

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int count = 0;
void solve(int n, int col, int *hist){
	if (col == n) {
		printf("\nNo. %d\n-----\n", ++count);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, putchar('\n'))
			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
				putchar(j == hist[i] ? 'Q' : ((i + j) & 1) ? ' ' : '.');
#	define attack(i, j) (hist[j] == i || abs(hist[j] - i) == col - j)
	for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < col && !attack(i, j); j++);
		if (j < col) continue;
		hist[col] = i;
		solve(n, col + 1, hist);
int main(int n, char **argv){
	if (n <= 1 || (n = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0) n = 8;
	int hist[n];
	solve(n, 0, hist);


#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXN 31
int nqueens(int n){
  int q0,q1;
  int cols[MAXN], diagl[MAXN], diagr[MAXN], posibs[MAXN]; // Our backtracking 'stack' 
  int num=0;
  // The top level is two fors, to save one bit of symmetry in the enumeration by forcing second queen to
  // be AFTER the first queen.
  for (q0=0; q0<n-2; q0++) {
    for (q1=q0+2; q1<n; q1++){
      int bit0 = 1<<q0;
      int bit1 = 1<<q1;
      int d=0; // d is our depth in the backtrack stack 
      cols[0] = bit0 | bit1 | (-1<<n); // The -1 here is used to fill all 'coloumn' bits after n ...
      diagl[0]= (bit0<<1 | bit1)<<1;
      diagr[0]= (bit0>>1 | bit1)>>1;
      //  The variable posib contains the bitmask of possibilities we still have to try in a given row ...
      int posib = ~(cols[0] | diagl[0] | diagr[0]);
      while (d >= 0) {
        while(posib) {
          int bit = posib & -posib; // The standard trick for getting the rightmost bit in the mask
          int ncols= cols[d] | bit;
          int ndiagl = (diagl[d] | bit) << 1;
          int ndiagr = (diagr[d] | bit) >> 1;
          int nposib = ~(ncols | ndiagl | ndiagr);
          posib^=bit; // Eliminate the tried possibility.
          // The following is the main additional trick here, as recognizing solution can not be done using stack level (d),
          // since we save the depth+backtrack time at the end of the enumeration loop. However by noticing all coloumns are
          // filled (comparison to -1) we know a solution was reached ...
          // Notice also that avoiding an if on the ncols==-1 comparison is more efficient!
          num += ncols==-1; 
          if (nposib) {
            if (posib) { // This if saves stack depth + backtrack operations when we passed the last possibility in a row.
              posibs[d++] = posib; // Go lower in stack ..
            cols[d] = ncols;
            diagl[d] = ndiagl;
            diagr[d] = ndiagr;
            posib = nposib;
        posib = posibs[--d]; // backtrack ...
  return num*2;

main(int ac , char **av) 
  if(ac != 2) {
    printf("usage: nq n\n");
    return 1;
  int n = atoi(av[1]);
  if(n<1 || n > MAXN) {
    printf("n must be between 2 and 31!\n");
  printf("Number of solution for %d is %d\n",n,nqueens(n));


