zuul2 参数

Ribbon Client Config Properties

<originName>.ribbon.ConnectTimeout                   // default: 500 (ms)
<originName>.ribbon.ReadTimeout                      // default: 90000 (ms)
<originName>.ribbon.MaxConnectionsPerHost            // default: 50
<originName>.ribbon.ConnIdleEvictTimeMilliSeconds    // default: 60000 (ms)
<originName>.ribbon.ReceiveBufferSize                // default: 32 * 1024
<originName>.ribbon.SendBufferSize                   // default: 32 * 1024
<originName>.ribbon.UseIPAddrForServer               // default: true

Zuul Properties

# Max amount of requests any given connection will have before forcing a close
<originName>.netty.client.maxRequestsPerConnection    // default: 1000

# Max amount of connection per server, per event loop
<originName>.netty.client.perServerWaterline          // default: 4

# Netty configuration connection
<originName>.netty.client.TcpKeepAlive                // default: false
<originName>.netty.client.TcpNoDelay                  // default: false
<originName>.netty.client.WriteBufferHighWaterMark    // default: 32 * 1024
<originName>.netty.client.WriteBufferLowWaterMark     // default: 8 * 1024
<originName>.netty.client.AutoRead                    // default: false

