Up in the Air-4

Back “home”.

  • I should throw these out.

  • We can always use that room with the ice machine.

  • All right, I’m in Newark on the 12th, Modesto on the 13th. Oklahoma City on the 15th.

  • Any Southwest? I’ll be swinging by(路过) Albuquerque week of the 16th.

  • No, but I’ll be in Florida on the 20th.

  • That’s nothing(多大点事).

  • I should probably go back to my room so I can wake up in my bed.

  • I think that would be the ladylike thing to do(淑女该做的). Nice meeting you.

  • Hey, Ryan, how you holding up?

  • Every family has the one person who keeps the genealogy(家谱) in check. That’s my sister Kara, the glue.

  • Fine. You and the kids?

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  • Missy’s outstanding, Matthew made varsity(进入代表队). How’s the road?(路上咋样)

  • Couldn’t be better.

  • I didn’t even want to have to ask you this because I know how you are about doing things for others, but we’re coming up on three weeks to go to Julie’s wedding and there’s something we could really use your help on.(需要你的帮助)

  • We’ve been sending people these kits(合照), so they can print out photos of Julie and Jim on cardboard(硬纸板), and then take photos of them in interesting places, kind of like that gnome(守护神) in the French movie.

  • Because it’s Julie’s wedding and she thinks it would be fun. Does it matter why?

  • How is Julie?

  • Would you call her? She thinks you’ve turned to butter(黄油). You’re awfully isolated the way you live.

  • Isolated? I’m surrounded.

  • The place is a shithole. Nobody stays there.

    • Jesus, Ryan, I’m not asking you to check in. Can you just take a stupid photo?
  • I’ll try my best.

  • Last year, I spent 322 days on the road, which means I had to spend 43 miserable(可怜的) days at home.

  • I signed for(签收) this while you were gone.

  • I know, right? What are you doing tonight? You wanna come over(拜访) later?

  • I’ve started seeing somebody.

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