MATLAB 求方程的根


学习笔记:郭彥甫 (Yan-Fu Kuo), 台大生機系 ,MATLAB教學 - 11方程式求根

Problem Statement

  • Suppose you have a mathematical function f ( x ) and you want to find x 0 such that f ( x o ) = 0 , e.g.

    f ( x ) = x 2 2 x 8 = 0

  • Solution1:Analytical Solution

  • Solution2:Graphical Illustration

  • Solution3:Numerical Solution

Symbolic Root Finding Approach

  • Performing mathematics on symbols, NOT numbers

  • The symbols math are performed using “symbolic variables”

  • Use sym or symsto create symbolic variables(符号变量).

    syms x
    % or x = sym('x');
    x + x + x
    (x + x + x)/4
  • Define : y = x 2 2 x 8 (y is a symbolic variable)

Symbolic Root Finding:solve()

  • Function solvefinds roots for equations(方程)

    y = x s i n ( x ) x = 0

    syms x
    y = x*sin(x)-x;
  • Find the roots for:

    c o s ( x ) 2 s i n ( x ) 2 = 0 and c o s ( x ) 2 + s i n ( x ) 2 = 0

Solving Multiple Equations

  • Solve this equation using symbolic approach:

    { x 2 y = 5 x + y = 6

syms x y
eq1 = x-2*y-5;
eq2 = x+y-6;
A = solve(eq1,eq2,x,y)

Solving Equations Expressed in Symbols

  • What if we are given a function expressed in symbols?

    a x 2 b = 0

    syms x a b
  • x is always the first choice to be solved

  • What if one wants to express b in tems of a and x ?

    syms x a b


  • Solve this equation for x using symbolic approach

    ( x 1 ) 2 + ( y b ) 2 = r 2

    syms x y a b r
    solve((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2 - r^2)
  • Find the matrix inverse using symbolic approach

[ a b c d ]

syms a b c d
A = [a b; c d];
B = inv(A)

Symbolic Differentiation : diff()

  • Caculate the derivative of a symbolic function:

    y = 4 x 5

    syms x
    y = 4*x^5;
    yprime = diff(y)
  • Exercise:

f ( x ) = e x 2 x 3 x + 3 , d f d x = ?

syms x
f = exp(x^2)/(x^3-x+3);
fprime = diff(f)

f ( x ) = x 2 + x y 1 y 3 + x + 3 , f x = ?

syms x y
f = (x^2+x*y-1)/(y^3+x+3);
fprime = diff(f)

Symbolic Integration : int()

  • Calculate the integral of a symbolic function:

    z = y d x = x 2 e x d x , z ( 0 ) = 0

    syms x;
    y = x^2*exp(x);
    z = int(y);
    z = z-subs(z,x,0)


0 10 x 2 x + 1 x + 3 d x

syms x;
y = (x^2-x+1)/(x+3);
z = int(y,0,10)

Symbolic vs Numeric

Review of Function Handles(@)

  • A handle is a pointer to a function

  • Can be used to pass functions to other functions

  • For example, the input of the following function is another function:

    function [y] = xy_plot(input,x)  % input is a function variable
    % xy_plot receives the handle of a function and plots that
    % function of x
    y = input(x);
    • When we need to use the function xy_plot ,use xy_plot(@sin,0:0.01:2*pi);


  • A numeric root solver

  • For example, solve this equation:

    f ( x ) = 1.2 x + 0.3 + x s i n ( x )

    f2 = @(x) (1.2*x+0.3+x*sin(x));  % inline function
    fsolve(f2,0)  % f2 is a function handle ; 0 is a initial guess


  • Find the root for this equation:

f ( x , y ) = { 2 x y e x x + 2 y e y

  • using initial value(x,y) = (-5,5)


  • Another numeric root solver

  • Find the zero if and only if the function crosses the x-axis

    f = @(x) x.^2
    fzero(f,0.1)  % 0.1 is a initial guess
  • Options:

    f = @(x) x.^2
    options = optimset('MaxIter',le3,'TolFun',1e-10);  % 1e3 is 'Number of iterations'; 1e-10 is Tolerance(误差)

Finding Roots of Polynomials : roots()

  • Find the roots of this polynomial:

    f ( x ) = x 5 3.5 x 4 + 2.75 x 3 + 2.125 x 2 3.875 x + 1.25

    roots([1 -3.5 2.75 2.125 -3.875 1.25])
  • roots only works for polynomials

How Do These Solvers Find the Roots?

  • Now we are going to introduce more details of some numeric methods

Numeric Root Finding Methods

  • Two major types:
    • Bracketing methods(3.g.,bisection method)
    • Start with an interval that contains the root
    • Open methods(3.g.,Newton-Raphson method)
    • Start with one or more initial guess points
  • Roots are found iteratively until some criteria are satisfied:

    • Accuracy
    • Number of iteration
  • Bisection vs Newton

