
const int Maxsize = 32;
struct information 
	int value;
	int exist;
class Sequential_Storage_Tree
	Sequential_Storage_Tree() { memset(tree, 0, sizeof(information)*Maxsize); count = 0; }
	void Set();
	void Sequence();
	void Print();	
	void Codyledon();
	information tree[Maxsize];
	int count;

using namespace std;
void Sequential_Storage_Tree::Set()
	if (count > Maxsize) throw  "overflow";
	cout << "enter a data and a location : ";
	int data,location;
	cin >> data>>location;
	if (location > Maxsize) throw "wrong location";
	if (tree[location].exist != 0) throw "you will coveer the origin";
	else {
		tree[location].value = data;
		tree[location].exist = 1;

void Sequential_Storage_Tree::Sequence()
{for(int i=1;i<=Maxsize;i++)
	if (tree[i].exist != 0) cout << "the data in " << i<< " is " << tree[i].value<<endl;

void Sequential_Storage_Tree::Print()
	for (int i = 1; i<=Maxsize; i++)
		if (tree[i].exist != 0) 
		{ cout << "the data in " << i << " is " << tree[i].value << endl;
		if (i > 1 && tree[i / 2].exist != 0) cout << "the parent are" << i / 2<<endl;
		if (2 * i <= count&&tree[2 * i].exist != 0) cout << "the left child are" << 2*i<<endl;
		if (2 * i + 1<= count&&tree[2 * i + 1].exist != 0) cout << "the right child are" << 2 * i+1<<endl;

void Sequential_Storage_Tree::Codyledon()
	cout << "the Codyledon have :";
	int tally = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i <= Maxsize; i++)
		if (tree[i].exist != 0) tally++;		
		if (tree[i].exist!=0&&tree[2 * i].exist == 0 && tree[2 * i + 1].exist == 0) cout << i<<"     ";
		if (tally >= count) break;


int main()
	Sequential_Storage_Tree binary;
	std::cout << "MENU";
	int use = 0;
	while (use != 5)
		std::cout << "\n1.SET\n2.Sequence\n3.Print\n4.Codyledon\n5.Exit\nNow input a number to use function:";
		std::cin >> use;
		switch (use)
		case 1:binary.Set(); break;
		case 2:binary.Sequence(); break;
		case 3:binary.Print(); break;
		case 4:binary.Codyledon(); break;		
	return 0;