// uses C++11 threads to parallelize the computation; also uses backtracking
// Outputs all solutions for any table size
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
// Print table. 'pos' is a vector of positions – the index in pos is the row,
// and the number at that index is the column where the queen is placed.
static void print(const std::vector<int> &pos)
	// print table header
	for (int i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++) {
		std::cout << std::setw(3) << char('a' + i);
	std::cout << '\n';
	for (int row = 0; row < pos.size(); row++) {
		int col = pos[row];
		std::cout << row + 1 << std::setw(3 * col + 3) << " # ";
		std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << "\n\n";
static bool threatens(int row_a, int col_a, int row_b, int col_b)
	return row_a == row_b // same row
		or col_a == col_b // same column
		or std::abs(row_a - row_b) == std::abs(col_a - col_b); // diagonal
// the i-th queen is in the i-th row
// we only check rows up to end_idx
// so that the same function can be used for backtracking and checking the final solution
static bool good(const std::vector<int> &pos, int end_idx)
	for (int row_a = 0; row_a < end_idx; row_a++) {
		for (int row_b = row_a + 1; row_b < end_idx; row_b++) {
			int col_a = pos[row_a];
			int col_b = pos[row_b];
			if (threatens(row_a, col_a, row_b, col_b)) {
				return false;
	return true;
static std::mutex print_count_mutex; // mutex protecting 'n_sols'
static int n_sols = 0; // number of solutions
// recursive DFS backtracking solver
static void n_queens(std::vector<int> &pos, int index)
	// if we have placed a queen in each row (i. e. we are at a leaf of the search tree), check solution and return
	if (index >= pos.size()) {
		if (good(pos, index)) {
			std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(print_count_mutex);
	// backtracking step
	if (not good(pos, index)) {
	// optimization: the first level of the search tree is parallelized
	if (index == 0) {
		std::vector<std::future<void>> fts;
		for (int col = 0; col < pos.size(); col++) {
			pos[index] = col;
			auto ft = std::async(std::launch::async, [=]{ auto cpos(pos); n_queens(cpos, index + 1); });
		for (const auto &ft : fts) {
	} else { // deeper levels are not
		for (int col = 0; col < pos.size(); col++) {
			pos[index] = col;
			n_queens(pos, index + 1);
int main()
	std::vector<int> start(12); // 12: table size
	n_queens(start, 0);
	std::cout << n_sols << " solutions found.\n";
	return 0;


 a  b  c  d                                                                                                  
1    #                                                                                                        
2          #                                                                                                  
3 #                                                                                                           
4       #                                                                                                                                                                                                
  a  b  c  d                                                                                                  
1       #                                                                                                     
2 #                                                                                                           
3          #                                                                                                  
4    # 


using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Linq.Enumerable;
using static System.Console;
using static System.Math;
namespace N_Queens
    static class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var n = 8;
            var cols = Range(0, n);
            var combs = cols.Combinations(2).Select(pairs=> pairs.ToArray());
            var solved = from v in cols.Permutations().Select(p => p.ToArray())
                         where combs.All(c => Abs(v[c[0]] - v[c[1]]) != Abs(c[0] - c[1]))
                         select v;
            WriteLine($"{n}-queens has {solved.Count()} solutions");
            WriteLine("Position is row, value is column:-");
            var first = string.Join(" ", solved.First());
            WriteLine($"First Solution: {first}");
        public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Permutations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> values)
            if (values.Count() == 1)
                return values.ToSingleton();
            return values.SelectMany(v => Permutations(values.Except(v.ToSingleton())), (v, p) => p.Prepend(v));
        public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> seq) =>
            seq.Aggregate(Empty<T>().ToSingleton(), (a, b) => a.Concat(a.Select(x => x.Append(b))));
        public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> seq, int numItems) =>
            seq.Combinations().Where(s => s.Count() == numItems);
        public static IEnumerable<T> ToSingleton<T>(this T item) { yield return item; }


8-queens has 92 solutions
Position is row, value is column:-
First Solution: 0 4 7 5 2 6 1 3


package main
import "fmt"
var (
    i int
    q bool
    a [9]bool
    b [17]bool
    c [15]bool // offset by 7 relative to the Pascal version
    x [9]int
func try(i int) {
    for j := 1; ; j++ {
        q = false
        if a[j] && b[i+j] && c[i-j+7] {
            x[i] = j
            a[j] = false
            b[i+j] = false
            c[i-j+7] = false
            if i < 8 {
                try(i + 1)
                if !q {
                    a[j] = true
                    b[i+j] = true
                    c[i-j+7] = true
            } else {
                q = true
        if q || j == 8 {
func main() {
    for i := 1; i <= 8; i++ {
        a[i] = true
    for i := 2; i <= 16; i++ {
        b[i] = true
    for i := 0; i <= 14; i++ {
        c[i] = true
    if q {
        for i := 1; i <= 8; i++ {
            fmt.Println(i, x[i])


public class NQueens {
  private static int[] b = new int[8];
  private static int s = 0;
  static boolean unsafe(int y) {
    int x = b[y];
    for (int i = 1; i <= y; i++) {
      int t = b[y - i];
      if (t == x ||
          t == x - i ||
          t == x + i) {
        return true;
    return false;
  public static void putboard() {
    System.out.println("\n\nSolution " + (++s));
    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
        System.out.print((b[y] == x) ? "|Q" : "|_");
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int y = 0;
    b[0] = -1;
    while (y >= 0) {
      do {
      } while ((b[y] < 8) && unsafe(y));
      if (b[y] < 8) {
        if (y < 7) {
          b[++y] = -1;
        } else {
      } else {



