C# 实时的语音识别


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<Window x:Class="TingXieB.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <TextBox x:Name="textBox1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="135" Margin="69,29,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="293"/>
        <Button x:Name="button1" Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="69,227,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="button1_Click"/>
        <Button x:Name="button2" Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="300,227,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="button2_Click"/>



using NAudio.Wave;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using VoiceRecorder.Audio;

namespace TingXieB
    /// <summary>
    /// MainWindow.xaml 的交互逻辑
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        string session_begin_params;
        private WaveIn waveIn;
        private AudioRecorder recorder;
        private float lastPeak;//说话音量
        float secondsRecorded;
        float totalBufferLength;
        int Ends = 5;
        private const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
        List<VoiceData> VoiceBuffer = new List<VoiceData>();
        public MainWindow()
        public void SpeechRecognition()//初始化语音识别
            int ret = (int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS;
            string login_params = string.Format("appid=58622e79,word_dir= . ");//appid和msc.dll要配套
            #region 参数
            *sub:本次识别请求的类型  iat 连续语音识别;   asr 语法、关键词识别,默认为iat
            *domain:领域      iat:连续语音识别  asr:语法、关键词识别    search:热词   video:视频    poi:地名  music:音乐    默认为iat。 注意:sub=asr时,domain只能为asr
            *language:语言    zh_cn:简体中文  zh_tw:繁体中文  en_us:英文    默认值:zh_cn
            *accent:语言区域    mandarin:普通话    cantonese:粤语    lmz:四川话 默认值:mandarin
            *sample_rate:音频采样率  可取值:16000,8000  默认值:16000   离线识别不支持8000采样率音频
            *result_type:结果格式   可取值:plain,json  默认值:plain
            *result_encoding:识别结果字符串所用编码格式  GB2312;UTF-8;UNICODE    不同的格式支持不同的编码:   plain:UTF-8,GB2312  json:UTF-8
            session_begin_params = "sub=iat,domain=iat,language=zh_cn,accent=mandarin,sample_rate=16000,result_type=plain,result_encoding=utf8";

            string Username = "";
            string Password = "";
            ret = MSCDLL.MSPLogin(Username, Password, login_params);

            if ((int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS != ret)//不成功
                Console.WriteLine("MSPLogin failed,error code:{0}", ret.ToString());
        private WaveIn CreateWaveInDevice()//WaveIn实例化
            WaveIn newWaveIn = new WaveIn();
            //newWaveIn.WaveFormat = new WaveFormat(16000, 16, 1); // 16bit,16KHz,Mono的录音格式
            newWaveIn.WaveFormat = new WaveFormat(16000, 1);//16bit,1KHz 的录音格式
            newWaveIn.DataAvailable += OnDataAvailable;
            newWaveIn.RecordingStopped += OnRecordingStopped;
            return newWaveIn;
        /// <summary>
        /// 开始录音回调函数       保存截获到的声音
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void OnDataAvailable(object sender, WaveInEventArgs e)
            totalBufferLength += e.Buffer.Length;
            secondsRecorded = (float)(totalBufferLength / 32000);

            VoiceData data = new VoiceData();
            for (int i = 0; i < 3200; i++)
                data.data[i] = e.Buffer[i];

            if (lastPeak < 20)
                Ends = Ends - 1;
                Ends = 5;

            if (Ends == 0)
                if (VoiceBuffer.Count() > 5)
                    RunIAT(VoiceBuffer, session_begin_params);//调用语音识别

                Ends = 5;

