【 笔记 】定位算法性能分析

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1 CRLB Computation

2 Mean and Variance Analysis


CRLB给出了使用相同数据的任何无偏估计可获得的方差的下界,因此它可以作为与定位算法的均方误差(MSE)进行比较的重要基准。 然而,有偏估计的MSE可能小于CRLB。

在第1节中提供了在存在高斯噪声的情况下使用TOA测量进行CRLB计算的过程。 在第2节中,我们给出了定位估计量的理论均值和MSE表达式,其推导基于成本函数的最小化或最大化。

1 CRLB Computation

生成CRLB的关键是构造相应的Fisher信息矩阵(FIM)。 FIM逆的对角元素是可实现的最小方差值。 考虑公式2.1的一般测量模型,使用以下步骤总结计算CRLB的标准程序:

或者,当测量误差为零 - 均值高斯分布时,I(x)也可以计算为[20]

where C denotes the covariance matrix for n . We now utilize Equation 2.154 to determine the FIMs for positioning with TOA  measure -ments based on Equations 2.8 and their associated noise covariance matrices, respectively. The FIM based on TOA measurements of Equation 2.5 , denoted by\bold{I_{TOA}(x)} , is


It is straightforward to show that

Employing Equations 2.156 and 2.11 , Equation 2.155 becomes


2 Mean and Variance Analysis

When the position estimator corresponds to minimizing or maximizing a continuous cost function, the mean and MSE expressions of \bold{\hat x}can be produced with the use of Taylor ’ s series expansion as follows [25] . Let  \bold{J(\tilde x)} be a general continuous function of \bold{\tilde x} and the estimate \bold{\hat x} is given by its minimum or maximum. This implies that

当位置估计器对应于最小化或最大化连续成本函数时,\bold{\hat x} 的均值和MSE表达式可以使用泰勒级数展开产生如下[25]。 设 \bold{J(\tilde x)} 是 \bold{\tilde x} 的一般连续函数,估计 \bold{\hat x} 由其最小值或最大值给出。 这意味着

At small estimation error conditions, such that \bold{\hat x} is located at a reasonable proximity of the ideal solution of x , using Taylor ’ s series to expand Equation 2.165 around up to the first - order terms, we have

在小的估计误差条件下,使得 \bold{\hat x} 位于x 的理想解的合理接近处,使用泰勒级数将公式2.165扩展到 x 到一阶项,我们有

where \bold{H(J(x))} and \bold{ \triangledown (J(x))} are the corresponding Hessian matrix and gradient vector evaluated at the true location. When the second- order derivatives inside the Hessian matrix are smooth enough around x , we have [29] :

其中\bold{H(J(x))}\bold{ \triangledown (J(x))}是在真实位置评估的相应Hessian矩阵和梯度向量。 当Hessian矩阵内的二阶导数在 周围足够平滑时,我们有[29]:

Employing Equation 2.167 and taking the expected value of Equation 2.166 yield the mean of \bold{\hat x}:

采用公式2.167并取公式2.166的预期值得出\bold{\hat x}平均值:

When \bold{\hat x} is an unbiased estimate of x , E\{\bold{\hat x}\} = \bold x  indicating that the last term in Equation 2.168 is a zero vector.


Utilizing Equations 2.166 and 2.167 again and the symmetric property of the Hessian matrix, we obtain the covariance for \bold{\hat x}  denoted by \bold{C_x}

that is, the variances of the estimates of x and y are given by [\bold{C_x}]_{1,1} and [\bold{C_x}]_{2,2} , respectively.



We first take the ML cost function for TOA-based positioning in Equation 2.59 , namely,  \bold{J}_{ML,TOA}(\bold{\tilde x}) , as an illustration. As E{r_{TOA,l}}= d_l , the expected value of \bold{H(J_{ML,TOA}(x))} can be easily determined with the use of Equations 2.61 – 2.64 as


On the other hand, the expected value of \triangledown (\bold{J_{ML,TOA}(x)}) is



均值和方差表达式也可以应用于线性方法,其对应于二次成本函数的最小化。 考虑公式2.119中的WLLS成本函数,相应的Hessian矩阵和梯度向量确定为


