


rlReturnVal_t rlSetProfileConfig(	
	rlUInt8_t deviceMap,
	rlUInt16_t cnt,
	rlProfileCfg_t * data 


这个函数用于设置mmWave Front end的chirp profile,一个profile就像一个模板,其中包含有关FMCW信号的粗略信息,如起始频率、chirp斜率、chirp持续时间、发生功能等。API允许通过将profile数组与profile计数一起传递来设置多个profiles。


第一个参数deviceMap是输入参数,意思是:Bitmap of devices to send the message,取值可以有:




typedef struct rlProfileCfg
     * @brief  Profile index (0-3)
    rlUInt16_t profileId;
     * @brief  Bit Description  \n
                b0 FORCE_VCO_SEL \n
                 0 - Use internal VCO selection    \n
                 1 - Forced external VCO selection \n
                b1 VCO_SEL      \n
                 0 - VCO1 (77G:76 - 78 GHz or 60G:57 - 60.75 GHz)  \n
                 1 - VCO2 (77G:77 - 81 GHz or 60G:60.25 - 64 GHz)  \n
                 @note : There is an overlap region of 77-78 GHz and 60.25-60.75GHz in which \n
                 any of the VCOs can be used, for other regions use only the VCO which can work \n
                 in that region. For e.g. for 76-77 GHz use only VCO1 and for 78-81GHz use only \n
                 VCO2, for 77-78 GHz, any VCO can be used, similarly in 60G device \n
                 60.25-60.75GHz overlap region can be used by any VCO. Also note that users \n
                 should not inter-mix chirps from different VCOs within the same frame.\n
                b7:2 RESERVED            \n
    rlUInt8_t pfVcoSelect;
     * @brief Bit Description       \n
               b0 RETAIN_TXCAL_LUT (Not supported in IWR6843 ES1.0) \n
                0 - Update TX calibration LUT           \n
                1 - Do not update TX calibration LUT    \n
               b1 RETAIN_RXCAL_LUT (Not supported in IWR6843 ES1.0) \n
                0 - Update RX calibration LUT and update RX IQMM correction \n
                1 - Do not update RX calibration LUT    \n
               b7:2 RESERVED                            \n
               If PF_TX_OUTPUT_POWER_BACKOFF is changed then set RETAIN_TXCAL_LUT to 0, \n
               else set it to 1 and if PF_RX_GAIN is changed, then set RETAIN_RXCAL_LUT to 0 \n
               else set them to 1.
    rlUInt8_t pfCalLutUpdate;
     * @brief Bit Description       \n
               b0 RETAIN_TXCAL_LUT (Not supported in IWR6843 ES1.0) \n
                0 - Update TX calibration LUT           \n
                1 - Do not update TX calibration LUT    \n
               b1 RETAIN_RXCAL_LUT (Not supported in IWR6843 ES1.0)  \n
                0 - Update RX calibration LUT           \n
                1 - Do not update TX calibration LUT    \n
               b7:2 RESERVED                            \n
               If PF_TX_OUTPUT_POWER_BACKOFF is changed then set RETAIN_TXCAL_LUT to 0, \n
               else set it to 1 and if PF_RX_GAIN is changed, then set RETAIN_RXCAL_LUT to 0 \n
               else set them to 1.
    rlUInt8_t pfCalLutUpdate;
      * @brief  Bit Description  \n
               b0 FORCE_VCO_SEL \n
                0 - Use internal VCO selection    \n
                1 - Forced external VCO selection \n
               b1 VCO_SEL      \n
                0 - VCO1 (77G:76 - 78 GHz or 60G:57 - 60.75 GHz)  \n
                1 - VCO2 (77G:77 - 81 GHz or 60G:60.25 - 64 GHz)  \n
                @note : There is an overlap region of 77-78 GHz and 60.25-60.75GHz in which \n
                any of the VCOs can be used, for other regions use only the VCO which can work \n
                in that region. For e.g. for 76-77 GHz use only VCO1 and for 78-81GHz use only \n
                VCO2, for 77-78 GHz, any VCO can be used, similarly in 60G device \n
                60.25-60.75GHz overlap region can be used by any VCO. Also note that users \n
                should not inter-mix chirps from different VCOs within the same frame.\n
               b7:2 RESERVED            \n
    rlUInt8_t pfVcoSelect;
     * @brief  Start frequency for each profile \n
                  For 77GHz devices (76 GHz - 81 GHz): \n
                      1 LSB = 3.6e9 / 2^26 Hz = 53.644 Hz  \n
                      Valid range: 0x5471C71B to 0x5A000000 \n
                  For 60GHz devices (57 GHz - 64 GHz): \n
                      1 LSB = 2.7e9 / 2^26 Hz = 40.233 Hz  \n
                      Valid range: 0x5471C71C to 0x5ED097B4 \n
    rlUInt32_t startFreqConst;
     * @brief  Idle time\n
                  1 LSB = 10 ns \n
                  Valid range: 0 to 524287 \n
    rlUInt32_t idleTimeConst;
     * @brief  Time of starting of ADC capture relative to the knee of the ramp\n
                  1 LSB = 10 ns \n
                  Valid range: 0 to 4095 \n
    rlUInt32_t adcStartTimeConst;
     * @brief  End of ramp time relative to the knee of the ramp\n
                   1 LSB = 10 ns\n
                   Valid range: 0 to 500000 \n
                   Ensure that the total frequency sweep is either within these ranges: \n
                   77G : 76 - 78 GHz or 77 - 81 GHz \n
                   60G : 57 - 60.75 GHz or 60.25 - 64 GHz \n
    rlUInt32_t rampEndTime;
     * @brief  Concatenated code for output power backoff for TX0, TX1, TX2\n
                   Bit    Description  \n
                   b7:0   TX0 output power back off \n
                   b15:8  TX1 output power back off \n
                   b23:16 TX2 output power back off \n
                   b31:24 Reserved \n
               This field defiens how much the transmit power should be reduced from the maximum \n
               1 LSB = 1 dB \n
               If TX power boot time calibration is disabled then only 0dB back off is \n