        /// <summary>
        /// 录音结束回调函数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void OnRecordingStopped(object sender, StoppedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Exception != null)
                /* MessageBox.Show(String.Format("A problem was encountered during recording {0}",
                Console.WriteLine("A problem was encountered during recording {0}", e.Exception.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// 指针转字符串
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">指向非托管代码字符串的指针</param>
        /// <returns>返回指针指向的字符串</returns>
        private string PtrToStr(IntPtr p)
            List<byte> lb = new List<byte>();
                while (Marshal.ReadByte(p) != 0)
                    p = p + 1;
            catch (AccessViolationException ex)
            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(lb.ToArray());
        private void RunIAT(List<VoiceData> VoiceBuffer, string session_begin_params)
            IntPtr session_id = IntPtr.Zero;
            string rec_result = string.Empty;
            string hints = "正常结束";
            AudioStatus aud_stat = AudioStatus.ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_CONTINUE;
            EpStatus ep_stat = EpStatus.ISR_EP_LOOKING_FOR_SPEECH;
            RecogStatus rec_stat = RecogStatus.ISR_REC_STATUS_SUCCESS;
            int errcode = (int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS;

            session_id = MSCDLL.QISRSessionBegin(null, session_begin_params, ref errcode);
            if ((int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS != errcode)
                SetText("\nQISRSessionBegin failed! error code:" + errcode);

            for (int i = 0; i < VoiceBuffer.Count(); i++)
                aud_stat = AudioStatus.ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_CONTINUE;
                if (i == 0)
                    aud_stat = AudioStatus.ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_FIRST;
                errcode = MSCDLL.QISRAudioWrite(PtrToStr(session_id), VoiceBuffer[i].data, (uint)VoiceBuffer[i].data.Length, aud_stat, ref ep_stat, ref rec_stat);
                if ((int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS != errcode)
                    MSCDLL.QISRSessionEnd(PtrToStr(session_id), null);

            errcode = MSCDLL.QISRAudioWrite(PtrToStr(session_id), null, 0, AudioStatus.ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_LAST, ref ep_stat, ref rec_stat);
            if ((int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS != errcode)
                SetText("\nQISRAudioWrite failed! error code:" + errcode);

            while (RecogStatus.ISR_REC_STATUS_SPEECH_COMPLETE != rec_stat)
                IntPtr rslt = MSCDLL.QISRGetResult(PtrToStr(session_id), ref rec_stat, 0, ref errcode);
                if ((int)ErrorCode.MSP_SUCCESS != errcode)
                    SetText("\nQISRGetResult failed, error code: " + errcode);
                if (IntPtr.Zero != rslt)
                    string tempRes = PtrToStr(rslt);

                    rec_result = rec_result + tempRes;
                    if (rec_result.Length >= BUFFER_SIZE)
                        SetText("\nno enough buffer for rec_result !\n");

            int errorcode = MSCDLL.QISRSessionEnd(PtrToStr(session_id), hints);

            if (rec_result.Length != 0)


        delegate void SetTextCallback(string text);
        public void SetText(string text)
            // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
            // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
            // If these threads are different, it returns true.

            //if (this.textBox1.InvokeRequired)
            /*if (textBox1.InvokeRequired)
                SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(SetText);
                this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });
                this.textBox1.AppendText(text + "\n");
            this.textBox1.AppendText(text + "\n");

        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            totalBufferLength = 0;
            recorder = new AudioRecorder();
            recorder.SampleAggregator.MaximumCalculated += OnRecorderMaximumCalculated;
            if (waveIn == null)
                waveIn = CreateWaveInDevice();
            waveIn.WaveFormat = new WaveFormat(16000, 1);
        void OnRecorderMaximumCalculated(object sender, MaxSampleEventArgs e)
            lastPeak = Math.Max(e.MaxSample, Math.Abs(e.MinSample)) * 100;

        private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TingXieB
    public enum SynthStatus
        MSP_TTS_FLAG_DATA_END = 2,
    class MSCDLL
        public const int GRAMID_LEN = 128;

        //调用 MSPLogin(...)接口登入,可以只登入一次,但是必须保证在调用其他接口前先登入
        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern int MSPLogin(string userName, string password, string parameter);

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern IntPtr MSPSearch(string paramstr, byte[] text, ref uint dataLen, ref int errorCode);

        //不再使用服务的时候 调用MSPLogout()登出,避免不必要的麻烦
        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern int MSPLogout();

