx_;
            // Type index in dex file.
            // TODO: really 16bits
            int32_t dex_type_idx_;
            // Number of instance fields that are object refs.
            uint32_t num_reference_instance_fields_;
            // Number of static fields that are object refs,
            uint32_t num_reference_static_fields_;
            // Total object size; used when allocating storage on gc heap.
            // (For interfaces and abstract classes this will be zero.)
            // See also class_size_.
            uint32_t object_size_;
            // The lower 16 bits contains a Primitive::Type value. The upper 16
            // bits contains the size shift of the primitive type.
            uint32_t primitive_type_;
            // Bitmap of offsets of ifields.
            uint32_t reference_instance_offsets_;
            // State of class initialization.
            Status status_;
            // The offset of the first virtual method that is copied from an interface. This includes miranda,
            // default, and default-conflict methods. Having a hard limit of ((2 << 16) - 1) for methods
            // defined on a single class is well established in Java so we will use only uint16_t's here.
            uint16_t copied_methods_offset_;

            // The offset of the first declared virtual methods in the methods_ array.
            uint16_t virtual_methods_offset_;
            // TODO: ?
            // initiating class loader list
            // NOTE: for classes with low serialNumber, these are unused, and the
            // values are kept in a table in gDvm.
            // InitiatingLoaderList initiating_loader_list_;
            // The following data exist in real class objects.
            // Embedded Imtable, for class object that's not an interface, fixed size.
            // ImTableEntry embedded_imtable_[0];
            // Embedded Vtable, for class object that's not an interface, variable size.
            // VTableEntry embedded_vtable_[0];
            // Static fields, variable size.
            // uint32_t fields_[0];
            // java.lang.Class
            static uint32_t java_lang_Class_;

        class ArtField {
            uint32_t declaring_class_;
            uint32_t access_flags_;
            uint32_t field_dex_idx_;
            uint32_t offset_;

        class ArtMethod {

            // Field order required by test "ValidateFieldOrderOfJavaCppUnionClasses".
            // The class we are a part of.
            uint32_t declaring_class_;
            // Access flags; low 16 bits are defined by spec.
            uint32_t access_flags_;
            /* Dex file fields. The defining dex file is available via declaring_class_->dex_cache_ */
            // Offset to the CodeItem.
            uint32_t dex_code_item_offset_;
            // Index into method_ids of the dex file associated with this method.
            uint32_t dex_method_index_;
            /* End of dex file fields. */
            // Entry within a dispatch table for this method. For static/direct methods the index is into
            // the declaringClass.directMethods, for virtual methods the vtable and for interface methods the
            // ifTable.
            uint16_t method_index_;

            // The hotness we measure for this method. Incremented by the interpreter. Not atomic, as we allow
            // missing increments: if the method is hot, we will see it eventually.
            uint16_t hotness_count_;
            // Fake padding field gets inserted here.
            // Must be the last fields in the method.
            // PACKED(4) is necessary for the correctness of
            // RoundUp(OFFSETOF_MEMBER(ArtMethod, ptr_sized_fields_), pointer_size).
            struct PtrSizedFields {
                // Short cuts to declaring_class_->dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access.
                ArtMethod** dex_cache_resolved_methods_;

                // Short cuts to declaring_class_->dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access.
                void* dex_cache_resolved_types_;

                // Pointer to JNI function registered to this method, or a function to resolve the JNI function,
                // or the profiling data for non-native methods, or an ImtConflictTable.
                void* entry_point_from_jni_;

                // Method dispatch from quick compiled code invokes this pointer which may cause bridging into
                // the interpreter.
                void* entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_;
            } ptr_sized_fields_;






#include <jni.h>
#include <string>
#include "dalvik.h"
#include "art_method.h"
#include "art_7_0.h"

typedef Object *(*FindObject)(void *thread, jobject jobject1);
typedef void* (*FindThread)();
FindObject findObject;
FindThread findThread;

extern "C"
Java_com_study_andfixtheory_DexManager_replaceDalvik(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, jint sdk, jobject wrongMethod, jobject rightMethod) {