               supported. In IWR6843 ES1.0, only 0dB backoff is supported. \n
               @note : For best inter-TX channel matching performance, same chirp profile and \n
                       same TX backoff value should be used for all the TXs that are used in \n
    rlUInt32_t txOutPowerBackoffCode;
     * @brief  Concatenated phase shift for TX0/1/2,\n
                   Bit    Description \n
                   b7:0   TX0 phase shift value \n
                   b15:8  TX1 phase shift value \n
                   b23:16 TX2 phase shift value \n
                   1 LSB = 360/2^6 = 5.625 degrees \n
                   b31:24 Reserved \n
               This field defines the phase shift to be introduced on each transmitter output. \n
               In IWR6843 ES1.0, only 0 degree phase is supported. \n
    rlUInt32_t txPhaseShifter;
     * @brief  Ramp slope frequency, \n
                   For 77GHz devices (76GHz to 81GHz): \n
                       1 LSB = (3.6e6 * 900) / 2^26 = 48.279 kHz/uS \n
                       Valid range: -2072 to 2072 (Max 100MHz/uS) \n
                   For 60GHz devices (57GHz to 64GHz): \n
                       1 LSB = (2.7e6 * 900) / 2^26 = 36.21 kHz/uS for 60GHz devices \n
                       Valid range: -6905 to 6905 (Max 250 MHz/uS) \n
    rlInt16_t freqSlopeConst;
     * @brief  Time of start of transmitter relative to the knee of the ramp \n
                   1 LSB = 10ns \n
                   Valid range: -4096 to 4095 \n
    rlInt16_t txStartTime;
     * @brief  Number of ADC samples to capture in a chirp for  each RX \n
                   Valid range: 2 to MAX_NUM_SAMPLES\n
                   Where MAX_NUM_SAMPLES is such that all the enabled RX channels' data fits \n
                   into 16 kB memory memory in AWR1243/xWR1443 or 32 kB memory in xWR1642/ \n
                   xWR6843/xWR1843, with each sample consuming 2 bytes for real ADC output \n
                   case and 4 bytes for complex 1x and complex 2x ADC output cases \n
                   number of RX chains    ADC format    Maxinum Number of samples \n
                    4                      complex       1024 \n
                    4                      Real          2048 \n
                    2                      Complex       2048 \n
                    2                      Real          4096 \n
    rlUInt16_t numAdcSamples;
     * @brief  ADC Sampling rate for each profile is encoded in \n
                   2 bytes (16 bit unsigned number)\n
                   1 LSB = 1 ksps \n
                   Valid range 2000 to 37500 \n
    rlUInt16_t digOutSampleRate;
     * @brief  Code for HPF1 corner frequency\n
                   0x00 175 kHz \n
                   0x01 235 kHz \n
                   0x02 350 kHz \n
                   0x03 700 kHz \n
    rlUInt8_t  hpfCornerFreq1;
     * @brief  Code for HPF2 corner frequency\n
                   0x00 350 kHz \n
                   0x01 700 kHz \n
                   0x02 1.4 MHz \n
                   0x03 2.8 MHz \n
    rlUInt8_t  hpfCornerFreq2;
     * @brief  Code for HPF2 corner frequency\n
                   0x00 350 kHz \n
                   0x01 700 kHz \n
                   0x02 1.4 MHz \n
                   0x03 2.8 MHz \n
    rlUInt8_t  hpfCornerFreq2;
     * @brief  Code for HPF1 corner frequency\n
                   0x00 175 kHz \n
                   0x01 235 kHz \n
                   0x02 350 kHz \n
                   0x03 700 kHz \n
    rlUInt8_t  hpfCornerFreq1;
     * @brief  Number of transmitters to turn on during TX power  \n
               calibration. During actual operation, if more than \n
               1 TXs are enabled during the chirp, then enabling  \n
               the same TXs during calibration will have better TX \n
               output power accuracy \n
                    b2:0 TX enabled during TX0 calibration \n
                         b0 - TX0, b1 - TX1, b2 - TX2 \n
                    b5:3 TX enabled during TX1 calibration \n
                         b3 - TX0, b4 - TX1, b5 - TX2 \n
                    b8:6 TX enabled during TX2 calibration \n
                         b6 - TX0, b7 - TX1, b8 - TX2 \n
                    b14:9 RESERVED \n
                    b15  Enable multi TX enable during TX power calibration. \n
                         Note : If this bit is not set, only 1 TX is enabled \n
                         during the TX power calibration. For e.g. during TX0 \n
                         calibration, only TX0 will be enabled; during TX1 \n
                         calibration, only TX1 will be enabled and so on. \n
               NOTE: This field is not applcicable for IWR6843 ES 1.0
    rlUInt16_t txCalibEnCfg;
     * @brief
                b5:0  Code for Rx VGA gain\n
                      1 LSB = 1 dB\n
                      Valid values: all even values from 24 to 52 \n
                b7:6  Code for RF gain target (Not applicable for IWR6843 ES1.0, \n
                      RF gain is fixed to 34dB) \n
                      00 - 30 dB \n
                      01 - 34 dB \n
                      10 - RESERVED \n
                      11 - 26 dB \n
                b15:8 RESERVED \n
                In IWR6843 ES1.0 device, Rx Gain is not accurate and not calibrated. \n
                The RF gain is 34dB and total Rx gain can be varied from 28dB to 56dB \n
    rlUInt16_t  rxGain;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt16_t reserved;
} rlProfileCfg_t;




