











import detectEnglish, vigenereCipher
# 字典攻击 
def hackVigenere_D(ciphertext):
    fo = open('dictionary.txt')
    words = fo.readlines()

    for word in words:
        word = word.strip() # 删除换行符
        decryptedText = vigenereCipher.decryptMessage(word, ciphertext) # 调用解密方法进行暴力破解
        if detectEnglish.isEnglish(decryptedText, wordPercentage=40):
            # 输出可能已解情况,让用户自行判断是否破译成功
            print('Possible encryption break:')
            print('Key ' + str(word) + ': ' + decryptedText[:100])
            print('Enter D for done, or just press Enter to continue breaking:')
            response = input('> ')
            if response.upper().startswith('D'):
                return decryptedText
def main_D():
    ciphertext = """Tzx isnz eccjxkg nfq lol mys bbqq I lxcz."""
    hackedMessage = hackVigenere_D(ciphertext)

    if hackedMessage != None:
        print('Hacked message to clipboard:')
        print('Failed to hack encryption.')
if __name__ == '__main__':


englishLetterFreq = {'E': 12.70, 'T': 9.06, 'A': 8.17, 'O': 7.51, 'I': 6.97, 'N': 6.75, 'S': 6.33, 'H': 6.09, 'R': 5.99, 'D': 4.25, 'L': 4.03, 'C': 2.78, 'U': 2.76, 'M': 2.41, 'W': 2.36, 'F': 2.23, 'G': 2.02, 'Y': 1.97, 'P': 1.93, 'B': 1.29, 'V': 0.98, 'K': 0.77, 'J': 0.15, 'X': 0.15, 'Q': 0.10, 'Z': 0.07}

def getLetterCount(message):
    # 分析字母出现的次数,并返回频率字典
    letterCount = {'A': 0, 'B': 0, 'C': 0, 'D': 0, 'E': 0, 'F': 0, 'G': 0, 'H': 0, 'I': 0, 'J': 0, 'K': 0, 'L': 0, 'M': 0, 'N': 0, 'O': 0, 'P': 0, 'Q': 0, 'R': 0, 'S': 0, 'T': 0, 'U': 0, 'V': 0, 'W': 0, 'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0}

    for letter in message.upper():
        if letter in LETTERS:
            letterCount[letter] += 1

    return letterCount

def getItemAtIndexZero(x):
    return x[0]

def getFrequencyOrder(message):
    # 返回一串按字母出现次数多到少的顺序排列的字符串

    # 第一步,获取每个字母及其频率计数的字典
    letterToFreq = getLetterCount(message)

    # 第二步,制作 以键为频率计数,值为出现的字母 的字典
    freqToLetter = {}
    for letter in LETTERS:
        if letterToFreq[letter] not in freqToLetter:
            freqToLetter[letterToFreq[letter]] = [letter]

    # 第三步,把 字典里的同一个键里的值从列表整理成一个字符串
    for freq in freqToLetter:
        freqToLetter[freq].sort(key=ETAOIN.find, reverse=True)
        freqToLetter[freq] = ''.join(freqToLetter[freq])

    # 第四步,将freqtoLetter字典转换为元组对列表(键、值),然后对它们进行排序
    freqPairs = list(freqToLetter.items())
    freqPairs.sort(key=getItemAtIndexZero, reverse=True)

    # 第五步,既然字母是按频率排序的,就提取元组的第二个数据,接合
    freqOrder = []
    for freqPair in freqPairs:
    return ''.join(freqOrder)

def englishFreqMatchScore(message):
    # 返回 频率分析后 前六个字母和后六个字母 与 预先设定的字母排序 中出现的次数
    freqOrder = getFrequencyOrder(message)

    matchScore = 0
    # 寻找前六个字母出现的次数
    for commonLetter in ETAOIN[:6]:
        if commonLetter in freqOrder[:6]:
            matchScore += 1
    # 寻找后六个字母出现的次数
    for uncommonLetter in ETAOIN[-6:]:
        if uncommonLetter in freqOrder[-6:]:
            matchScore += 1
    return matchScore

if __name__ == "__main__":
    b = englishFreqMatchScore('sdhaioffnfwefknfiuefhncali')


import itertools, re
import vigenereCipher, freqAnalysis, detectEnglish

SILENT_MODE = False # 如果设置为True,则不显示尝试破译信息
NUM_MOST_FREQ_LETTERS = 4 # attempts this many letters per subkey
MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 16 # 密钥最长长度
NONLETTERS_PATTERN = re.compile('[^A-Z]')

def findRepeatSequencesSpacings(message):
    # Goes through the message and finds any 3 to 5 letter sequences
    # that are repeated. Returns a dict with the keys of the sequence and
    # values of a list of spacings (num of letters between the repeats).