function queenPuzzle(rows, columns) {
    if (rows <= 0) {
        return [[]];
    } else {
        return addQueen(rows - 1, columns);
function addQueen(newRow, columns, prevSolution) {
    var newSolutions = [];
    var prev = queenPuzzle(newRow, columns);
    for (var i = 0; i < prev.length; i++) {
        var solution = prev[i];
        for (var newColumn = 0; newColumn < columns; newColumn++) {
            if (!hasConflict(newRow, newColumn, solution))
    return newSolutions;
function hasConflict(newRow, newColumn, solution) {
    for (var i = 0; i < newRow; i++) {
        if (solution[i]     == newColumn          ||
            solution[i] + i == newColumn + newRow || 
            solution[i] - i == newColumn - newRow) {
                return true;
    return false;


(() => {
    'use strict';
    // N QUEENS PROBLEM ------------------------------------------------------
    // queenPuzzle :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
    const queenPuzzle = (nRows, nCols) =>
        nRows <= 0 ? [
        ] : queenPuzzle(nRows - 1, nCols)
        .reduce((a, solution) =>
            append(a, enumFromTo(0, nCols - 1)
                .reduce((b, iCol) =>
                    safe(nRows - 1, iCol, solution) ? (
                    ) : b, [])
            ), []);
    // safe : Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
    const safe = (iRow, iCol, solution) => !any(
        ([sc, sr]) =>
        (iCol === sc) || (sc + sr === iCol + iRow) || (sc - sr === iCol - iRow),
        zip(solution, enumFromTo(0, iRow - 1))
    // GENERIC FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------
    // abs :: Num a => a -> a
    const abs = Math.abs
    // any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
    const any = (f, xs) => xs.some(f);
    // (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
    const append = (xs, ys) => xs.concat(ys);
    // chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
    const chunksOf = (n, xs) =>
        xs.reduce((a, _, i, xs) =>
            i % n ? a : a.concat([xs.slice(i, i + n)]), []);
    // concat :: [[a]] -> [a] | [String] -> String
    const concat = xs => {
        if (xs.length > 0) {
            const unit = typeof xs[0] === 'string' ? '' : [];
            return unit.concat.apply(unit, xs);
        } else return [];
    // concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
    const concatMap = (f, xs) => [].concat.apply([], xs.map(f));
    // 2 or more arguments
    // curry :: Function -> Function
    const curry = (f, ...args) => {
        const go = xs => xs.length >= f.length ? (f.apply(null, xs)) :
            function () {
                return go(xs.concat([].slice.apply(arguments)));
        return go([].slice.call(args, 1));
    // enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
    const enumFromTo = (m, n) =>
            length: Math.floor(n - m) + 1
        }, (_, i) => m + i);
    // intercalate :: String -> [a] -> String
    const intercalate = curry((s, xs) => xs.join(s));
    // map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
    const map = (f, xs) => xs.map(f)
    // transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
    const transpose = xs =>
        xs[0].map((_, iCol) => xs.map(row => row[iCol]));
    // unlines :: [String] -> String
    const unlines = xs => xs.join('\n');
    // zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
    const zip = (xs, ys) =>
        xs.slice(0, Math.min(xs.length, ys.length))
        .map((x, i) => [x, ys[i]]);
    // TEST ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Ten columns of solutions to the 7*7 board
    // showSolutions :: Int -> Int -> String
    const showSolutions = (nCols, nBoardSize) =>
        intercalate('\n\n', map(unlines,
            map(col => map(intercalate("  "), transpose(map(rows =>
                    map(r => concat(concatMap(c =>
                        c === r ? '♛' : '.',
                        enumFromTo(1, rows.length))), rows), col))),
                chunksOf(nCols, queenPuzzle(nBoardSize, nBoardSize))
    return showSolutions(10, 7);