  1. 最多可以设置多达4个profiles。每个profile包含粗略信息。可以使用chirp配置API来添加精细的抖动

  2. 可以动态地调用这个API来更改profile地参数。少数的参数不能被修改,为:

    Programmable filter coefficients in xWR1642/xWR1843
  3. 有关最小的chirp持续时间的详细信息,可以参阅:链接

  4. 最大的TX输出功率仅支持20dB

  5. 函数chirp的profiles中使用的RF band应在AWR_CAL_MON_FREQUENCY_TX_POWER_LIMITS_SB API中设置的限制范围内

  6. 这个API在RadarSS子系统中大约要执行700us

  7. 移相器(PS)的设置应用于斜坡的拐点处

  8. 函数chirp profiles中使用的RF的中频编码+200MHz应在本API规定的最大限制范围内



rlReturnVal_t rlSetChirpConfig(	
	rlUInt8_t 	deviceMap,
	rlUInt16_t 	cnt,
	rlChirpCfg_t * 	data 


此函数用于在chirp profile的顶部设置chirp到chirp的变化,用于首先应该使用rlSetProfileConfig定义一个profile。然后,这个函数通过将chirp与rlSetProfileConfig API中定义的特定的profile关联起来配置chirp。此外,用户能使用此API定义profile中的参数的精细抖动。此配置使用的抖动只是rlSetProfileConfig中编程参数的附加值。此API允许配置1个或512个chirp。它还允许配置每个chirp使用哪些发射通道


