python nms算法











  •  NMS原理详解:





  • IOU算法:



   1.·····首先计算两个box左上角点坐标的最大值和右下角坐标的最小值  ,计算的是这连个点的坐标       

代码实现· ·x11 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[index[1:]])    
    ··· ··· ····y11 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[index[1:]])
    ···· ··· ···x22 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[index[1:]])
    ···· ··· ···y22 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[index[1:]])
    ···· ··· ···w = np.maximum(0, x22-x11+1)    
    ···· ··· ···h = np.maximum(0, y22-y11+1)


·········· ··· 当两个方框相交时,我们标出 了11和22的位置,22-11最后得到w,h是正的。

······· ··· 当两个方框不相交的时候,,我们也标出 了11和22的位置,22-11最后得到w,h是负的,我们让他等于0。


   2. ·····然后计算交集面积                        



  •  下面先讲python实现:

  • 首先我们自定义数据:

  1. import numpy as np
  2. boxes=np.array([[ 100, 100, 210, 210, 0.72],
  3. [ 250, 250, 420, 420, 0.8],
  4. [ 220, 220, 320, 330, 0.92],
  5. [ 100, 100, 210, 210, 0.72],
  6. [ 230, 240, 325, 330, 0.81],
  7. [ 220, 230, 315, 340, 0.9]])


最后的结果应该是 。

  • 接下来用python写NMS,下面注释的非常详细,有什么不懂得可以留言:

  1. def py_cpu_nms(dets, thresh):
  2. #首先数据赋值和计算对应矩形框的面积
  3. #dets的数据格式是dets[[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,scores]....]
  4. x1 = dets[:, 0]
  5. y1 = dets[:, 1]
  6. x2 = dets[:, 2]
  7. y2 = dets[:, 3]
  8. areas = (y2-y1+ 1) * (x2-x1+ 1)
  9. scores = dets[:, 4]
  10. print( 'areas ',areas)
  11. print( 'scores ',scores)
  12. #这边的keep用于存放,NMS后剩余的方框
  13. keep = []
  14. #取出分数从大到小排列的索引。.argsort()是从小到大排列,[::-1]是列表头和尾颠倒一下。
  15. index = scores.argsort()[:: -1]
  16. print(index)
  17. #上面这两句比如分数[0.72 0.8 0.92 0.72 0.81 0.9 ]
  18. # 对应的索引index[ 2 5 4 1 3 0 ]记住是取出索引,scores列表没变。
  19. #index会剔除遍历过的方框,和合并过的方框。
  20. while index.size > 0:
  21. print(index.size)
  22. #取出第一个方框进行和其他方框比对,看有没有可以合并的
  23. i = index[ 0] # every time the first is the biggst, and add it directly
  24. #因为我们这边分数已经按从大到小排列了。
  25. #所以如果有合并存在,也是保留分数最高的这个,也就是我们现在那个这个
  26. #keep保留的是索引值,不是具体的分数。
  27. keep.append(i)
  28. print(keep)
  29. print( 'x1',x1[i])
  30. print(x1[index[ 1:]])
  31. #计算交集的左上角和右下角
  32. #这里要注意,比如x1[i]这个方框的左上角x和所有其他的方框的左上角x的
  33. x11 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[index[ 1:]]) # calculate the points of overlap
  34. y11 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[index[ 1:]])
  35. x22 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[index[ 1:]])
  36. y22 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[index[ 1:]])
  37. print(x11,y11,x22,y22)
  38. #这边要注意,如果两个方框相交,X22-X11和Y22-Y11是正的。
  39. #如果两个方框不相交,X22-X11和Y22-Y11是负的,我们把不相交的W和H设为0.
  40. w = np.maximum( 0, x22-x11+ 1)
  41. h = np.maximum( 0, y22-y11+ 1)
  42. #计算重叠面积就是上面说的交集面积。不相交因为W和H都是0,所以不相交面积为0
  43. overlaps = w*h
  44. print( 'overlaps is',overlaps)
  45. #这个就是IOU公式(交并比)。
  46. #得出来的ious是一个列表,里面拥有当前方框和其他所有方框的IOU结果。
  47. ious = overlaps / (areas[i]+areas[index[ 1:]] - overlaps)
  48. print( 'ious is',ious)
  49. #接下来是合并重叠度最大的方框,也就是合并ious中值大于thresh的方框
  50. #我们合并的操作就是把他们剔除,因为我们合并这些方框只保留下分数最高的。
  51. #我们经过排序当前我们操作的方框就是分数最高的,所以我们剔除其他和当前重叠度最高的方框
  52. #这里np.where(ious<=thresh)[0]是一个固定写法。
  53. idx = np.where(ious<=thresh)[ 0]
  54. print(idx)
  55. #把留下来框在进行NMS操作
  56. #这边留下的框是去除当前操作的框,和当前操作的框重叠度大于thresh的框
  57. #每一次都会先去除当前操作框,所以索引的列表就会向前移动移位,要还原就+1,向后移动一位
  58. index = index[idx+ 1] # because index start from 1
  59. print(index)
  60. return keep
  • 总代码如下:

  1. import numpy as np
  2. boxes=np.array([[ 100, 100, 210, 210, 0.72],
  3. [ 250, 250, 420, 420, 0.8],
  4. [ 220, 220, 320, 330, 0.92],
  5. [ 100, 100, 210, 210, 0.72],
  6. [ 230, 240, 325, 330, 0.81],
  7. [ 220, 230, 315, 340, 0.9]])
  8. def py_cpu_nms(dets, thresh):
  9. x1 = dets[:, 0]
  10. y1 = dets[:, 1]
  11. x2 = dets[:, 2]
  12. y2 = dets[:, 3]
  13. areas = (y2-y1+ 1) * (x2-x1+ 1)
  14. scores = dets[:, 4]
  15. keep = []
  16. index = scores.argsort()[:: -1]
  17. while index.size > 0:
  18. i = index[ 0] # every time the first is the biggst, and add it directly
  19. keep.append(i)
  20. x11 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[index[ 1:]]) # calculate the points of overlap
  21. y11 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[index[ 1:]])
  22. x22 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[index[ 1:]])
  23. y22 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[index[ 1:]])
  24. w = np.maximum( 0, x22-x11+ 1) # the weights of overlap
  25. h = np.maximum( 0, y22-y11+ 1) # the height of overlap
  26. overlaps = w*h
  27. ious = overlaps / (areas[i]+areas[index[ 1:]] - overlaps)
  28. idx = np.where(ious<=thresh)[ 0]
  29. index = index[idx+ 1] # because index start from 1
  30. return keep
  31. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  32. def plot_bbox(dets, c='k'):
  33. x1 = dets[:, 0]
  34. y1 = dets[:, 1]
  35. x2 = dets[:, 2]
  36. y2 = dets[:, 3]
  37. plt.plot([x1,x2], [y1,y1], c)
  38. plt.plot([x1,x1], [y1,y2], c)
  39. plt.plot([x1,x2], [y2,y2], c)
  40. plt.plot([x2,x2], [y1,y2], c)
  41. plt.title( " nms")
  42. plt.figure( 1)
  43. ax1 = plt.subplot( 1, 2, 1)
  44. ax2 = plt.subplot( 1, 2, 2)
  46. plot_bbox(boxes, 'k') # before nms
  47. keep = py_cpu_nms(boxes, thresh= 0.7)
  49. plot_bbox(boxes[keep], 'r') # after nms


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