
MSM8953  android7.1.2

service ueventd /sbin/ueventd                                              // ueventd 机制
/************************************************************service healthd /sbin/healthd*/
service console /system/bin/sh
service flash_recovery /system/bin/install-recovery.sh


service qcamerasvr /system/bin/mm-qcamera-daemon
service quec_aissvr /system/bin/ais_server                 //似乎是高通专有的一些服务
service qfp-daemon /system/bin/qfp-daemon                  //似乎是高通专有的一些服务
service qrngd /system/bin/qrngd -f
service qrngp /system/bin/qrngp -f
service qseecomd /system/bin/qseecomd                      // tz安全相关的服务
#service aostlmd /system/bin/aostlmd
service perfd /system/vendor/bin/perfd
service gamed /system/vendor/bin/gamed                     // 应该是游戏先关
service thermal-engine /system/vendor/bin/thermal-engine   //相关的东西主要在Vendor/qcom/proprietary/thermal-engine 目录下
service audiod /system/bin/audiod                          //应该是音频相关服务
service wcnss-service /system/bin/wcnss_service            //wlan 相关
service imsqmidaemon /system/bin/imsqmidaemon              //ims服务,通话,多媒体视频相关服务
service imsdatadaemon /system/bin/imsdatadaemon
service ims_rtp_daemon /system/bin/ims_rtp_daemon
service imscmservice /system/bin/imscmservice
#service hbtp /system/vendor/bin/hbtp_daemon             // hbtp跟触摸面板有关 improveTouch(hbtp) is ADSP based touch panel feature, if you don't use it please disable it
service ppd /system/vendor/bin/mm-pp-dpps
service dts_configurator /system/bin/dts_configurator    //  猜测是设备树相关
service dtseagleservice /system/bin/dts_eagle_service
service adsprpcd /system/bin/adsprpcd                    //  应该是adsp相关      
#service hvdcp_opti /system/bin/hvdcp_opti               // Battery performance 电池相关 高通文档解释:The hvdcp_opti bin service takes 95% more CPU resources all the time in Android P. QG does not require uevent
                                                         //notifications but must still clear the pipefd data. Not doing this keeps the daemon in loop forever. Fix this by clearing the pipe data.
service start dtseagleservice
service per_mgr /system/bin/pm-service                   // modem相关
service per_proxy /system/bin/pm-proxy                   // modem相关,OTA升级有关
service energy-awareness /system/bin/energy-awareness    // EAS对负载均衡  高通文档:The power table configuration is passed to the scheduler through the APPS EA driver. The energy-aware daemon
service mdtpd /system/vendor/bin/mdtpd
service system_monitor /system/bin/system_monitor start
service restart_monitor /system/bin/system_monitor
init.carrier.rc:31:service carrier_switcher /system/bin/sh /system/vendor/speccfg/switch_spec.sh

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