
SG 2 Measure Product Quality Early in the Lifecycle by Means of Peer Reviews 在生命周期早期测量产品质量,通过同行评审

Early in the lifecycle, product quality is measured against set criteria by means of peer reviews.


SP 2.1 Define peer review measurement guidelines 定义同行评审测量指南

Guidelines to support the peer reviews as a measurement practice are defined and documented. Example work products 1. Rules and review checklists 2. Sampling guidelines 3. Perspective-based reading procedures Sub-practices 1. Define and document rules and review checklists The rules provide a set of generic requirements regarding the content and format of a document type. The rule set provides a basis for defining peer review criteria and objectively measuring document quality. Review checklists are a specialized set of questions designed to help reviewers find more defects, and, in particular, more significant defects by checking against the defined rule set. Checklist questions interpret specific rules and preferably are defined per review role. [Gilb and Graham] 2. Define and document sampling guidelines To measure the quality of a work product, it is neither necessary nor efficient to review every page of a document. Sampling is a proven method for being able to accurately measure product quality. With sampling, only a limited number of pages of the document are reviewed. Defects, objectively defined as a violation to a rule, are used to provide a quality measure such as the number of defects per page. If a valid sample is chosen, the quality measure of the sample can be used as a quality measure for the whole document. Examples of issues to be addressed in sampling guidelines include the following:  Sample size  Sample representativeness  Actions based on sampling review results such as distribution of defects found  Checking rate (number of pages reviewed per hour) 3. Define and document perspective based reading procedures The use of a defined, systematic process for individual defect detection (known as a reading technique) allows reviewers to focus better on the important aspects of the document being reviewed. More importantly, by making the review process explicit, reading techniques allow the reviews to be adapted over time, to better meet the needs of the organization. For example, if a particular type of defect is consistently missed by the reviews, then a procedure for how to identify that type of defect should be developed and applied by at least one of the reviewers in the future. Using reading techniques also leads to being less people-dependent and provides more reproducible review results and product quality measurements. [Veenendaal] 4. Review the peer review measurement guidelines (rules, review checklists, sampling guidelines and perspective-based reading procedures) with relevant stakeholders 5. Optimize the peer review measurement guidelines based on practical experiences


例子工作产品:1. 规则和重审检查点。 2. 抽样指南,3透视阅读过程

子实践:1. 定义和文档化规则和重审的检查列表,规则提供了定义同行评审标准的基础和客观地测量文档质量。重审检查列表是专门的设计出来帮助重审者找缺陷的问题集合。检查列表问题解释了规则并且完美的被定义基于重审规则。2. 定义和文档化抽样指南来测量工作产品的质量,重审每一页文档既不是必须的也不是高效的。抽样是一个证明的方法来正确测量产品质量。根据抽样方法,有限的文档页会被重审,缺陷,作为违反规则的客观定义,被用来提供质量测量。比如每页缺陷的数量。如果一个合理的抽样被选择,抽样的质量测量能够被使用作为整个文档质量测量。 例子:抽样规模,抽样代表,根据抽样重审结果采取的行动,检查比例。3. 定义和文档化透视阅读过程。4. 重审同行评审测量指南,5优化同行评审指南,基于实践经验。

SP 2.2 Define peer review criteria based on product quality goals


Peer review criteria, especially quantitative exit criteria, are defined based on the project’s (interim) product quality goals. Example work products 1. Quantitative project-specific exit criteria Sub-practices 1. Review the project’s (interim) product quality goals The project’s product quality needs and goals are reviewed to establish a detailed understanding of the identified project’s product quality goals and their priority. Refer to SG 1 Establish Measurable and Prioritized Project Goals for Product Quality, from the process area Product Quality Evaluation for more details on product quality goals. 2. Define quantitative exit criteria for peer reviews based on the project’s (interim) product quality goals Refer to SP 1.2 Define peer review criteria from the process area Peer Reviews for more details on exit criteria for peer reviews. 3. Review and agree the quantitative exit criteria with the stakeholders 4. Tailor the organizational peer review measurement guidelines based on the project’s product quality goals and defined peer review exit criteria Organizational peer review measurement guidelines should only be used in a specific project if the guidelines are relevant for the project. The goals and requirements of the project determine the applicability of the guidelines. For example, rules and checklists concerning maintainability and documentation can be irrelevant for some type of projects, such as interim products, data conversions or migrations.


例子工作产品:1. 定量的项目指定出口标准

子实践:1. 重审项目产品质量目标。项目产品质量需求和目标被重审来建立一个详细的理解,关于明确的项目产品质量目标和他们的优先级。参考SG1. 为产品质量建立可测量和优先级的项目目标。通过过程域产品质量评估来获得更多关于产品质量目标的详情。 2.为同行评审定义定量出口标准,基于项目的产品质量目标。3.重审和同意定量出口标准。4基于项目的产品质量目标和定义的同行重审出口标准,裁剪组织的同行评审测量指南。 组织的同行评审测量指南应该被使用在特定的项目,如果这个指南管理这个项目。项目的目标和需求决定了指南的适用性。

SP 2.3 Measure work product quality using peer reviews


The quality of the work products is measured early in the lifecycle using peer reviews. Example work products 1. Peer review logging forms (defects found) 2. Peer review action list 3. Peer review data 4. Peer review reports Sub-practices 1. Perform peer reviews on selected work products using measurement guidelines Refer to SG 2 Perform Peer Reviews from the process area Peer Reviews for more details on performing peer reviews.2. Analyze peer review data and results 3. Compare peer review results against defined exit criteria 4. Identify action items and communicate issues and results to the relevant stakeholders 5. Record peer review data


例子工作产品:同行评审日志表。同行评审行为列表。 同行评审数据,同行评审报告

子实践:1,为选择的工作差评执行同行评审,使用测量指南。 2分析同行评审数据和结果。 3.比较同行评审结果与定义的出口标准。 4. 与相关利益人明确行为项和沟通问题以及结果。 5.记录同行评审数据。

