The role of color code inductance

                                         The role of color code inductance
When the color code inductor uses the current passed through the circuit, only a fixed magnetic field line is present around the inductor; however, when the color ring inductor passes the alternating current in the coil, the magnetic flux line changes with time around the color ring inductor. It can be seen that the inductance of the color ring inductor is only a parameter related to the number of turns of the coil, the size and shape, and the medium. It is a measure of the inertia of the inductor and is independent of the applied current.

When the color code inductance forms a closed loop, the induced current will generate an induced current. The color ring inductance is similar to the inertia in mechanics. The electronic component is called “inductor”. Usually, when the knife switch is turned on or the knife switch is turned on, a spark will occur. This self-inductance phenomenon is very Caused by high induced potential. The variation of the inductance of the color-ring inductor is derived from the change of the external alternating current power supply. Therefore, from the objective effect, the color-ring inductance has the characteristic of preventing the current change in the alternating current circuit. In short, when the color ring inductor is connected to the AC power supply, the magnetic lines of force inside the color ring inductor will change with the alternating current, causing the color ring inductance to generate electromagnetic induction. The electromotive force generated by the change of the current of the inductor itself is called the color ring inductance.