第一个参数deviceMap是输入参数,意思是:Bitmap of devices to send the message,取值可以有:




typedef struct rlChirpCfg
     * @brief  Chirp start index (0-511)
    rlUInt16_t chirpStartIdx;
     * @brief  Chirp end index (0-511)
    rlUInt16_t chirpEndIdx;
     * @brief  Associated profile id (0-3)
    rlUInt16_t profileId;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt16_t reserved;
     * @brief  Ramp start frequency, \n
               For 77GHz devices(76GHz to 81GHz): \n
                   1 LSB = 3.6e9/2^26 = 53.644 Hz \n
                   valid range = 0-8388607 \n
               For 60GHz devices(57GHz to 64GHz): \n
                   1 LSB = 2.7e9/2^26 = 40.233 Hz \n
                   valid range = 0-8388607 \n
    rlUInt32_t startFreqVar;
     * @brief  Ramp slope\n
               For 77GHz devices(76GHz to 81GHz): \n
                   1 LSB = 3.6e6 * 900/2^26 = 48.279 KHz/us \n
                   valid range = 0-63 \n
               For 60GHz devices(57GHz to 64GHz): \n
                   1 LSB = 2.7e6 * 900/2^26 = 36.21 KHz/us \n
                   valid range = 0-63 \n
    rlUInt16_t freqSlopeVar;
     * @brief  Idle time for each chirp\n
                   1 LSB = 10ns\n
                   valid range = 0-4096 \n
    rlUInt16_t idleTimeVar;
     * @brief  Adc start time for each chirp \n
                   1 LSB = 10ns \n
                   valid range = 0-4096 \n
    rlUInt16_t adcStartTimeVar;
     * @brief  Tx enable selection bit mask \n
                   b0 Enable TX0 \n
                   0 Tx0 Disable \n
                   1 Tx0 Enable \n
                   b1 Enable TX1 \n
                   0 Tx1 Disable \n
                   1 Tx1 Enable \n
                   b2 Enable TX2 \n
                   0 Tx2 Disable \n
                   1 Tx2 Enable  \n
                   Note: Maximum of only 2 TX can be turned in a chirp \n
    rlUInt16_t txEnable;







rlReturnVal_t rlSetAdvFrameConfig(	
	rlUInt8_t 	deviceMap,
	rlAdvFrameCfg_t * 	data 




第一个参数deviceMap是输入参数,意思是:Bitmap of devices to send the message,取值可以有:



typedef struct rlAdvFrameCfg
     * @brief  Advance Frame sequence and Subframe configuration
    rlAdvFrameSeqCfg_t frameSeq;
     * @brief  Advance Frame data configuration. Applicable with AWR1243 device only
    rlAdvFrameDataCfg_t frameData;

rlAdvFrameSeqCfg_t 结构体如下:

