LeetCode|Clone Graph

版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/DouMiaoO_Oo/article/details/88771355

Clone Graph

Given a reference of a node in a connected undirected graph, return a deep copy (clone) of the graph. Each node in the graph contains a val (int) and a list (List[Node]) of its neighbors.


  • The number of nodes will be between 1 and 100.
  • The undirected graph is a simple graph, which means no repeated edges and no self-loops in the graph.
  • Since the graph is undirected, if node p has node q as neighbor, then node q must have node p as neighbor too.
  • You must return the copy of the given node as a reference to the cloned graph.
// Definition for a Node.
class Node {
    int val;
    vector<Node*> neighbors;

    Node() {}

    Node(int _val, vector<Node*> _neighbors) {
        val = _val;
        neighbors = _neighbors;
class Solution {
    Node* cloneGraph(Node* node) {
        unordered_map<Node*, Node*> m;
        helper(node, m);
        return m[node];
    void helper(Node* node, unordered_map<Node*, Node*>& m){
        if(m.find(node) != m.end()) return;
        Node* nnode = new Node(node->val, vector<Node*>(node->neighbors.size(), NULL));
        m[node] = nnode;
        for(int i = 0; i < node->neighbors.size(); ++i){
            helper((node->neighbors)[i] , m);
            nnode->neighbors[i] = m[node->neighbors[i]];

