Up in the Air-19

Hit 10 million miles

  • Hey, this is your stop(你的地方).

  • When am I gonna see you?

  • You’re just gonna have to come visit.

  • So settled. You’re not gonna change on me(变心), are you, right?

  • No. Same guy. Just one address.

  • This is your final boarding call(登机) for American Airlines flight number 3972 to Chicago.

  • All right. Call me when you get lonely.

  • Some guy sits down in a conference room somewhere and our server routes(传送) his session to one of our termination engineers.

  • I preferred “terminators,” but it bumped with(冲突) Legal.

  • Can’t imagine why. (无法想象)

  • Well, beta testing, role-playing. We go live(上线) at the end of the month.

  • Kyle, you’re running through(浏览) the events too quickly. You need to give them time to acknowledge each statement, okay? It’s a legal thing. Ryan?

  • They follow a workflow that takes them through anything from a standard dismissal to a violent aggressor(挑衅者).

  • What are they doing now? Are they practicing?

  • Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for today’s challenge speaker, Mr. Ryan Bingham.

  • Go get them.(去试试吧)

  • Last year, I flew 350,000 miles. The moon is 250.

  • Think you to imagine for a second that you’re carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. You feel them?

  • I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. Start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers.

  • Hey, honey, who’s at the door?

  • It’s just somebody who’s lost.

  • What were you thinking, showing up at my door like that?

  • What do you mean? I… I wanted to see you. I didn’t know you had a family. Why wouldn’t you tell me that?

  • I thought I was a part of your real life.

  • I thought, I thought we signed up for(报名 ) the same thing.

  • Try and help me understand exactly what it is that you signed up for.

  • I thought our relationship was perfectly clear. I mean, you are an escape. You’re a break from our normal lives. You’re a parenthesis.(插曲)

  • I’m a parenthesis?

  • You don’t even know what you want. Ryan, I’m a grown-up, okay? So, if you would like to see me again, then, then give me a call. Okay?

  • You’re the youngest yet to hit 10 mil. Don’t know where you found the time.

  • You know how many times I thought about this moment? Played out(幻想) the conversation that you and I would have right here.

  • What did you want to say?

  • That’s all right. It happens to all of us.


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