Common used English

  1. Could anyone tell me what I’ve done wrong? I am relatively new to scala and maven so please bear with me.
  2. Kindly, help me out, I’m stuck in this from a pretty long time.
  3. With the example, it makes perfect sense.
  4. To understand the Cake Pattern you have to understand how the self type annotation works. So I’m going to take a slightly different approach and start with how the self type annotation works since it is so crucial.
  5. I will try to explain things in steps which I refactor towards the final version (this is only to help with the understanding), so please wait with yelling: “This sucks!”, until you have read and understood the final version (after which you are of course allowed come with any criticism/praise/suggestions/ideas you feel is necessary). Also, the sample code will, as in all these kind of examples, look like an insanely complicated way of doing almost nothing, but bare with me and try to envision real services in a large production system and how it applies there.
  6. Now the interesting stuff starts.
  7. Caching + in memory computation is definitely a big thing for spark, However there are other things.
  8. You are welcome @someone. Actually it depends on a lot of things, like your schema design, distribution of your data etc. One possible reason could be RegionServer Hotspotting. I would suggest you to follow the HBase best practices and analyze your design properly, in case there is some scope of improvement. HTH
  9. I am clueless about this issue. Can anyone suggest me an approach to resolve this?