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern int QISRInit(string configs);

        //调用 QISRSessionBegin(...)开始一次语音听写
        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern IntPtr QISRSessionBegin(string grammarList, string _params, ref int errorCode);

        //调用 QISRAudioWrite(...) 分块写入音频数据
        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern int QISRAudioWrite(string sessionID, byte[] waveData, uint waveLen, AudioStatus audioStatus, ref EpStatus epStatus, ref RecogStatus recogStatus);

        //循环调用 QISRGetResult(...) 接口返回听写结果
        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern IntPtr QISRGetResult(string sessionID, ref RecogStatus rsltStatus, int waitTime, ref int errorCode);

        //调用 QISRSessionEnd(...) 主动结束本次听写
        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern int QISRSessionEnd(string sessionID, string hints);

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern int QISRFini();

        [DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern IntPtr QISRUploadData(string sessionID, string dataName, byte[] userData, uint lenght, string paramValue, ref int errorCode);

        //[DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        //public static extern IntPtr QTTSSessionBegin(string _params, ref int errorCode);

        //[DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        //public static extern int QTTSTextPut(string sessionID, string textString, uint textLen, string _params);

        //[DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        //public static extern IntPtr QTTSAudioGet(string sessionID, ref uint audioLen, ref SynthStatus synthStatus, ref int errorCode);

        //[DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        //public static extern IntPtr QTTSAudioInfo(string sessionID);

        //[DllImport("msc.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
        //public static extern int QTTSSessionEnd(string sessionID, string hints);
    #region 错误代号
    public enum ErrorCode
        MSP_SUCCESS = 0,    //函数执行成功
        MSP_ERROR_FAIL = -1,    //失败

        /* General errors 10100(0x2774) */
        MSP_ERROR_GENERAL = 10100,     /* 0x2774 */
        MSP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 10101,     /* 0x2775 */
        MSP_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 10102,     /* 0x2776 */
        MSP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORT = 10103,     /* 0x2777 */
        MSP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENT = 10104,     /* 0x2778 */
        MSP_ERROR_ACCESS = 10105,     /* 0x2779 */
        MSP_ERROR_INVALID_PARA = 10106,     /* 0x277A */
        MSP_ERROR_INVALID_PARA_VALUE = 10107,     /* 0x277B */
        MSP_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = 10108,     /* 0x277C */
        MSP_ERROR_INVALID_DATA = 10109,     /* 0x277D */   //客户端上传的命令词语法,存在单词长度超过128字节。     客户端上传abnf时,语法内容不是以#ABNF 1.0 UTF-8;和#ABNF 1.0 gb2312;开头,目前只支持这两种格式的abnf语法上传。     携带的语法内容为空。
        MSP_ERROR_NO_LICENSE = 10110,     /* 0x277E */
        MSP_ERROR_NOT_INIT = 10111,     /* 0x277F */
        MSP_ERROR_NULL_HANDLE = 10112,     /* 0x2780 */
        MSP_ERROR_OVERFLOW = 10113,     /* 0x2781 */
        MSP_ERROR_TIME_OUT = 10114,     /* 0x2782 */    //查看网络环境是否正常,查看是否使用的是公司网络(很多公司网络会将一些网络地址和端口屏蔽掉),查看讯飞的服务器地址和端口是不是被屏蔽(服务器地址dev.voicecloud.cn 端口号是1028和80)。
        MSP_ERROR_OPEN_FILE = 10115,     /* 0x2783 */
        MSP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 10116,     /* 0x2784 */
        MSP_ERROR_NO_ENOUGH_BUFFER = 10117,     /* 0x2785 */
        MSP_ERROR_NO_DATA = 10118,     /* 0x2786 */
        MSP_ERROR_NO_MORE_DATA = 10119,     /* 0x2787 */
        MSP_ERROR_SKIPPED = 10120,     /* 0x2788 */
        MSP_ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST = 10121,     /* 0x2789 */
        MSP_ERROR_LOAD_MODULE = 10122,     /* 0x278A */
        MSP_ERROR_BUSY = 10123,     /* 0x278B */
        MSP_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG = 10124,     /* 0x278C */
        MSP_ERROR_VERSION_CHECK = 10125,     /* 0x278D */
        MSP_ERROR_CANCELED = 10126,     /* 0x278E */
        MSP_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE = 10127,     /* 0x278F */
        MSP_ERROR_CONFIG_INITIALIZE = 10128,     /* 0x2790 */
        MSP_ERROR_CREATE_HANDLE = 10129,     /* 0x2791 */
        MSP_ERROR_CODING_LIB_NOT_LOAD = 10130,     /* 0x2792 */

