来自西弗吉利亚大学li xin整理的CV代码合集(二)

Low rank methods
  1. Efficient Computation of Robust Low-Rank Matrix Approximations in the Presence of Missing Data using the L1 Norm code
  2. Low-Rank Matrix Recovery and Completion via Convex Optimization
  3. Predictive low-rank decomposition for kernel methods
  4. Improved Nyström Low-rank Approximation for

    Scalable Manifold Learning

  5. RASL: Robust Batch Alignment of Images by Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition
  6. TILT: Transform Invariant Low-rank Textures
  7. Nonlocal sparsity regularized image restoration: a low-rank approach code
  8. Bayesian Robust Matrix Factorization for Image and Video Processing
Deep Learning
  1. DeepLearnToolbox
  2. Deep Belief Networks
  3. Convolutional deep belief network
  4. Learning Deep Boltzmann Machines
  5. Conditional RBMs/DBNs
  6. Neocognitron
  7. Convolutional/Deconvolutional networks
  8. Invariant scattering convolution network
  9. Marginalized Stacked Denoising Autoencoders
  10. Joint Deep Learning for Pedestrian Detection
Manifold learning and embedding
  1. A Global Geometric Framework for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction    code
  2. Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Locally Linear Embedding   code
  3. Laplacian Eigenmaps  code
  4. Diffusion maps code
  5. Manifold learning toolbox&demo
  6. Learning distance metric
  7. Diffusion processes for retrieval
Wavelets and frames
  1. Emergence of simple-cell receptive field properties by learning a sparse code for natural images code
  2. A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing  Wavelab
  3. Steerable PyramidmatlabPyrtools.tar.gz
  4. Rice Wavelet Toolbox rwt.zip
  5. Contourlet and Ridgelet Toolbox    download
  6. Beamlet and Curvelet Toolbox    Beamlab
  7. Complex wavelet Toolbox    download
  8. Wavelet/bandelet Toolbox at Matlab Central
  9. MCALab
  10. Differentiation of discrete multidimensional signals code
  11. The finite ridgelet transform for image representation code
  12. Framing pyramids code
  13. Contourlet transform: an efficient directional multiresolution image representation code
  14. Directional multiscale modeling of images using the contourlet transform code
  15. The nonsubsampled contourlet transform: Theory, design, and applications code
  16. Multidimensional directional filter banks and surfacelets code
Compressed Sensing
  1. l1-Magic
  2. SparseLab
  3. GPSR
  4. ell-1 LS: Simple Matlab Solver for ell-1-Regularized Least Squares Problems
  5. sparsify
  6. MPTK: Matching Pursuit Toolkit
  7. Bayesian Compressive Sensing
  8. SPGL1: A solver for large scale sparse reconstruction
  9. sparseMRI
  10. FPC
  11. CVX
  12. Chaining Pursuit
  13. Regularized OMP
  14. SPARCO: A toolbox for testing sparse reconstruction algorithms
  15. TwIST
  16. Compressed Sensing Codes
  17. Fast CS using SRM
  18. FPC_AS
  19. Fast Bayesian Matching Pursuit (FBMP)
  20. SL0
  21. Sparse recovery using sparse matrices
  22. PPPA
  23. Compressive sensing via belief propagation
  24. SpaRSA
  25. KF-CS: Kalman Filtered CS (and other sequential CS algorithms)
  26. Fast Bayesian CS with Laplace Priors
  27. YALL1
  28. TVAL3
  29. RecPF
  30. Basis Pursuit DeQuantization (BPDQ)
  31. k-t FOCUSS
  32. Sub-Nyquist sampling: The Modulated Wideband Converter
  33. Threshold-ISD
  34. A Sparse Learning Package
  35. Model-based Compressive Sensing Toolbox
  36. Sparse Modeling Software
  37. Spectral Compressive Sensing Toolbox
  38. CS-CHEST: A MATLAB Toolbox for Compressive Channel Estimation
  39. DictLearn: A MATLAB Implementation for Dictionary Learning
  40. SPAMS
  41. Peformance benchmark of l1-optimization algorithms
  42. BM3D-based compressed sensing
  43. Compressed sensing using belief propagation
  44. Model-based Compressed Sensing
  45. Bayesian Compressive Sensing
  46. Latent Variable Graphical Model Selection via Convex Optimization code
HDR imaging
  1. HDR image rendering using a retinex-based adaptive filter
  2. Digital Camera Workflow for HDR Images Using a Model of Retinal Processing

