mysql 中如何解决 时间类型的字段 like 中文值报错问题

废话不多说,直接上sql语句,加上binary 就能解决时间类型的字段like中文值的时候1271报错了

select id, app_id, app_alias_name, app_name, system_code, app_type, detail, app_status, open_style, icon_id, address, create_time, create_by, update_time, update_by, request_count, collect_count, avg_score from  (SELECT uai.user_id, uai.score, uai.status, ai.*, aci.request_count, aci.collect_count, aci.avg_score from user_app_info uai, app_info ai, app_calculate_info aci  WHERE  uai.app_id = ai.app_id and ai.app_id = aci.app_id) as total_views WHERE app_status=%s and (app_alias_name like %s or app_name like %s or app_type=%s or system_code like %s or create_by=%s or create_time like BINARY %s) ;

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