    Method *wrong = (Method*)env->FromReflectedMethod(wrongMethod);
    Method *right = (Method*)env->FromReflectedMethod(rightMethod);

    void *dvm_hand = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
    findObject = (FindObject) dlsym(dvm_hand, sdk > 10 ? "_Z20dvmDecodeIndirectRefP6ThreadP8_jobject" : "dvmDecodeIndirectRef");
    findThread = (FindThread) dlsym(dvm_hand, sdk > 10 ? "_Z13dvmThreadSelfv" : "dvmThreadSelf");

    jclass methodClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Method");
    jmethodID methodId = env->GetMethodID(methodClass, "getDeclaringClass", "()Ljava/lang/Class");
    jobject ndkObject = env->CallObjectMethod(rightMethod, methodId);

    ClassObject *firstField = (ClassObject *)findObject(findThread(), ndkObject);
    firstField->status = CLASS_INITIALIZED;

    wrong->accessFlags |= ACC_PUBLIC;
    wrong->methodIndex = right->methodIndex;
    wrong->jniArgInfo = right->jniArgInfo;
    wrong->registersSize = right->registersSize;
    wrong->outsSize = right->outsSize;
    wrong->prototype = right->prototype;
    wrong->insns = right->insns;
    wrong->nativeFunc = right->nativeFunc;

extern "C"
Java_com_study_andfixtheory_DexManager_replaceArt(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, jint sdk, jobject wrongMethod, jobject rightMethod) {
    if(sdk < 24){
        art::mirror::ArtMethod *wrong = (art::mirror::ArtMethod *) env->FromReflectedMethod(wrongMethod);
        art::mirror::ArtMethod *right = (art::mirror::ArtMethod *) env->FromReflectedMethod(rightMethod);
        jclass jcls = env->FindClass("com/study/andfixtheory/Patch");
        size_t firMid = (size_t)env->GetStaticMethodID(jcls, "f1", "()V");
        size_t secMid = (size_t)env->GetStaticMethodID(jcls, "f2", "()V");
        int size = secMid - firMid;
        memcpy(wrong, right, size);
    } else{
        //andorid 7.0适配
        art1::mirror::ArtMethod *wrong = (art1::mirror::ArtMethod *) env->FromReflectedMethod(wrongMethod);
        art1::mirror::ArtMethod *right = (art1::mirror::ArtMethod *) env->FromReflectedMethod(rightMethod);
        jclass jcls = env->FindClass("com/study/andfixtheory/Patch");
        size_t firMid = (size_t)env->GetStaticMethodID(jcls, "f1", "()V");
        size_t secMid = (size_t)env->GetStaticMethodID(jcls, "f2", "()V");
        int size = secMid - firMid;
        memcpy(wrong, right, size);

//    wrong->declaring_class_=right->declaring_class_;
//    wrong->dex_code_item_offset_=right->dex_code_item_offset_;
//    wrong->method_index_=right->method_index_;
//    wrong->dex_method_index_=right->dex_method_index_;
//    wrong->ptr_sized_fields_.entry_point_from_jni_=right->ptr_sized_fields_.entry_point_from_jni_;
//    //    机器码模式
//    wrong->ptr_sized_fields_.entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_=right->ptr_sized_fields_.entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_;
////  不一样
//    wrong->ptr_sized_fields_.entry_point_from_jni_=right->ptr_sized_fields_.entry_point_from_jni_;
//    wrong->ptr_sized_fields_.dex_cache_resolved_methods_=right->ptr_sized_fields_.dex_cache_resolved_methods_;
//    wrong->ptr_sized_fields_.dex_cache_resolved_types_=right->ptr_sized_fields_.dex_cache_resolved_types_;
//    wrong->hotness_count_=right->hotness_count_;





 * Created by ygdx_lk on 17/12/1.

public class Calculate {
    public int calculate(){
        int i = 1;
        int j = 10;
        return j/i;


usage: apkpatch -f <new> -t <old> -o <output> -k <keystore> -p <***> -a <alias> -e <***>
 -a,--alias <alias>     keystore entry alias.
 -e,--epassword <***>   keystore entry password.
 -f,--from <loc>        new Apk file path.
 -k,--keystore <loc>    keystore path.
 -n,--name <name>       patch name.
 -o,--out <dir>         output dir.
 -p,--kpassword <***>   keystore password.
 -t,--to <loc>          old Apk file path.


./ -f new.apk -t old.apk -o out -k key -p test123 -a test -e test123



adb install old.apk


adb push out.apatch /sdcard