typedef struct rlAdvFrameSeqCfg
     * @brief  Number of sub frames enabled in this frame Valid range: 1 to 4
    rlUInt8_t          numOfSubFrames;
     * @brief  Force profile. \n
                0x0 The profile index set in rlSetChirpConfig API governs which profile is \n
                used when that chirp is transmitted \n
                0x1 The profile index indicated in rlSetChirpConfig API is ignored and all \n
                the chirps in each sub frame use a single profile as indicated by that sub \n
                frame's profile forceProfileIdx. \n
    rlUInt8_t          forceProfile;
     * @brief Bit  Definition \n
              b0   LOOPBACK_CFG_EN \n
                    0 - Disable \n
                    1 - Enable  \n
              b2:1  SUB_FRAME_ID for which the loopback configuration applies \n
              b7:3  RESERVED \n
    rlUInt8_t          loopBackCfg;
     * @brief  Sub frame trigger
     *              0 - Disabled
     *              1 - Enabled (Need to trigger each sub-frame either by SW in \n
     *                  software triggered mode or HW SYNC_IN line in hardware triggered mode)
    rlUInt8_t          subFrameTrigger;
     * @brief  Force profile.
                0x0 The profile index set in rlSetChirpConfig API governs which profile is \n
                used when that chirp is transmitted \n
                0x1 The profile index indicated in rlSetChirpConfig API is ignored and all \n
                the chirps in each sub frame use a single profile as indicated by that sub \n
                frame's profile forceProfileIdx. \n
    rlUInt8_t          forceProfile;
     * @brief  Number of sub frames enabled in this frame Valid range: 1 to 4
    rlUInt8_t          numOfSubFrames;
     * @brief  Sub frame trigger
     *              0 - Disabled
     *              1 - Enabled (Need to trigger each sub-frame either by SW in \n
     *                  software triggered mode or HW SYNC_IN line in hardware triggered mode)
    rlUInt8_t          subFrameTrigger;
     * @brief Bit  Definition \n
              b0   LOOPBACK_CFG_EN \n
                    0 - Disable \n
                    1 - Enable  \n
              b2:1  SUB_FRAME_ID for which the loopback configuration applies \n
              b7:3  RESERVED \n
    rlUInt8_t          loopBackCfg;
     * @brief  Subframe config for 4 sub frames
    rlSubFrameCfg_t    subFrameCfg[RL_MAX_SUBFRAMES];
     * @brief  Number of frames to transmit (1 frame = all enabled sub frames). If set to 0, \n
                frames are transmitted endlessly till Frame Stop message is received.\n
                Valid range: 0 to 65535 \n
    rlUInt16_t         numFrames;
     * @brief  Selects the mode for triggering start of transmission of frame \n
                 0x0001 SWTRIGGER (Software API based triggering): \n
                   Frame is triggered upon receiving rlSensorStart There could be several tens \n
                   of micro seconds uncertainty in triggering. \n
                   Note:This mode is not applicable if this mmwave device is configured as \n
                   MULTICHIP_SLAVE in rlChanCfg_t \n
                 0x0002 HWTRIGGER (Hardware SYNC_IN based triggering): \n
                   Each frame is triggered by rising edge of pulse in SYNC_IN pin, after \n
                   receiving rlSensorStart (this is to \n prevent spurious transmission). \n
                   W.r.t. the SYNC_IN pulse, the actual transmission has 5ns uncertainty in \n
                   SINGLECHIP and only a 300 ps uncertainty (due to tight inter-chip \n
                   synchronization needed) in MULTICHIP sensor applications as defined in \n
                   rlChanCfg_t. \n
    rlUInt16_t         triggerSelect;
     * @brief  Optional time delay from sync_in trigger to the occurance of frame chirps \n
                Applicable only in SINGLECHIP sensor applications, as defined in rlChanCfg_t.\n
                It is recommended only for staggering the transmission of multiple mmwave \n
                sensors around the car for interference avoidance, if needed. \n
                1 lsb = 5 ns \n
                Typical range is 0 to few tens of micro seconds. \n
    rlUInt32_t         frameTrigDelay;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt32_t         reserved0;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt32_t         reserved1;


typedef struct rlAdvFrameDataCfg
     * @brief  Number of Sub Frames, Valid Range (1 - 4)
    rlUInt8_t numSubFrames;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt8_t reserved0;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt8_t reserved0;
     * @brief  Number of Sub Frames, Valid Range (1 - 4)
    rlUInt8_t numSubFrames;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt16_t reserved1;
     * @brief  Sub Frame data configuration array.
    rlSubFrameDataCfg_t subframeDataCfg[RL_MAX_SUBFRAMES];


typedef struct rlSubFrameCfg
     * @brief  Force profile index. This is applicable only if FORCE_SINGLE_PROFILE is set to 1
    rlUInt16_t forceProfileIdx;
     * @brief  Start Index of Chirp Valid range = 0-511
    rlUInt16_t chirpStartIdx;
     * @brief  Num of unique Chirps per burst including start index Valid range = 1 - 512
    rlUInt16_t numOfChirps;
     * @brief  No. of times to loop through the unique chirps in each burst, without gaps, \n
                   using HW.\n valid range = 1 to 255 \n
    rlUInt16_t numLoops;
     * @brief  burstPeriodicity >= (numLoops)* (numOfChirps) + InterBurstBlankTime, \n
                where InterBurstBlankTime is primarily for sensor calibration / monitoring, \n
                thermal control, and some minimum time needed for triggering \n
                next burst (~10us).\n
                NOTE: Across bursts, if the value numOfChirps, is not a constant, then the \n
                actual available blank time can vary and needs to be accounted for\n
                1 LSB = 5 ns \n
    rlUInt32_t burstPeriodicity;
     * @brief  Chirp Start address increament for next burst, \n
                   next_burst_chirp_start_idx = last_chirp_end_index + \n
                   h_ChirpStartIdxIncr 0 - 511, 0 = 2nd burst = 1st burst \n
    rlUInt16_t chirpStartIdxOffset;
     * @brief  Num of bursts in the subframe. Valid Range: 1 - 512
    rlUInt16_t numOfBurst;
     * @brief  Number of times to loop over the set of above defined bursts, in the sub frame.\n
                    Valid Range: 1 - 64 \n
    rlUInt16_t numOfBurstLoops;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt16_t reserved0;
     * @brief  subFramePeriodicity >= Sum total time of all bursts + InterSubFrameBlankTime, \n
                 Where, Sum total time of all bursts = numOfBurstLoops * numOfBurst * \n
                 burstPeriodicity. \n
                 InterSubFrameBlankTime is primarily for sensor calibration / monitoring, \n
                 thermal control, transferring out any safety monitoring data if requested, \n
                 hardware reconfiguration for next sub frame, retriggering of next SF (~10us).\n
                 The hardware reconfiguration time, which is needed to transfer out the SF's \n
                 InterSubFrameBlankTime >= 100 us. \n
                 With loopback enabled InterSubFrameBlankTime >= 350 us. \n
                 Add 150 us to InterSubFrameBlankTime for test source confguration if test \n
                 source is enabled. \n
                 1 LSB = 5 ns \n
                 Valid range 100 us to 1.342 s. \n
    rlUInt32_t subFramePeriodicity;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt32_t reserved1;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt32_t reserved2;


