[swarthmore cs75] Compiler 3 – A-normal form and Cobra



  • A-Normal Form

    在80年代,函数式语言编译器主要使用Continuation-passing style(CPS)作为中间代码表示形式。 1992年Sabry和Felleisen引入了另一种和CPS一样简单的表示形式:A-normal form(ANF),并且证明了:使用ANF作为中间代码表示形式能够和使用CPS一样容易生成汇编代码并进行代码优化。


本次大作业是为Boa编程语言实现一个小型编译器,其编译过程为:boa源代码 -> expr(user-facing) -> aexpr(compiler-facing) -> x86_32汇编。

  • 具体语法

    <expr> :=
      | let <bindings> in <expr>
      | if <expr>: <expr> else: <expr>
      | <binop-expr>
    <binop-expr> :=
      | <number>
      | <identifier>
      | add1(<expr>)
      | sub1(<expr>)
      | <expr> + <expr>
      | <expr> - <expr>
      | <expr> * <expr>
      | ( <expr> )
    <bindings> :=
      | <identifier> = <expr>
      | <identifier> = <expr>, <bindings> 
  • 抽象语法

    type prim1 =
      | Add1
      | Sub1
    type prim2 =
      | Plus
      | Minus
      | Times
    type expr =
      | ELet of (string * expr) list * expr
      | EPrim1 of prim1 * expr
      | EPrim2 of prim2 * expr * expr
      | EIf of expr * expr * expr
      | ENumber of int
      | EId of string


    type immexpr =
      | ImmNumber of int
      | ImmId of string
    and cexpr =
      | CPrim1 of prim1 * immexpr
      | CPrim2 of prim2 * immexpr * immexpr
      | CIf of immexpr * aexpr * aexpr
      | CImmExpr of immexpr
    and aexpr =
      | ALet of string * cexpr * aexpr
      | ACExpr of cexpr
  • 程序例子

    boa expr aexpr Answer
    sub1(5) EPrim1(Sub1, ENum(5)) - 4
    if 5 - 5: 6 else: 8 EIf(EPrim2(Minus, ENum(5), ENum(5)), ENum(6), ENum(8)) - 8
    let x = 10, y = 9 in
    if (x - y) * 2: x else: y
    ELet([("x", ENum(10)), ("y", ENum(9))],
     EIf(EPrim2(Times, EPrim2(Minus, EId("x"), EId("y")), ENum(2)),
    - 10
    (5 + 4) + (3 + 2) - - 14
    let x = (let y=10 in y) in x - - 10
  • expr -> aexpr

    let rec anf_k (e : expr) (k : immexpr -> aexpr) : aexpr =
      match e with
        | EPrim1(op, e) ->
          let tmp = gen_temp "unary" in
          anf_k e (fun imm -> ALet(tmp, CPrim1(op, imm), k (ImmId(tmp))))
        | ELet(binds, body) ->
        let rec helper binds =
          match binds with
            | [] -> anf_k body k
            | (id, e)::rest -> anf_k e (fun imm -> ALet(id, CImmExpr(imm), (helper rest)))
        helper binds
        | EPrim2(op, left, right) ->
          let tmp = gen_temp "binary" in
          anf_k left (fun limm ->
            anf_k right (fun rimm -> 
              ALet(tmp, CPrim2(op, limm, rimm), k (ImmId(tmp)))))
        | EIf(cond, thn, els) ->
          let tmp = gen_temp "if" in
          let ret = (fun imm -> ACExpr(CImmExpr(imm))) in
          anf_k cond (fun immcond ->
            ALet(tmp, CIf(immcond, anf_k thn ret, anf_k els ret), (k (ImmId(tmp)))))
        | ENumber(n) ->
          (k (ImmNumber(n)))
        | EId(name) ->
          (k (ImmId(name)))
  • aexpr -> x86_32

    let acompile_imm_arg (i : immexpr) _ (env : (string * int) list) : arg =
      match i with
        | ImmNumber(n) -> Const(n)
        | ImmId(name) -> 
          match (find env name) with
            | Some(si) -> RegOffset((-4) * si, ESP)
            | None -> failwith (sprintf "An identifier is unbound (there is no surrounding let binding for %s)" name)
    let acompile_imm (i : immexpr) (si : int) (env : (string * int) list) : instruction list =
      [ IMov(Reg(EAX), acompile_imm_arg i si env) ]
    let rec acompile_step (s : cexpr) (si : int) (env : (string * int) list) : instruction list =
      match s with
        | CImmExpr(i) -> acompile_imm i si env
        | CPrim1(op, e) ->
          let prelude = acompile_imm e si env in
          begin match op with
            | Add1 ->
              prelude @ [
                IAdd(Reg(EAX), Const(1))
            | Sub1 ->
              prelude @ [
                IAdd(Reg(EAX), Const(-1))
        | CPrim2(op, left, right) ->
          let prelude = acompile_imm left si env in
          let arg = acompile_imm_arg right si env in
          begin match op with
            | Plus -> 
              prelude @ [ 
                IAdd(Reg(EAX), arg) 
            | Minus -> 
              prelude @ [ 
                ISub(Reg(EAX), arg) 
            | Times -> 
              prelude @ [ 
                IMul(Reg(EAX), arg) 
        | CIf(cond, thn, els) ->
          let tmp_else = gen_temp "else" in
          let tmp_endif = gen_temp "endif" in
          (acompile_imm cond si env) @
            ICmp(Reg(EAX), Const(0)); 
          ] @
          (acompile_expr thn si env) @
          ] @
          (acompile_expr els si env) @
    and acompile_expr (e : aexpr) (si : int) (env : (string * int) list) : instruction list =
      match e with
        | ALet(id, e, body) ->
          let prelude = acompile_step e (si + 1) env in
          let body = acompile_expr body (si + 1) ((id, si)::env) in
          prelude @ [
            IMov(RegOffset(-4 * si, ESP), Reg(EAX))
          ] @ body
        | ACExpr(s) -> acompile_step s si env