    # Use a regular expression to remove non-letters from the message.
    message = NONLETTERS_PATTERN.sub('', message.upper())

    # Compile a list of seqLen-letter sequences found in the message.
    seqSpacings = {} # keys are sequences, values are list of int spacings
    for seqLen in range(3, 6):
        for seqStart in range(len(message) - seqLen):
            # Determine what the sequence is, and store it in seq
            seq = message[seqStart:seqStart + seqLen]

            # Look for this sequence in the rest of the message
            for i in range(seqStart + seqLen, len(message) - seqLen):
                if message[i:i + seqLen] == seq:
                    # Found a repeated sequence.
                    if seq not in seqSpacings:
                        seqSpacings[seq] = [] # initialize blank list

                    # Append the spacing distance between the repeated
                    # sequence and the original sequence.
                    seqSpacings[seq].append(i - seqStart)
    return seqSpacings

def getUsefulFactors(num):
    # Returns a list of useful factors of num. By "useful" we mean factors
    # less than MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1. For example, getUsefulFactors(144)
    # returns [2, 72, 3, 48, 4, 36, 6, 24, 8, 18, 9, 16, 12]

    if num < 2:
        return [] # numbers less than 2 have no useful factors

    factors = [] # the list of factors found

    # When finding factors, you only need to check the integers up to
    for i in range(2, MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1): # don't test 1
        if num % i == 0:
            factors.append(int(num / i))
    if 1 in factors:
    return list(set(factors))

def getItemAtIndexOne(x):
    return x[1]

def getMostCommonFactors(seqFactors):
    # First, get a count of how many times a factor occurs in seqFactors.
    factorCounts = {} # key is a factor, value is how often if occurs

    # seqFactors keys are sequences, values are lists of factors of the
    # spacings. seqFactors has a value like: {'GFD': [2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12,
    # 18, 23, 36, 46, 69, 92, 138, 207], 'ALW': [2, 3, 4, 6, ...], ...}
    for seq in seqFactors:
        factorList = seqFactors[seq]
        for factor in factorList:
            if factor not in factorCounts:
                factorCounts[factor] = 0
            factorCounts[factor] += 1

    # Second, put the factor and its count into a tuple, and make a list
    # of these tuples so we can sort them.
    factorsByCount = []
    for factor in factorCounts:
        # exclude factors larger than MAX_KEY_LENGTH
        if factor <= MAX_KEY_LENGTH:
            # factorsByCount is a list of tuples: (factor, factorCount)
            # factorsByCount has a value like: [(3, 497), (2, 487), ...]
            factorsByCount.append( (factor, factorCounts[factor]) )

    # Sort the list by the factor count.
    factorsByCount.sort(key=getItemAtIndexOne, reverse=True)

    return factorsByCount

def kasiskiExamination(ciphertext):
    # Find out the sequences of 3 to 5 letters that occur multiple times
    # in the ciphertext. repeatedSeqSpacings has a value like:
    # {'EXG': [192], 'NAF': [339, 972, 633], ... }
    repeatedSeqSpacings = findRepeatSequencesSpacings(ciphertext)

    # See getMostCommonFactors() for a description of seqFactors.
    seqFactors = {}
    for seq in repeatedSeqSpacings:
        seqFactors[seq] = []
        for spacing in repeatedSeqSpacings[seq]:

    # See getMostCommonFactors() for a description of factorsByCount.
    factorsByCount = getMostCommonFactors(seqFactors)

    # Now we extract the factor counts from factorsByCount and
    # put them in allLikelyKeyLengths so that they are easier to
    # use later.
    allLikelyKeyLengths = []
    for twoIntTuple in factorsByCount:

    return allLikelyKeyLengths

def getNthSubkeysLetters(n, keyLength, message):
    # Returns every Nth letter for each keyLength set of letters in text.
    # E.g. getNthSubkeysLetters(1, 3, 'ABCABCABC') returns 'AAA'
    #      getNthSubkeysLetters(2, 3, 'ABCABCABC') returns 'BBB'
    #      getNthSubkeysLetters(3, 3, 'ABCABCABC') returns 'CCC'
    #      getNthSubkeysLetters(1, 5, 'ABCDEFGHI') returns 'AF'