typedef struct rlSubFrameDataCfg
     * @brief  Number of Chirps in Sub-Frame = numOfChirps * numLoops * numOfBurst * burstLoop
    rlUInt32_t totalChirps;
     * @brief  Number of half words of ADC samples per data packet in sub frame 1 \n
                Example 1:  In real mode, if number of ADC samples per chirp in subframe1 is
                256 then this value will be 256 \n
                Example 2: In complex1x or complex2x modes, if number of ADC samples per
                chirp in subframe1 is 256 then this value will be 512 \n
                In AWR1243: Program this as number of ADC samples in each chirp of
                this sub frame (required to be the same)\n
                Exception: Can do number of chirps based ping-pong as in xWR1642 
                (see below), if CP/CQ are not needed. Useful for chirp stitching use case.\n
                In xWR1642: The ADC samples corresponding to one or more chirps can be
                grouped and sent to the DSP as a single packet. Program this as the number
                of half words of ADC samples per packet. Ensure that in one sub frame, there
                is integer number of such packets. \n
                Maximum size of a data packet: (16384 - 1) half words
    rlUInt16_t numAdcSamples;
     * @brief  Number of Chirps Per Data Packet to process at a time in sub frame 1. \n
                In AWR1243/xWR1443: Program this as 1. \n
                Exception: Can be > 1 as in 16xx if CP/CQ is not needed. Useful for chirp
                stitching use case.\n
                In xWR1642/xWR1843: The ADC samples corresponding to one or more chirps can be
                grouped and sent to the DSP as a single packet. Program this as the
                corresponding number of chirps per packet. \n
                Maximum value = 8. \n
                Note on maximum size: 8 chirps for CP and BPM.
    rlUInt8_t numChirpsInDataPacket;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt8_t reserved;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt8_t reserved;
     * @brief  Number of Chirps Per Data Packet to process at a time in sub frame 1. \n
                In AWR1243/xWR1443: Program this as 1. \n
                Exception: Can be > 1 as in 16xx if CP/CQ is not needed. Useful for chirp
                stitching use case.\n
                In xWR1642/xWR1843: The ADC samples corresponding to one or more chirps can be
                grouped and sent to the DSP as a single packet. Program this as the
                corresponding number of chirps per packet. \n
                Maximum value = 8. \n
                Note on maximum size: 8 chirps for CP and BPM. \n
    rlUInt8_t numChirpsInDataPacket;




  1. 如果是硬件触发模式且subFrameTrigger = 0,则应为每个burst提供触发器。如果subFrameTrigger = 1,则需要为每个sub-frame提供触发器
  2. 如果使用硬件触发模式,同步脉冲宽度应小于1us。同时,同步的最小脉冲宽度应为25ns。
  3. 如果帧触发延迟与硬件模式一起使用,则外部的同步脉冲周期应该考虑配置的帧触发延迟和帧周期。外部的脉冲必须在帧触发延迟和帧周期之和后发出。
  4. 在Hw触发模式下,应发出Hw脉冲或配置脉冲周期,使脉冲在previous frame/burst完成后仅150us产生(在previous frame/burst结束前不应发出脉冲)。previous frame/burst结束与Hw脉冲上升沿之间的时间差建议<300us。
  5. 当一个sub-frame使用多个profiles时,sub-frame中的chirp的PF_NUM_ADC_SAMPLES 应该相同。
  6. PF_DIGITAL_OUTPUT_SAMPLING_RATE 影响子帧中的LVDS/CSI2数据速率,因此建议分析sub-frame中的chirp使用不同采样率时的定时影响。
  7. 有关最低帧间空白时间要求的详细信息,参阅:链接
  8. DFP 1.x(第一代设备)不支持此API中的环回配置。



