Entitas Learning Document

Entitas Learning Document

You can find Entitas project in there
Entitas for Unity Github

  • There are a short, simple introduction for new in Entitas
    Follow the steps to get an quick look at Entitas.
    But more details need to refer to the official documentation.

  • Reading order
    I highly recommend to learning Entitas by following the brief introduction first, then watching the video, and then running the official case.

Brief Introduction

  • The structure of Entitas
    Entitas uses Interface to pre-define the its class struction.
    Like: IComponent, IExecuteSystem

  • Entity
    Contain components.
    An entity is a container holding data to represent certain objects in your application.

  • Component
    Only save data. No logic.

  • System
    Get the required entities through the Matcher and process them.
    There are five different types of systems depending on how they are used (eg initialization and per-frame execution are different).

  • Context
    The Context is the factory where you create and destroy entities.
    Used to be called Pool.

  • Group
    Cache entity, up-to-date for quick match specical enetities.
    Groups are always up-to-date and contain all entities matching the specified matcher.

  • Matcher
    Get groups of entities from the context of interest

Quick start video

High recommand.
(Entitas ECS Unity Tutorial)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-18XRTarOM]

Play Demo

For a better understanding of Entitas. Only understand this one is enough.
(Match One)[https://github.com/sschmid/Match-One]
Match One is a very great example for Entitas, you should read its code and consider how Entitas execute.

Read Offcial Document

You should read this for more detail.
Entitas Wiki

Attribute and System section should be read carefully.