        /* Error codes of network 10200(0x27D8)*/
        MSP_ERROR_NET_GENERAL = 10200,     /* 0x27D8 */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_OPENSOCK = 10201,     /* 0x27D9 */   /* Open socket */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_CONNECTSOCK = 10202,     /* 0x27DA */   /* Connect socket */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_ACCEPTSOCK = 10203,     /* 0x27DB */   /* Accept socket */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_SENDSOCK = 10204,     /* 0x27DC */   /* Send socket data */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_RECVSOCK = 10205,     /* 0x27DD */   /* Recv socket data */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_INVALIDSOCK = 10206,     /* 0x27DE */   /* Invalid socket handle */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_BADADDRESS = 10207,     /* 0x27EF */   /* Bad network address */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_BINDSEQUENCE = 10208,     /* 0x27E0 */   /* Bind after listen/connect */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTOPENSOCK = 10209,     /* 0x27E1 */   /* Socket is not opened */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTBIND = 10210,     /* 0x27E2 */   /* Socket is not bind to an address */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTLISTEN = 10211,     /* 0x27E3 */   /* Socket is not listenning */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_CONNECTCLOSE = 10212,     /* 0x27E4 */   /* The other side of connection is closed */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_NOTDGRAMSOCK = 10213,     /* 0x27E5 */   /* The socket is not datagram type */
        MSP_ERROR_NET_DNS = 10214,  //DNS解析错误,即域名转换到IP失败,可以换个网络通畅的环境,或者先用固定IP测试。
        /* Error codes of mssp message 10300(0x283C) */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_GENERAL = 10300,     /* 0x283C */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_PARSE_ERROR = 10301,     /* 0x283D */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_BUILD_ERROR = 10302,     /* 0x283E */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_PARAM_ERROR = 10303,     /* 0x283F */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_CONTENT_EMPTY = 10304,     /* 0x2840 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE = 10305,     /* 0x2841 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH = 10306,     /* 0x2842 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CONTENT_ENCODE = 10307,     /* 0x2843 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_KEY = 10308,     /* 0x2844 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_KEY_EMPTY = 10309,     /* 0x2845 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_SESSION_ID_EMPTY = 10310,     /* 0x2846 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_LOGIN_ID_EMPTY = 10311,     /* 0x2847 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_SYNC_ID_EMPTY = 10312,     /* 0x2848 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_APP_ID_EMPTY = 10313,     /* 0x2849 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_EXTERN_ID_EMPTY = 10314,     /* 0x284A */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_CMD = 10315,     /* 0x284B */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_SUBJECT = 10316,     /* 0x284C */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_VERSION = 10317,     /* 0x284D */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_CMD = 10318,     /* 0x284E */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_SUBJECT = 10319,     /* 0x284F */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_NO_VERSION = 10320,     /* 0x2850 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_MSSP_EMPTY = 10321,     /* 0x2851 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_NEW_RESPONSE = 10322,     /* 0x2852 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_NEW_CONTENT = 10323,     /* 0x2853 */
        MSP_ERROR_MSG_INVALID_SESSION_ID = 10324,     /* 0x2854 */