  3. HDR image rendering by iCAM06 model
  4. Rafal Mantiuk's research on HDR imaging
  5. Binocular Tone Mapping
  6. High dynamic range imaging and tonemapping
Biomedical Imaging
  1. SparseMRI Toolbox
  2. Image reconstruction toolbox
  3. medical image registration
  4. Level set based medical image segmentation
  5. Gradient vector flow
  6. Compressed sensing image reconstruction via recursive spatially adaptive filtering
  7. multiresolution celluar image classification
  8. multirate fluorescence microscopy image acquisition
  9. Nonlocal MRI Upsampling
  10. Joint image reconstruction and sensitivity estimation in SENSE (JSENSE) code
  11. Nonlinear GRAPPA: a kernel approach to parallel MRI reconstruction code
2D Phase Unwrapping
  1. Graph cut based 2D Phase unwrapping   code
  2. Unwrapping MR phase images by a Markov random field model code
  3.  Satellite radar interferometry Two dimensional phase unwrapping code
  4. Phase unwrapping algorithms for radar interferometry:residue-cutleast-squares, and synthesis algorithms code
DTI and fiber tractography
  1. DSI Studio
  2. FMRIB
  3. dtiQuery
  4. Camino
  5. NAMIC
Data Clustering
  1. Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models code
  2. Affinity propagation
  3. On Spectral Clustering: Analysis and an algorithm codecode2 code3
  4. Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) code2 code3
  5. Computing nonnegative tensor factorizations
  6. Fast kmeans via triangle inequality
  7. FastANN and FastCluster for approximate kmeans
  8. kdtree-based NN/kNN search fast kNN search code2
  9. RANSAC toolbox for robust fitting
  10. Clustering Through Ranking On Manifolds code
  11. Correlation clustering optimization
  12. Hybrid Linear Modeling via Local Best Flats code
Stereo matching& Multiview geometry
  1. A taxonomy and evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence algorithms code
  2. Graph cut based stereo matching    code
  3. Belief propagation based stereo matching code
  4. A roadmap to the integration of early visual modules  Code
  5. Adaptive support-weight approach  Code
  6. Energy minization based stereo matching
  7. Energy Based Multiple Model Fitting for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion code
  8. Recognizing Scene Viewpoint using Panoramic Place Representation
  9. A Closed-Form Solution to Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo via Diffuse Maxima
  10. Patch-based Multi-view Stereo (PMVS)
  11. Library for Efficient Large-scale Stereo Matching
Graphics, Cartoons,Motion&3D
  1. Apparent Layer Operations for the Manipulation of Deformable Objects

  2. 2.5D cartoon models
  3. 3D modeling with sihouettes
  4. Real-time Large-deformation Substructuring

  5. Generalized biped walking control
  6. Locomotion Skills for Simulated Quadrupeds
  7. Action Recognition from a Distributed Representation of Pose and Appearance
  8. RECON: Scale-Adaptive Robust Estimation via Residual Consensus code
  9. How Do Humans Sketch Objects?
  10. Manifold Exploration: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique for rendering scenes with difficult specular transport
  11. Exploring Collections of 3D Models using Fuzzy Correspondences
  12. Illuminant Chromaticity from Image Sequences
  13. Network Principles for SfM: Disambiguating Repeated Structures with Local Context
Machine learning&Neural Networks
  1. Resource collection at UC-Merced
  2. Belief propagation/Sum-Product Algorithm code
  3. Deep Boltzmann Machines
  4. Shape Boltzmann machine: a strong model of object shapes
  5. Support vector machine
  6. Liblinear for large linear classification
  7. Object detection with Boosting
  8. Convolutional/Deconvolutional networks
  9. Hopfield networks code
  10. Self-organizing map (SOM) Toolbox
  11. Reservoir Computing Toolbox
  12. Polychronization: Computation With Spikes
  13. Slowly coupled oscillators: phase dynamics and sync
  14. Liquid State Machines(LSM) code
  15. Sparse Coding Neural Gas code
  16. Echo state networks for harnessing nonlinearity code
  17. Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors with Automatic Algorithm Configuration
  18. Sum-Product Networks: A New Deep Architecture code
  19. Deformable graph matching code
Blind source separation
  1. Shiro Ikeda's page of Blind Source Separation
  2. Independent Component Analysis by JV Stone
  3. Blind source separation via Independent component analysis
  4. ICALab for image processing
  5. Separating a Real-Life Nonlinear Image Mixture
Camera calibration
  1. A toolbox containing several camera calibration techniques
  2. A flexible new technique for camera calibration
  3. Geometric Camera Calibration Using Circular Control Points
  4. A New Mirror-based Extrinsic Camera Calibration Using an Orthogonality Constraint
Sampling&Physics-based Simulation
  1. Poisson-disk sampling

  2. Filtering solid Gabor noise
  3. Gabor Noise by Example
  4. Guided Exploration of Physically Valid Shapes for Furniture Design
  5. Efficient Geometrically Exact Continuous Collision Detection
  6. Illuminant Chromaticity from Image Sequences
Evolutionary computing/Optimization
  1. Ant colony optimization
  2. Genetic algorithm toolbox
  3. Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox
  4. Cache-efficient graph cuts on structured grids
Networking Research
  1. The network simulator (ns-2)
  2. NetSim at Tetcos
  3. LBNL's software releases
  1. Simple model of spiking neurons spike train analysis
  2. Visual pattern recognition by moment invariants code
  3. Direct LS-based ellipsis fitting  code
  4. DACE: a MATLAB Kriging toolbox
  5. Inference package for undirected graphical models
  6. Kernel smoothing toolbox
  7. CMU statistics library collections
  8. Rice DSP software release
  9. Complex network toolbox
  10. DistLearnKit: a MATLAB Toolkit for distance metric learning
  11. Subspace segmentation source code distribution
  12. Multiview geometry and 3D reconstruction
  13. A probabilistic image jigsaw puzzle solver
  14. Non-Iterative Approach for Fast and Accurate Vanishing Point Detection code
  15. Affine registration of 2d point sets
  16. Rotation Invariant Nonrigid Point Set Matching in Cluttered Scenes code
  17. Tensor Product model transformation (for control design)
  18. N-way toolbox (more versatile than the above one but slower)
  19. Simple Formulas For Quasiconformal Plane Deformations
  20. An Analytic Model for Full Spectral Sky-Dome Radiance
  21. Implementation of a Low-Depth of Field Picture Classifier
  22. Decoding, Calibration and Rectification for Lenselet-Based Cameras