n x n Queen solving program
echo "<h1>n x n Queen solving program</h1>";
//Get the size of the board
$boardX = $_POST['boardX'];
$boardY = $_POST['boardX'];
// Function to rotate a board 90 degrees
function rotateBoard($p, $boardX) {
while ($a < count($p)) {
	$b = strlen(decbin($p[$a]))-1;
	$tmp[$b] = 1 << ($boardX - $a - 1);
return $tmp;
// This function will find rotations of a solution
function findRotation($p, $boardX,$solutions){
$tmp = rotateBoard($p,$boardX);
// Rotated 90
if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)) {}
else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}
$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX);
// Rotated 180
if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){}
else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}
$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX);
// Rotated 270
if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){}
else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}
// Reflected
$tmp = array_reverse($p);
if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){}
else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}
$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX);
// Reflected and Rotated 90
if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){}
else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}
$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX);
// Reflected and Rotated 180
if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){}
else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}
$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX);
// Reflected and Rotated 270
if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){}
else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}
return $solutions;
// This is a function which will render the board
function renderBoard($p,$boardX) {
$img = '';
echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 style='text-align:center;display:inline'>";
for ($y = 0; $y < $boardX; ++$y) {
	echo '<tr>';
	for ($x = 0; $x < $boardX; ++$x){
	if (($x+$y) & 1) { $cellCol = '#9C661F';}
	else {$cellCol = '#FCE6C9';}
	if ($p[$y] == 1 << $x) { echo "<td bgcolor=".$cellCol."><img width=30 height=30 src='".$img."'></td>";}
	else { echo "<td bgcolor=".$cellCol."> </td>";}
	echo '<tr>';
echo '<tr></tr></table>&nbsp';
//This function allows me to generate the next order of rows.
function pc_next_permutation($p) {
$size = count($p) - 1;
// slide down the array looking for where we're smaller than the next guy 
for ($i = $size - 1; $p[$i] >= $p[$i+1]; --$i) { } 
// if this doesn't occur, we've finished our permutations 
// the array is reversed: (1, 2, 3, 4) => (4, 3, 2, 1) 
if ($i == -1) { return false; } 
// slide down the array looking for a bigger number than what we found before 
for ($j = $size; $p[$j] <= $p[$i]; --$j) { } 
// swap them 
$tmp = $p[$i]; $p[$i] = $p[$j]; $p[$j] = $tmp; 
// now reverse the elements in between by swapping the ends 
for (++$i, $j = $size; $i < $j; ++$i, --$j) 
{ $tmp = $p[$i]; $p[$i] = $p[$j]; $p[$j] = $tmp; } 
return $p; 
//This function needs to check the current state to see if there are any 
function checkBoard($p,$boardX) {
	$a = 0; //this is the row being checked
	while ($a < count($p)) { 
		$b = 1;
		while ($b < ($boardX - $a)){
		$x = $p[$a+$b] << $b;
		$y = $p[$a+$b] >> $b;
		if ($p[$a] == $x | $p[$a] == $y) { return false;}		
	return true;
if (isset($_POST['process']) && isset($_POST['boardX']))
//Within here is the code that needs to be run if process is clicked.
//First I need to create the different possible rows
for ($x = 0; $x < $boardX; ++$x){
	$row[$x] = 1 << $x;
//Now I need to create all the possible orders of rows, will be equal to [boardY]!
$solcount = 0;
$solutions = array();
while ($row != false) {
	if (checkBoard($row,$boardX)){
		$solutions[] = $row;
			$solutions = findRotation($row,$boardX,$solutions);
	$row = pc_next_permutation($row);	
echo "<br><br>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspRows/Columns: ".$boardX."<br>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspUnique Solutions: ".$solcount."<br>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTotal Solutions: ".count($solutions)."  - Note: This includes symmetrical solutions<br>";
//This code collects the starting parameters
echo <<<_END
<form name="input" action="queens.php" method="post">
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNumber of columns/rows <select name="boardX" />
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="3">Three</option>
<option value="4" >Four</option>
<option value="5">Five</option>
<option value="6">Six</option>
<option value="7">Seven</option>
<option value="8" selected="selected">Eight</option>
<option value="9">Nine</option>
<option value="10">Ten</option>
    <input type="hidden" name="process" value="yes" />
&nbsp<input type="submit" value="Process" />
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