        /* Error codes of DataBase 10400(0x28A0)*/
        MSP_ERROR_DB_GENERAL = 10400,     /* 0x28A0 */
        MSP_ERROR_DB_EXCEPTION = 10401,     /* 0x28A1 */
        MSP_ERROR_DB_NO_RESULT = 10402,     /* 0x28A2 */
        MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_USER = 10403,     /* 0x28A3 */
        MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_PWD = 10404,     /* 0x28A4 */
        MSP_ERROR_DB_CONNECT = 10405,     /* 0x28A5 */
        MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_SQL = 10406,     /* 0x28A6 */
        MSP_ERROR_DB_INVALID_APPID = 10407,    /* 0x28A7 */  //请确认申请的Appid是否授权通过;   请确认申请的Appid和下载的SDK是否具有一致性。

        /* Error codes of Resource 10500(0x2904)*/
        MSP_ERROR_RES_GENERAL = 10500,     /* 0x2904 */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_LOAD = 10501,     /* 0x2905 */   /* Load resource */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_FREE = 10502,     /* 0x2906 */   /* Free resource */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_MISSING = 10503,     /* 0x2907 */   /* Resource File Missing */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_NAME = 10504,     /* 0x2908 */   /* Invalid resource file name */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_ID = 10505,     /* 0x2909 */   /* Invalid resource ID */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_INVALID_IMG = 10506,     /* 0x290A */   /* Invalid resource image pointer */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_WRITE = 10507,     /* 0x290B */   /* Write read-only resource */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_LEAK = 10508,     /* 0x290C */   /* Resource leak out */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_HEAD = 10509,     /* 0x290D */   /* Resource head currupt */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_DATA = 10510,     /* 0x290E */   /* Resource data currupt */
        MSP_ERROR_RES_SKIP = 10511,     /* 0x290F */   /* Resource file skipped */

        /* Error codes of TTS 10600(0x2968)*/
        MSP_ERROR_TTS_GENERAL = 10600,     /* 0x2968 */
        MSP_ERROR_TTS_TEXTEND = 10601,     /* 0x2969 */  /* Meet text end */
        MSP_ERROR_TTS_TEXT_EMPTY = 10602,     /* 0x296A */  /* no synth text */

        /* Error codes of Recognizer 10700(0x29CC) */
        MSP_ERROR_REC_GENERAL = 10700,     /* 0x29CC */
        MSP_ERROR_REC_INACTIVE = 10701,     /* 0x29CD */
        MSP_ERROR_REC_GRAMMAR_ERROR = 10702,     /* 0x29CE */   //10702为没有有效的语法文件,查看是否已经成功上传语法文件,上传的语法文件格式是否是正确的,查看文件中的字符、数字、空格、标点是否是相应的格式(如全角还是半角,英文还是中文,gb2312编码还是utf-8编码,实际编码与文件开头与代码参数设置是否一致)。
        MSP_ERROR_REC_NO_ACTIVE_GRAMMARS = 10703,     /* 0x29CF */  //客户端没有携带任何语法文件,直接调用语法接口,造成引擎找不到可激活的语法文件。
        MSP_ERROR_REC_DUPLICATE_GRAMMAR = 10704,     /* 0x29D0 */
        MSP_ERROR_REC_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE = 10705,     /* 0x29D1 */
        MSP_ERROR_REC_INVALID_LANGUAGE = 10706,     /* 0x29D2 */
        MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_NOT_FOUND = 10707,     /* 0x29D3 */
        MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_TIMEOUT = 10708,     /* 0x29D4 */
        MSP_ERROR_REC_URI_FETCH_ERROR = 10709,     /* 0x29D5 */

        /* Error codes of Speech Detector 10800(0x2A30) */
        MSP_ERROR_EP_GENERAL = 10800,     /* 0x2A30 */
        MSP_ERROR_EP_NO_SESSION_NAME = 10801,     /* 0x2A31 */
        MSP_ERROR_EP_INACTIVE = 10802,     /* 0x2A32 */
        MSP_ERROR_EP_INITIALIZED = 10803,     /* 0x2A33 */