rlReturnVal_t rlSetFrameConfig(	
	rlUInt8_t 	deviceMap,
	rlFrameCfg_t * 	data 


此函数允许在毫米波前端配置FMCW帧。一帧基本上是一系列的chirp,以及这种序列如何随着时间的推移而重复。用户首先需要定义一个profile和一组chirp(与一个profile相关联)。然后,这个函数定义如何对这些chirps进行排序。同一个chirp可以简单的循环以创建一个大的FMCW帧,或者可以对多个独特的chirp进行排序来创建帧,Chirp Start和end Index定义了如何在一个帧中对它们进行排序。该API还允许配置要传输的帧数,帧的周期性和触发器方法。触发方法可以是基于SW-API的触发器或基于HW-SYNC-IN的触发器。这个API内部调用两个API,一个调用RadarSS进行传感器配置,另一个调用MasterSS进行数据路径配置


第一个参数deviceMap是输入参数,意思是:Bitmap of devices to send the message,取值可以有:



typedef struct rlFrameCfg
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt16_t reserved0;
     * @brief  Start Index of Chirp Valid range = 0-511
    rlUInt16_t chirpStartIdx;
     * @brief  End Index of Chirp Valid range = chirpStartIdx-511
    rlUInt16_t chirpEndIdx;
     * @brief  Number of times to repeat from chirpStartIdx to chirpStartIdx in each frame, \n
                   valid range = 1 to 255 \n
    rlUInt16_t numLoops;
     * @brief  Number of frame to transmit \n
                Valid Range 0 to 65535 (0 for infinite frames) \n
    rlUInt16_t numFrames;
     * @brief  Number of ADC samples to capture This parameter is required only for AWR1243 and \n
                configures the size of ADC samples per chirp to be sent on LVDS/CSI2 \n
                It should be configured as:
                For real/pseudo real ADC data - numADCSamples = rlProfileCfg_t.numAdcSamples \n
                For complex1x/complex2x ADC data -  \n
                numADCSamples = (rlProfileCfg_t.numAdcSamples ) * 2 \n
    rlUInt16_t numAdcSamples;
     * @brief  Frame repitition period \n
                   1 LSB = 5 ns\n
                   Typical range 1 ms to 1000 ms \n
    rlUInt32_t framePeriodicity;
     * @brief  Selects the mode for triggering start of transmission of frame \n
                   0x0001 SWTRIGGER (Software API based triggering): \n
                   Frame is triggered upon receiving rlSensorStart\n
                   There could be several tens of micro seconds uncertainty in triggering. \n
                   Note: This mode is not applicable if this mmwave device is configured as \n
                   MULTICHIP_SLAVE in rlChanCfg_t \n
                   0x0002 HWTRIGGER (Hardware SYNC_IN based triggering): \n
                   Each frame is triggered by rising edge of pulse in SYNC_IN pin, after
                   receiving rlSensorStart (this is to prevent spurious transmission).
                   W.r.t. the SYNC_IN pulse, the actual transmission has 5ns uncertainty in \n
                   SINGLECHIP and only a 300 ps uncertainty (due to tight inter-chip
                   synchronization needed) in MULTICHIP sensor applications as defined in
                   rlChanCfg_t. \n
    rlUInt16_t triggerSelect;
     * @brief  Reserved for Future use
    rlUInt16_t reserved1;
     * @brief  Optional time delay from sync_in trigger to the occurance of frame chirps \n
                Applicable only in SINGLECHIP sensor applications, as defined in rlChanCfg_t.\n
                It is recommended only for staggering the transmission of multiple mmwave \n
                sensors around the car for interference avoidance, if needed.\n
                1 lsb = 5 ns \n
                Typical range is 0 to few tens of micro seconds. \n
    rlUInt32_t frameTriggerDelay;






  1. 《mmWave SDK Module Documentation》
  2. Programming Chirp Parameters in TI Radar Devices(TI雷达设备中的Chirp参数编程)