    # Use a regular expression to remove non-letters from the message.
    message = NONLETTERS_PATTERN.sub('', message)

    i = n - 1
    letters = []
    while i < len(message):
        i += keyLength
    return ''.join(letters)

def attemptHackWithKeyLength(ciphertext, mostLikelyKeyLength):
    # Determine the most likely letters for each letter in the key.
    ciphertextUp = ciphertext.upper()
    # allFreqScores is a list of mostLikelyKeyLength number of lists.
    # These inner lists are the freqScores lists.
    allFreqScores = []
    for nth in range(1, mostLikelyKeyLength + 1):
        nthLetters = getNthSubkeysLetters(nth, mostLikelyKeyLength, ciphertextUp)

        # freqScores is a list of tuples like:
        # [(<letter>, <Eng. Freq. match score>), ... ]
        # List is sorted by match score. Higher score means better match.
        # See the englishFreqMatchScore() comments in freqAnalysis.py.
        freqScores = []
        for possibleKey in LETTERS:
            decryptedText = vigenereCipher.decryptMessage(possibleKey, nthLetters)
            keyAndFreqMatchTuple = (possibleKey, freqAnalysis.englishFreqMatchScore(decryptedText))
        # Sort by match score
        freqScores.sort(key=getItemAtIndexOne, reverse=True)


    if not SILENT_MODE:
        for i in range(len(allFreqScores)):
            # use i + 1 so the first letter is not called the "0th" letter
            print('Possible letters for letter %s of the key: ' % (i + 1), end='')
            for freqScore in allFreqScores[i]:
                print('%s ' % freqScore[0], end='')
            print() # print a newline

    # Try every combination of the most likely letters for each position
    # in the key.
    for indexes in itertools.product(range(NUM_MOST_FREQ_LETTERS), repeat=mostLikelyKeyLength):
        # Create a possible key from the letters in allFreqScores
        possibleKey = ''
        for i in range(mostLikelyKeyLength):
            possibleKey += allFreqScores[i][indexes[i]][0]

        if not SILENT_MODE:
            print('Attempting with key: %s' % (possibleKey))

        decryptedText = vigenereCipher.decryptMessage(possibleKey, ciphertextUp)

        if detectEnglish.isEnglish(decryptedText):
            # Set the hacked ciphertext to the original casing.
            origCase = []
            for i in range(len(ciphertext)):
                if ciphertext[i].isupper():
            decryptedText = ''.join(origCase)

            # Check with user to see if the key has been found.
            print('Possible encryption hack with key %s:' % (possibleKey))
            print(decryptedText[:200]) # only show first 200 characters
            print('Enter D for done, or just press Enter to continue hacking:')
            response = input('> ')

            if response.strip().upper().startswith('D'):
                return decryptedText

    # No English-looking decryption found, so return None.
    return None

def hackVigenere(ciphertext):
    # First, we need to do Kasiski Examination to figure out what the
    # length of the ciphertext's encryption key is.
    allLikelyKeyLengths = kasiskiExamination(ciphertext)
    if not SILENT_MODE:
        keyLengthStr = ''
        for keyLength in allLikelyKeyLengths:
            keyLengthStr += '%s ' % (keyLength)
        print('Kasiski Examination results say the most likely key lengths are: ' + keyLengthStr + '\n')

    for keyLength in allLikelyKeyLengths:
        if not SILENT_MODE:
            print('Attempting hack with key length %s (%s possible keys)...' % (keyLength, NUM_MOST_FREQ_LETTERS ** keyLength))
        hackedMessage = attemptHackWithKeyLength(ciphertext, keyLength)
        if hackedMessage != None:

    # If none of the key lengths we found using Kasiski Examination
    # worked, start brute-forcing through key lengths.
    if hackedMessage == None:
        if not SILENT_MODE:
            print('Unable to hack message with likely key length(s). Brute forcing key length...')
        for keyLength in range(1, MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1):
            # don't re-check key lengths already tried from Kasiski
            if keyLength not in allLikelyKeyLengths:
                if not SILENT_MODE:
                    print('Attempting hack with key length %s (%s possible keys)...' % (keyLength, NUM_MOST_FREQ_LETTERS ** keyLength))
                hackedMessage = attemptHackWithKeyLength(ciphertext, keyLength)
                if hackedMessage != None:
    return hackedMessage

def main():
    # Instead of typing this ciphertext out, you can copy & paste it
    ciphertext = """Adiz Avtzqeci Tmzubb wsa m Pmilqev halpqavtakuoi, lgouqdaf, kdmktsvmztsl, izr xoexghzr kkusitaaf. Vz wsa twbhdg ubalmmzhdad qz hce vmhsgohuqbo ox kaakulmd gxiwvos, krgdurdny i rcmmstugvtawz ca tzm ocicwxfg jf "stscmilpy" oid "uwydptsbuci" wabt hce Lcdwig eiovdnw. Bgfdny qe kddwtk qjnkqpsmev ba pz tzm roohwz at xoexghzr kkusicw izr vrlqrwxist uboedtuuznum. Pimifo Icmlv Emf DI, Lcdwig owdyzd xwd hce Ywhsmnemzh Xovm mby Cqxtsm Supacg (GUKE) oo Bdmfqclwg Bomk, Tzuhvif'a ocyetzqofifo ositjm. Rcm a lqys ce oie vzav wr Vpt 8, lpq gzclqab mekxabnittq tjr Ymdavn fihog cjgbhvnstkgds. Zm psqikmp o iuejqf jf lmoviiicqg aoj jdsvkavs Uzreiz qdpzmdg, dnutgrdny bts helpar jf lpq pjmtm, mb zlwkffjmwktoiiuix avczqzs ohsb ocplv nuby swbfwigk naf ohw Mzwbms umqcifm. Mtoej bts raj pq kjrcmp oo tzm Zooigvmz Khqauqvl Dincmalwdm, rhwzq vz cjmmhzd gvq ca tzm rwmsl lqgdgfa rcm a kbafzd-hzaumae kaakulmd, hce SKQ. Wi 1948 Tmzubb jgqzsy Msf Zsrmsv'e Qjmhcfwig Dincmalwdm vt Eizqcekbqf Pnadqfnilg, ivzrw pq onsaafsy if bts yenmxckmwvf ca tzm Yoiczmehzr uwydptwze oid tmoohe avfsmekbqr dn eifvzmsbuqvl tqazjgq. Pq kmolm m dvpwz ab ohw ktshiuix pvsaa at hojxtcbefmewn, afl bfzdakfsy okkuzgalqzu xhwuuqvl jmmqoigve gpcz ie hce Tmxcpsgd-Lvvbgbubnkq zqoxtawz, kciup isme xqdgo otaqfqev qz hce 1960k. Bgfdny'a tchokmjivlabk fzsmtfsy if i ofdmavmz krgaqqptawz wi 1952, wzmz vjmgaqlpad iohn wwzq goidt uzgeyix wi tzm Gbdtwl Wwigvwy. Vz aukqdoev bdsvtemzh rilp rshadm tcmmgvqg (xhwuuqvl uiehmalqab) vs sv mzoejvmhdvw ba dmikwz. Hpravs rdev qz 1954, xpsl whsm tow iszkk jqtjrw pug 42id tqdhcdsg, rfjm ugmbddw xawnofqzu. Vn avcizsl lqhzreqzsy tzif vds vmmhc wsa eidcalq; vds ewfvzr svp gjmw wfvzrk jqzdenmp vds vmmhc wsa mqxivmzhvl. Gv 10 Esktwunsm 2009, fgtxcrifo mb Dnlmdbzt uiydviyv, Nfdtaat Dmiem Ywiikbqf Bojlab Wrgez avdw iz cafakuog pmjxwx ahwxcby gv nscadn at ohw Jdwoikp scqejvysit xwd "hce sxboglavs kvy zm ion tjmmhzd." Sa at Haq 2012 i bfdvsbq azmtmd'g widt ion bwnafz tzm Tcpsw wr Zjrva ivdcz eaigd yzmbo Tmzubb a kbmhptgzk dvrvwz wa efiohzd."""
    hackedMessage = hackVigenere(ciphertext)
    if hackedMessage != None:
        print('Hacked message :')
        print('Failed to hack encryption.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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