        /* Error codes of TUV */
        MSP_ERROR_TUV_GENERAL = 10900,     /* 0x2A94 */
        MSP_ERROR_TUV_GETHIDPARAM = 10901,     /* 0x2A95 */   /* Get Busin Param huanid*/
        MSP_ERROR_TUV_TOKEN = 10902,     /* 0x2A96 */   /* Get Token */
        MSP_ERROR_TUV_CFGFILE = 10903,     /* 0x2A97 */   /* Open cfg file */
        MSP_ERROR_TUV_RECV_CONTENT = 10904,     /* 0x2A98 */   /* received content is error */
        MSP_ERROR_TUV_VERFAIL = 10905,     /* 0x2A99 */   /* Verify failure */

        /* Error codes of IMTV */
        MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SUCCESS = 11000,     /* 0x2AF8 */   /* 成功 */
        MSP_ERROR_IMTV_NO_LICENSE = 11001,     /* 0x2AF9 */   /* 试用次数结束,用户需要付费 */
        MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SESSIONID_INVALID = 11002,     /* 0x2AFA */   /* SessionId失效,需要重新登录通行证 */
        MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SESSIONID_ERROR = 11003,     /* 0x2AFB */   /* SessionId为空,或者非法 */
        MSP_ERROR_IMTV_UNLOGIN = 11004,     /* 0x2AFC */   /* 未登录通行证 */
        MSP_ERROR_IMTV_SYSTEM_ERROR = 11005,     /* 0x2AFD */   /* 系统错误 */

        /* Error codes of HCR */
        MSP_ERROR_HCR_GENERAL = 11100,

        /* Error codes of http 12000(0x2EE0) */
        MSP_ERROR_HTTP_BASE = 12000,    /* 0x2EE0 */

        /*Error codes of ISV */
        MSP_ERROR_ISV_NO_USER = 13000,    /* 32C8 */    /* the user doesn't exist */

    #region ISR枚举常量
    public enum AudioStatus
        ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_INIT = 0x00,
        ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_FIRST = 0x01,
        ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_LAST = 0x04,
        ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_LOST = 0x10,

        ISR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_VALIDBITS = 0x7f /* to validate the value of sample->status */

    public enum EpStatus
        ISR_EP_NULL = -1,
        ISR_EP_LOOKING_FOR_SPEECH = 0,          ///还没有检测到音频的前端点
        ISR_EP_IN_SPEECH = 1,                   ///已经检测到了音频前端点,正在进行正常的音频处理。
        ISR_EP_AFTER_SPEECH = 3,                ///检测到音频的后端点,后继的音频会被MSC忽略。
        ISR_EP_TIMEOUT = 4,                     ///超时
        ISR_EP_ERROR = 5,                       ///出现错误
        ISR_EP_MAX_SPEECH = 6                   ///音频过大

    public enum RecogStatus
        ISR_REC_NULL = -1,
        ISR_REC_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0,             ///识别成功,此时用户可以调用QISRGetResult来获取(部分)结果。
        ISR_REC_STATUS_NO_MATCH = 1,            ///识别结束,没有识别结果
        ISR_REC_STATUS_INCOMPLETE = 2,          ///正在识别中
        ISR_REC_STATUS_SPEECH_DETECTED = 4,     ///发现有效音频
        ISR_REC_STATUS_SPEECH_COMPLETE = 5,     ///识别结束
        ISR_REC_STATUS_MAX_CPU_TIME = 6,        ///保留
        ISR_REC_STATUS_MAX_SPEECH = 7,          ///保留
        ISR_REC_STATUS_STOPPED = 8,             ///保留
        ISR_REC_STATUS_REJECTED = 9,            ///保留
        ISR_REC_STATUS_NO_SPEECH_FOUND = 10     ///没有发现音频


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TingXieB
    class VoiceData
        public byte[] data = new byte[3200];






NAudio.dll  链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hundpEs 密码:i1m2

VoiceRecorder.Audio.dll  链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pMHGS6B 密码:fvmv

