
3.3 Generic Goals and Generic Practices


This section describes all of the generic goals and generic practices. The generic goals and generic practices are largely derived from the CMMI. The generic goals are organized in numeric order. The generic practices are also organized in numerical order under the generic goal they support. Note that the generic goal from the CMMI, GG1 ‘Achieve Specific Goals’ is not taken into account since this only relates to the continuous representation of the CMMI and therefore has no relevance to the staged representation of the TMMi. Otherwise the numbering scheme of the CMMI is fully adopted to avoid confusion for organizations using both CMMI and TMMi.

这部分描述了通用目标和通用实践。通用目标和通用实践大部分继承与CMMI。通用目标是按照顺序组织的。通用实践是按照它所支持的通用目标组织的。通用目标来自于CMMI。GG1 '达到具体目标' 是不包含在内的,因为它只是关联到CMMI而和TMMI无关。另外CMMI的序号结构是为了避免和CMMI混淆。

The maturity level you are targeting will determine which generic goals and practices are applicable. When trying to reach maturity level 2 the process areas at maturity level 2 as well as generic goal 2 and the accompanying generic practices are applicable. Generic goal 3 is only applicable when trying to reach maturity level 3 or higher. This means that when you have already achieved a maturity level 2 rating, to achieve a maturity level 3 rating you must return to maturity level 2 process areas and apply generic goal 3 and the accompanying practices to those process areas.Institutionalization is an important concept in process improvement. When mentioned in the generic goal and generic practice descriptions, institutionalization implies that the process is ingrained in the way the work is performed and there is commitment and consistency to performing the process. An institutionalized process is more likely to be retained during times of stress. When the requirements and objectives for the process change, however, the implementation of the process may also need to change to ensure that it remains active. The generic practices describe activities that address these aspects of institutionalization. The following is a list of all the generic goals and practices in the TMMi.
你想要达到的测试成熟度等级决定了哪个通用目标和实践是合理的。为了达到成熟等级2. 成熟等级2的过程域和通用目标2以及相应的通用实践需要应用。通用目标3适用于TMMI3或者更高等级。这意味着当你达到tmmi2水平, 为了达到tmmi3你必须回到TMMI2的过程域并且应用通用目标3和相应的实践。制度化是过程改进的一个重要概念。当提到通用目标和通用实践的时候,制度化意味承诺一致性来完成这个过程。制度化的过程通常被时间压力所阻止。当过程的需求和目标改变时候,执行这个过程也需要改变来保证它保存活跃。通用实践描述了执行这些概念和实践的行为。下面我们列出了一些TMMI通用目标和实践.

