
TMMi Level 2: Managed


At TMMi level 2, testing becomes a managed process and is clearly separated from debugging. The process discipline reflected by maturity level 2 helps to ensure that proven practices are retained during times of stress. However, testing is still perceived by many stakeholders as being a project phase that follows coding.


In the context of improving the test process, a company-wide or program-wide test strategy is established. Test plans are also developed. Within the test plan a test approach is defined, whereby the approach is based on the result of a product risk assessment. Risk management techniques are used to identify the product risks based on documented requirements. The test plan defines what testing is required, when, how and by whom. Commitments are established with stakeholders and revised as needed. Testing is monitored and controlled to ensure it is going according to plan and actions can be taken if deviations occur. The status of the work products and the delivery of testing services are visible to management. Test design techniques are applied for deriving and selecting test cases from specifications. However, testing may still start relatively late in the development lifecycle, e.g., during the design or even during the coding phase.


In TMMI level 2 testing is multi-level: there are component, integration, system and acceptance test levels. For each identified test level there are specific testing objectives defined in the organization-wide or program-wide test strategy. The processes of testing and debugging are differentiated.


The main objective of testing in a TMMi level 2 organization is to verify that the product satisfies the specified requirements. Many quality problems at this TMMi level occur because testing occurs late in the development lifecycle. Defects are propagated from the requirements and design into code. There are no formal review programs as yet to address this important issue. Post code, execution-based testing is still considered by many stakeholders the primary testing activity.


The process areas at TMMi level 2 are:

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2.1 Test Policy and Strategy 测试方针和策略

2.2 Test Planning  测试计划

2.3 Test Monitoring and Control  测试监控

2.4 Test Design and Execution  测试设计和执行

.5 Test Environment  测试环境

Each of these is discussed in more detail in the sections hereafter. 

