gre 填空123

section 123 hard

1. With Robert Lowell’s death, poetry appears to have shrunk from the ground he commandeered: his grand conception of the port as public conscience has _____ in the present era of notably small and private poems.

2. The researchers theorized that people in power focus so keenly on their own prerogatives that they become oblivious to those around them and that their subordinates, not wanting to provoke the boss, _____ this process.

: to assist or support (someone) in the achievement of a purpose

  • The singer was abetted by a skillful accompanist.

Cutback : reduction

  • a cutback in funding

1: to place again (as in possession or in a former position)

2: assign: such as

a: to assign to a place of insignificance or of oblivion : put out of sight or mind

: to make unwilling


1: to give a tendency to : incline

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  • faulty diet disposes one to sickness

: something that tends to coax or cajole : allurement —often used in plural

  • … refuses to yield to their blandishments …

1: a misrepresentation intended to harm another's reputation

  • denounced his opponent for his defamatory insinuations and calumny

: the quality or state of being prurient

2: the act or an instance of evading : escape

  • suspected of tax evasion

: to attribute real identity to (a concept)

5. The mind has a tendency to (i)_____ abstractions, so that one might envision the ego existing somewhere physically in the brain, but Freud (ii)_____ such a physical structure: rather, he (iii)_____.

believed that it is illusory

2 a: extreme or excessive concern with something

b: something that preoccupies one


2: an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome

: to make better or more tolerable

  • medicine to ameliorate the pain

a: to counteract the activity or effect of : make ineffective

  • propaganda that is difficult to neutralize

b: kill, destroy

expedite facilitate

9. Some social scientists who begin their studies of small communities with the intention of remaining detached revise their initial approach on discovering that personal involvement with subjects can actually ______ the gathering of important data.

section 125 medium

1. The fanciful notion that the legislative initiative would bring unlimited social benefits has soured into an equally _____ mood of skepticism and distrust.

: highly pertinent or appropriate : apt

  • apposite remarks

3. The man was an avowed (i)_____: he made no secret of his disdain for (ii)_____ endeavor.

Find the word to convey same or opposite meanings.

1: a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : dabbler

1: middle class

  • members of the bourgeoisie

: the statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size and density (see density 2c), distribution, and vital statistics

Isolate (the degree is not appropriate)

2: to select from among others; especially : to separate from another substance so as to obtain pure or in a free state

6. In some ways, fascism can be viewed as (i)_____ social contract: The individual (ii)_____ nearly all his or her political identity and (iii)_____ to the state.

The word “cede” in the second blank is appropriate for the “altruistic”

: governing or controlling influence : domination

2: a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end

  • backstage machinations … that have dominated the film industry

appalling, horrifying

  • the atrocious weapons of modern war

marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful (see 1disdain) dismissal of important matters

  • a cavalier attitude toward money
  • has a cavalier disregard for the rights of others

governed or characterized by caprice : impulsive, unpredictable


: marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness : serene

1: poised and serene especially in the face of setbacks or confusion

: being or exhibiting an omen : portentous;especially : foreboding or foreshadowing evil : inauspicious

b: marked by a deliberate and often forced playfulness, irony, or impudence

  • known for her arch comments

1. Some of writers whose interviews with the Paris Review are included in this volume were caught in the final years of their lives, and these interviews thus lend ______ mood to the collection.

2: a period of maturity or incipient decline

  • in the autumn of life

2. Writing accessories such as letter openers, pen trays, and memorandum pads became tremendously popular during the Victorian era, and by far the most ubiquitous of such _____ was the letter box.

b: a composition in the form of a letter


: characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources

1: owing gratitude or recognition to another : beholden


1: lasting a very short time

  • ephemeral pleasures

6. In considering whether to (i)_____ mergers of large corporations, governments now must consider the impact of such mergers on a country’s international competitiveness; for example, the United States has allowed the mergers of (ii)_____ such as Lockheed and Boeing in the aerospace industry in the belief European consortiums, backed by government funding, could pose a threat to American (iii)_____ in that industry.

b: absorption by a corporation of one or more others;also : any of various methods of combining two or more organizations (such as business concerns)

2: something of monstrous size, power, or appearance

  • a behemoth truck

a: a collateral or derived branch, descendant, or member : outgrowth

3: to subscribe to : agree to

1: to manage or supervise the execution, use, or conduct of

  • administer a trust fund

8. For more than 100 years, anarchism has been an embarrassing estranged sibling in the family of international radicalism, and its bad behavior had made it easy to _____ the awkward but important questions anarchism poses.

Here, people pay attention to “bad behavior” and ignore …

: insulting or contemptuous action or speech : derision

  • laying himself open to the jeers and mockeries of his rebellious subjects


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